



  • 中文名:於勝堯
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:岩石大地構造、岩石地球化學、變質地質學等
  • 任職院校:中國海洋大學
個人經歷,學習經歷,工作經歷,學術兼職,研究方向,學術成果,科研項目, 論文,榮譽獎項,







《Geological Journal》3部專輯客座編輯





(1)國家優秀青年科學基金項目,“地殼深熔與大陸流變學”(41922018, 2020-2022),項目負責人
(8)同位素地球化學國家重點實驗室開放基金,“碰撞造山過程中的多重深熔作用” (SKLabIG-KF-16-02, 2017-2018),項目負責人


[1] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Peng Yinbiao, Somerville Ian, Liu Yongjiang, Wang Zhengyi, Li Zhuofan, Yao Yong, Li Yan. 2019. Multistage anatexis during tectonic evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A review of the North Qaidam UHP Belt, NW China. Earth-Science Reviews. 191, 190-211.
[2] Shengyao Yu*, Jianxin Zhang, Sanzhong Li , M. Santosh, Yunshuai Li, Yongjiang Liu, Xiyao Li, Yinbiao Peng, Zhengyi Wang, Deyou Sun. 2019.TTG-Adakitic-Like (Tonalitic-Trondhjemitic) Magmas Resulting From Partial Melting of Metagabbro under High-Pressure Condition during Continental Collision in the North Qaidam UHP Terrane, Western China. Tectonics. 38(3), 791-822
[3] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou, Peng Yinbiao. 2019. Linking high pressure mafic granulite, TTG-like (tonalitic-trondhjemitic)leucosome and pluton, and crustal growth during continental collision. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 131(3-4), 572-586
[4] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Liu Yongjiang, Peng Yinbiao, Li Yunshuai. 2019. Grenvillian orogeny in the Oulongbuluke Block, NW China: Constraints from an ∼1.1Ga Andean-type arc magmatism and metamorphism. Precambrian Research. 320, 424-437.
[5] Peng Yinbiao, Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Liu Yongjiang, Li Yunshuai, Santosh. Early Neoproterozoic magmatic imprints in the Altun-Qilian-Kunlun region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Response to the assembly and breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Earth-Science Reviews199, 102954(corresponding author).
[6] Jing Yang, Zhao Xilin, Yu Shengyao*, Xing Guangfu, Yang Zhuliang. 2019. Geochemcial and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic study of Early Cretaceous A-type rhyolites in Hong Kong: Implications for Palaeo-Pacific Plate subduction. Geological Journal54(2), 862-878 (corresponding author).
[7] Peng Yinbiao, Yu Shegnyao*, Li Sanzhong, Liu Yongjiang, Dai Liming. 2019. Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous granites in the Tongka micro-block, central Tibet: Implications for the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang ocean. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. Doi.org/10.1016/jseaes.2019.10403. (corresponding author).
[8] Li Yunshuai, Xu Liangjia, Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Guo Jing. Partial melting of thickened lower crust in post‐collisional setting: Evidence from high silicon adakitic granites in the North Qilian orogeny. Geological Journal. DOI:10.1002/gj.3645(corresponding author).
[9]於勝堯,張建新,李三忠,彭銀彪,李雲帥,呂沛,姚勇,李卓凡. 2019. 柴北緣超高壓地體折返過程中地殼深熔的岩石學研究. 岩石學報35(10), 3130-3140. SCI
[10] Zhang Jianxin, Mattinson Chris, Yu Shengyao, Li Yunshuai, Yu Xingxing, Mao Xiaohong, Lu Zenglong, Peng Yinbiao. Two contrasting accretion v. collision orogenies: insights from Early Paleozoic polyphase metamorphism in the Altun–Qilian–North Qaidam orogenic system, NW China. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 2019, 474(1): 153-181.
[11] Zhou Guisheng, Zhang Jianxin, Yu Shengyao, et al. Metamorphic evolution of eclogites and associated metapelites from the Yuka terrane in the North Qaidam ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, NW China: Constraints from phase equilibrium modeling[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 173: 161-175.
[12] Liu Yiming, Li Sanming, Santosh M, Cao Huahua, Yu Shengyao, Wang Yuhua, Zhou Jie, Zhou Zaizheng. The generation and reworking of continental crust during early Paleozoic in Gondwanan affinity terranes from the Tibet Plateau[J]. Earth-science reviews, 2019. v. 190, p. 486-497.
[13] Guo Runhua, Li Sanzhong, Yu Shengyao, et al. Collisional processes between the Qiangtang Block and the Lhasa Block: Insights from structural analysis of the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, central Tibet[J]. Geological Journal, 2019(1594). v. 54, p. 946-960.
[14] Yiming Liu,Sanzhong Li,M.Santosh,Huahua Cao,ShengyaoYu,YuhuaWang, Runhua Guo,Linshan Xu,Jie Zhou, Zaizheng Zhou. The passive margin of northern Gondwana during Early Paleozoic: Evidence from the central Tibet Plateau[J]. Gondwana Research, 2019.
[15] Yunshuai Li, Jianxin Zhang, Yanguang Li, Khan M.G. Mostofa, Shengyao Yu, Jing Guo, Juan Dong, Yinbiao Peng, Mengqi Jin, Guisheng Zhou. Petrogenesis of mafic granulite in South Altyn Tagh, NW China: Constraints from petrology, zircon U–Pb chronology, and geochemistry[J]. Geological Journal, 2019.
[16] Jie Zhou, Sanzhong Li, Genhou Wang, M. Santosh, Li Zhang, Shengyao Yu, Yanhui Suo, Yiming Liu, Xiyao Li. Eocene porphyry copper deposits in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China: Uplift, denudation, and implications for mineral exploration[J].Geological Journal, 2019, 54(2): 991-1012.
[17] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Xiyao Li, Jie Zhou, M.Santosh, Pengcheng Wang, Guangzeng Wang, Lingli Guo, ShengyaoYu, Haoyuan Lan, Liming Dai, Zaizhen Zhou, Xianzhi Cao, Junjiang Zhu, Bo Liu, Suhua Jiang, Gang Wang, Guowei Zhang. Mesozoic tectono-magmatic response in the East Asian ocean-continent connection zone to subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate[J]. Earth-science reviews, 2019. v. 192, p. 91-137.
[18] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong, Sun Deyou. 2018. Continuity of the North Qilian and North Altun orogenic belts of NW China: evidence from newly discovered Paleozoic low-Mg and high-Mg adaktic rocks. Geological Magazine. 155(8), 1684-1704
[19] Cai Zhihui, Xu Zhiqin, Yu Shengyao*, He Bizhu. 2018. Neoarchean magmatism and implilcations for crustal growth and evolution of the Kuluketage region, northeastern Tarim Craton. Precambrian Research304, 156-170 (Corresponding author)
[20] Li Yunshuai, Zhang Jianxin*, Mostofa, Khan M.G., Wang Yuebo, Yu Shengyao*, Cai Zhihui, Li Pengfei. 2018. Petrogenesis of carbonatites in the Luliangshan region, North Qaidam, north Tibet, China: Evidence for recycling of sedimentary carbonate and mantle metasomatism within a subduction zone. Lithos322, 148-165 (Corresponding author).
[21] Zhao Xilin, Jiang Yang, Yu Shengyao*, Xing Guangfu. 2018. Geochemical, zircon U–Pb–Hf, and whole-rock Sr–Nd isotopic study of Late Jurassic Sanming A-type granite in the Wuyi area, Fujian province, Southeast China. Geological Journal. 53, 2204-2218 (corresponding author).
[22] Zhao Xilin, Yu Shengyao*, Jiangyang, Mao Jianren, Yu Minggang. 2018. Petrogenesis of two stages Cretaceous granites in southwest Fujian Province: implications for the tectonic transition of southeast China. Geological Journal. Doi:10.1002/gj.3171 (corresponding author)
[23] Li Xi Yao, Li San Zhong,Yu Sheng Yao, Santosh M, Zhao Shu Juan, Guo Xiao Yu, Cao Hua Hua, Wang Yong Ming, Huang Zeng Bao. Early Paleozoic arc–back-arc system in the southeastern margin of the North Qilian Orogen, China: Constraints from geochronology, and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry of volcanic suites. Gondwana Research. 2018. 59, 9–26.
[24] Liu, Xiaoguang, Li Sanzhong, Li Xiyao, Zhao Shujuan, Wang Tongshan, Yu Shengyao, Dai Liming, Zhou Zaizheng, Guo Runhua. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance of the Sanxiatian Formation (Huade Group) in the North China Craton: Implications for the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 2018, 310.
[25] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Xiyao Li, Bo Liu, Liming Dai, Guangzeng Wang, Jie Zhou, Yang Li, Yiming Liu, Xianzhi Cao, I. Somervillec, Dunling Mu, Shujuan Zhaoa, Jinping Liu, Fan Meng, Libing Zhen, Lintao Zhao, Junjiang Zhu, Shengyao Yu, Yongjiang Liu, Guowei Zhang. Microplate tectonics: new insights from micro-blocks in the global oceans, continental margins and deep mantle. Earth Science Reviews. 2018. 185:1029-1064.
[26] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Shengyao Yu, Rongxi Li, Gaoxue Yang, I.D. Somerville. Central China Orogen along the Silk Road (Part 2): Mineral deposits, hydrocarbons, geohazards, and environments.Geological Journal. 2018. 53(S1): 4-7.
[27] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Rongxi Li, Shengyao Yu, Gaoxue Yang, I.D. Somerville Ian. Tianshan Orogen along the Silk Road (Volume 3): Orogen links, geochemistry, geochronology, mineral deposits, and environments. Geological Journal. 2018. 53(S2): 3-7
[28] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Xiyao Li, Yongming Wang, Xianzhi Cao, Pengcheng Wang, Lingli Guo,Shengyao Yu, Haoyuan Lan, Shaojun Li, Shujuan Zhao, Zaizheng Zhou, Zhen Zhang, Guowei Zhang. Mesozoic plate subduction in West Pacific and tectono-magmatic response in the East Asian ocean-continent connection zone[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2018.
[29] Zhao Xilin, Jiang Yang, Xing Guangfu, Yu Shengyaoet al. Chencai Early Paleozoic Subduction-Accretionary and Their Restrictions on Collage Between Cathaysia and Yangtze Block[J]. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 2018, 48(4):1135-1153.
[30] Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Liu Xin, Cao Huahua, Yu Shan, Li Xiyao, Somerville Ian, Yu Shengyao, Suo Yanhu. Closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean and Early Paleozoic amalgamation of microcontinental blocks in East Asia[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2018, 186: 37-75.
[31] Dmitrienko L V, Pengcheng Wang, Sanzhong Li, Xianzhi Cao, Ian Somerville,ZaizhengZhou, Mengying Hu, Yanhui Suo, Lingli Guo, Yongming Wang, Xiyao Li, Xin Liu, Shengyao Yu, Junjiang Zhu. Meso-Cenozoic Evolution of Earth Surface System under the East Asian Tectonic Superconvergence[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 2018, 92(2):394-429.
[32] Zhou Jie, Li Sanzhong, Wang Genhou, M, Santosh, Zhang Li, Yu Shengyao, Liu Yiming, Li Xiyao. Petrogenesis of Eocene mineralized porphyry in Bijiashan, eastern margin of Tibet plateau: Constraints from geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes. Lithos doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.06.012
[33] Mu Dunling, Li Sanzhong, Wang Qian, Ian Somerville, Wang Yuhua, Zhao, Shujuan, Li Xiyao, Yu Shengyao, Suo Yanhui. Early Paleozoic Orocline in the Central China Orogen. Gondwana Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2018.04.019
[34] Zhao Xilin, Jiang Yang, Xing Guangfu, Yu Shengyaoet al. Newly discovered Late Cretaceous adakites in South Fujian Province: Implications for the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Southeast China[J]. Island Arc, 2018:e12236.
[35] Zhao Xilin , Jiang Yang, Xing Guangfu, Liu Kai, Yu Minggang, Yu Shengyao. A geochemical and geochronological study of the Early Cretaceous, extension-related Honggong ferroan (A-type) granite in southwestern Zhejiang Province, southeast China[J]. Geological Magazine, 2018, 155(3): 549-567.
[36] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin,Li Sanzhong. 2017. Late Paleoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis in the Oulongbuluke block: NW China: Response to the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research291, 42-62.
[37]Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou. 2017. Adakitic Rocks Resulting from Partial melting of Metabasite at High-Pressure Granulite-Facies Condition during Continental Collision. Acta Geologica Sinica, 91 (3): 1157-1158
[38] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong, Peng Yinbiao. 2017. Anatexis, Deformation and Exhumation Mechanism for UHP Metamorphic Rocks: A Case Study in the North Qaidam and South Altyn UHP terrane, Western China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 91 (1): 361-362
[39] Zhao Xilin, Yu Shengyao*, Mao Jianren, Yu Minggang, Jiangyang, Chen Zhihong. 2017. Compression between microcontinents in the Cathaysian Block during the early Yanshanian: petrogenesis of the Tangquan pluton in Southwest Fujian Province, Southeast China. Geological Journal. 52: 970-991 (corresponding author)
[40] Peng Yinbiao, Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong , Tong Laixi, Sun Deyou. 2017. Early Paleozoic arc magmatism and metamorphism in the northern Qilian Block, western China: petrological and geochronological constraints. Geological Journal. 52, 339-364 (corresponding author)
[41] Guo Jing, Luo Zhaohua*, Yu Shengyao*, Santosh M, Li Yunshuai. 2017. Dike distribution density: Method for quantitative mine targets prediction in the South Alatao Mountains area, NW China. Geological Journal. 53, 1295-1307 (corresponding author).
[42] 彭銀彪,於勝堯*,張建新,李三忠,孫德有,仝來喜. 2017. 北祁連地區早古生代弧岩漿作用及變質作用事件:以門源-柯柯里為例. 岩石學報33(12), 3925-3941 (SCI) (corresponding author)
[43] Zhang JianXin, Yu ShengYao, Mattinson C G. Early Paleozoic polyphase metamorphism in northern Tibet, China. Gondwana Research, 2017. 41,267-289
[44] Mao Xiaohong, Zhang Jianxin, Yu Shengyao, Li Yunshuai, Yu Xingxing, Lu Zenglong. 2017. Early Paleozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and antexis in the northern West Qinling orogen: Monazite and zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints. SCIENCE CHINA (Earth Sciences), 60 (5): 943-957
[45] Li Xiyao, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Somerville ID, Guo Xiaoyu, Yu Shengyao, Huang Zengbao, Cao Huahua, Huang Xingfu. Geochronology and geochemistry of early-middle Silurian intrusive rocks in the Lanzhou–Baiyin regions, eastern part of Qilian Block, NW China: Source and tectonic implications. Geological Journal. 2017. 52 (S1), 286–297.
[46] Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo, Shengyao Yu, Rongxi Li, Gaoxue Yang, I.D. Somerville. Central China Orogen along the Silk Road (Part I): Tectono‐thermal evolution and its links. Geological Journal. 2017. 52(S1): 3-7.
[47] 周桂生,張建新,李雲帥,於勝堯柴北緣HP-UHP變質帶多期構造熱事件的再厘定:魚卡地區高壓變泥質岩鋯石和獨居石U-Pb定年. 岩石學報, 2017.33(12): 3801-3814
[48] 李三忠,李濤,趙淑娟,李璽瑤,劉鑫,郭玲莉,於勝堯,李少俊. 2017. 東亞原特提斯洋(Ⅴ):北界西段陸緣屬性及微陸塊拼合. 岩石學報, 33(6): 1633-1652
[49] 李三忠,李濤,趙淑娟,李璽瑤,劉鑫,郭玲莉,於勝堯,李少俊. 2017. 東亞原特提斯洋(Ⅳ):北界西段早古生代構造變形. 岩石學報, 33(6): 1615-1632
[50] 於勝堯*,張建新,李三忠,孫德有,李雲帥,彭銀彪. 2016. 大陸碰撞過程中的巴羅式變質作用及原地深熔作用:以南阿爾金為例. 岩石學報,32(12): 3703-3714.
[51]李三忠,趙淑娟,李璽瑤,曹花花,劉鑫,郭曉玉,肖文交,賴紹聰,閆臻,李宗會,於勝堯,蘭浩圓. 2016. 東亞原特提斯洋(I): 南北邊界和俯衝極性. 岩石學報,32(9):2607-2627.
[52] 李三忠,趙淑娟,余珊,曹花花,李璽瑤,劉鑫,郭曉玉,肖文交,賴紹聰,閆臻,李宗會,於勝堯,張建,蘭浩圓. 2016. 東亞原特提斯洋(II): 南北邊界和俯衝極性. 岩石學報,32(9):2628-2644
[53] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou, Li Yunshuai, Gong Jianghua. 2015. Anatexis of UHP eclogite during exhumation in the North Qaidam UHP terrane: Constraints from petrology, zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry. Geological Society of American Bulletin127, 1290-1312.
[54] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin*, Sun Deyou, Pablo García del Real, Li Yunshuai, Zhao Xilin, Hou Kejun.2015. Petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotope of granitic leucosomes within felsic gneiss from the North Qaidam UHP terrane: constraints on the timing and nature of partial melting. Lithos218-219, 1-21.
[55] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Qin Haipeng, Sun Deyou, Zhao Xilin. 2015. Petrogenesis of the early Paleozoic low-Mg and high-Mg adakitic rocks in the North Qilian orogenic belt, NW China: Implications for transition from crustal thickending to extension thinning. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences107, 122-139.
[56] Xilin Zhao, Kai Liu, Minggang Yu, Yang Jiang, Jianren Mao, Xiaohua Zhou, Shengyao Yu*. 2015. Early Cretaceous I-type granites in southwest Fujian Province: new constraints on the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of southeast China.Island Arc. 24(3): 359–378 (corresponding author)
[57] Li YunSuai, Zhang JianXin, Yu ShengYao, et al. Origin of Early Paleozoic garnet peridotite and associated garnet pyroxenite in the south Altyn Tagh, NW China: Constraints from geochemistry, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating and Hf isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 100: 60-77.
[58] Gong JiangHua, Zhang JianXin, Wang ZhongQi, Yu ShengYao, Li Huai Kun et al. Origin of the Alxa Block, western China: New evidence from zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of the Longshoushan Complex. Gondwana Research, 2015, 36:359-375.
[59] 張建新,於勝堯,李雲帥,喻星星. 原特提斯洋底俯衝、增生及閉合:阿爾金-祁連-柴北緣造山帶系早古生代增生/碰撞造山作用. 岩石學報,2015, 31(12): 3531-3554.
[60] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Mattinson CG. 2014. Paleozoic HP granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis in Dulan area of the North Qaidam UHP terrane, western China: evidence from petrology, U-Pb and Ar-Ar geochronology. Lithos, 198, 58-76.
[61] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Zhao Xilin. 2014. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the late Paleoproterozoic A-type granite from the Dunhuang block: implications for the break-up of Columbia supercontinent.Geological Magazine, 151, 629-648.
[62] 於勝堯*,張建新,孫德有,宮江華,李雲帥. 2014. 柴北緣大陸深俯衝版片折返過程中的深熔作用研究. 岩石學報,30(8):2287-2296.
[63] Zhang JianXin, Mattinson C G, Yu ShengYao, & Li YunShuai. Combined rutile–zircon thermometry and U–Pb geochronology: New constraints on Early Paleozoic HP/UHT granulite in the south Altyn Tagh, north Tibet, China.Lithos,2014, 200(1): 241-257.
[64] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin, Li Huaikun, Hou Kejun, Mattinson C G, Gong Jianghua. 2013. Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopic composition of eclogites and their host gneisses in the Dulan area, North Qaidam UHP terrane: New evidence for deep continental subduction. Gondwana Research. 23(3): 901-919.
[65] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin*, Pablo García del Real, Xilin Zhao, Kejun Hou, Jianghua Gong. 2013. The Grenvillian orogeny in the Altun-Qilian-North Qaidam mountain belts of northern Tibet Plateau: constraints from geochemical and zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic study of magmatic rocks. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 73, 372-395.
[66] 於勝堯*,張建新,宮江華,李雲帥. 2013. 高壓麻粒岩相變質作用及深熔作用:以柴北緣都蘭地區為例. 岩石學報. 29(6), 2061-2072.
[67] Zhang JianXin, Yu ShengYao, Gong Jianghua, et al. The latest Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Dunhuang block, eastern Tarim craton, northwestern China: Evidence from zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic analyses. Precambrian Research, 2013, 226: 21-42.
[68] Zhang JianXin, Gong JiangHua, Yu Shengyao, et al. Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic multiple tectonothermal events in the western Alxa block, North China Craton and their geological implication: Evidence from zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition. Precambrian Research, 2013, 235:36-57.
[69] 李雲帥, 張建新, 李勝榮, 於勝堯, 宮江華, 林宜慧. 2013. 南阿爾金巴什瓦克石榴橄欖岩的變質演化. 岩石學報, 29(6): 2073-2092.
[70] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin, Pablo García Del Real. 2012. Geochemistry and zircon U–Pb ages of adakitic rocks from the Dulan area of the North Qaidam UHP terrane, north Tibet: Constraints on the timing and nature of regional tectonothermal events. Gondwana Research, 21(1): 167-179.
[71] Gong J H, Zhang J X, Yu S Y. 2012. Ca. 2.5 Ga TTG rocks in the western Alxa Block and their implications. Chinese Science Bulletin. 57(31): 4064-4076.
[72] Zhang JianXin, Li JinPing, Yu ShengYao, Meng Fancong et al. 2012. Provenance of eclogitic metasediments in the north Qilian HP/LT metamorphic terrane, western China: Geodynamic implications for early Paleozoic subduction-erosion. Tectonophysics,570–571(11): 78-101.
[73] Zhang JianXin, Gong JiangHhua, Yu Shengyao. 2012. c. 1.85 Ga HP granulitefacies metamorphism in the Dunhuang block of the Tarim Craton, NW China: Evidence from U-Pb zircon dating of mafic granulites. Journal of the Geological Society, London. 169(5): 511-514.
[74] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin* and Pablo García Del Real. 2011.Petrology and P-T path of high-pressure granulite from the Dulan area, North Qaidam Mountains, northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42: 641-660.
[75] 於勝堯, 張建新*, 侯可軍. 2011. 柴北緣都蘭UHP 地體中兩期不同性質的岩漿活動: 對碰撞造山作用的啟示. 岩石學報, 27 (11): 3335-3349.
[76] 張建新, 於勝堯, 孟繁聰. 2011. 北秦嶺造山帶的早古生代多期變質作用. 岩石學報, 27(4): 1179-1190.
[77] 孟繁聰, 張建新, 相振群, 於勝堯, 李金平. 2011. 塔里木盆地東北緣敦煌群的形成和演化:鋯石U-Pb年代學和Lu-Hf同位素證據. 岩石學報, 27(1): 59-76.
[78] 張建新,李懷坤, 孟繁聰,相振群,於勝堯,李金平. 塔里木盆地東南緣(阿爾金山)變質基底記錄的多期構造熱事件. 岩石學報,2011,27(1): 23-46
[79] 於勝堯, 張建新*. 2010. 柴北緣都蘭地區片麻岩的起源及形成時代: 鋯石U-Pb 年代學、REE 和Hf 同位素的證據. 岩石學報, 26(7): 2083-2098.
[80] Zhang JianXin, Mattinson C G, Yu ShengYao, Li JinPing et al. 2010. U–Pb zircon geochronology of coesite-bearing eclogites from the southern Dulan area of the North Qaidam UHP terrane, northwestern China: spatially and temporally extensive UHP metamorphism during continental subduction. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28(9): 955-978.
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