方巧君於2005年在美國約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院獲得生物化學博士。 2005年至2009年在約翰霍普金斯大學和 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 做博士後。2009年被Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center聘為正式科研人員, 主要從事蛋白結構信息學及基於蛋白組學的系統生物學研究。 2013年加入國家納米科學中心,入選中科院“百人計畫”研究員。 研究工作包括:1)結合蛋白組學、基因組學的系統生物學方法分析納米材料的生物效應及在分子水平上的毒性和毒理;2)尋找蛋白分子標誌物及其在納米醫學領域裡的臨床套用。
- 中文名:方巧君
- 主要成就:2013年加入國家納米科學中心,入選中科院“百人計畫”研究員
- 性別:女
- 通訊地址:北京市海淀區中關村北一條11號
姓 名: 方巧君
性 別: 女
職 務: 無
職 稱: 研究員
通訊地址: 北京市海淀區中關村北一條11號
1. Drescher CW, Green A, Fang QJ, Schummer M, O’Briant K, Bergan L, Martin DB, Knudsen B, Urban N, McIntosh MW. N-glycoprotein cell surface capture proteomics identifies FOLR-1 as a promising target for molecular imaging of ovarian cancer. Clinical Cancer Research (submitted).
2. Kani K, Faca VM, Hughes L, Zhang W, Fang QJ, Shahbaba B, Katz JE, Luethy R, Erde J, Schmidt J, Pitteri SJ, Zhang Q, Gross M, Tibshirani R, Plevrits SK, McIntosh MW. Jain A, Hanash S, Agus DB, Mallick P. Quantitative Proteomic profiling identifies protein correlates to EGFR kinase inhibition. Mol Cancer Ther
3. Fang QJ, Kani K, Faca VM, Zhang WX, Zhang Q, Jain A, Hanash S, Agus DB, McIntosh MW and Mallick P. (submitted). Impact of protein stability, cellular localization and abundance on proteomic detection of tumor-derived proteins in plasma. PLoS One
4. May DH, Law W , Fitzgibbon MP, Fang QJ and McIntosh MW (2009). Software Platform for Rapidly Creating Computational Tools for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. J. Proteome Res., Vol
5. Fang QJ, Strand A, Law W, Faca VM, Fitzgibbon MP, Hamel N, Houle B, Liu X, May DH, Poschmann G, Roy L, Stuhler K, Ying W, Zhang J, Zheng Z, Bergeron JJ, Hanash S, He F, Leavitt BR, Meyer HE, Qian X, McIntosh MW (2009). Brain-specific proteins decline in the cerebrospinal fluid of humans with Huntington's Disease. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Vol
6. Fang QJ and Shortle D (2006) Protein refolding in silico with atom-based statistical potentials and conformational search using a simple genetic algorithm. Journal of Molecular Biology Vol
7. Fang QJ and Shortle D (2005) Enhanced sampling near the native conformation using statistical potentials for local side-chain and backbone interactions Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics Vol
8. Fang QJ and Shortle D (2005) A consistent set of statistical potentials for quantifying local side-chain and backbone interactions Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics Vol
9. Fang QJ and Shortle D (2003) Prediction of protein structure by emphasizing local-sidechain/backbone interactions in ensembles of turn fragments Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics Vol .