



  • 書名:新體驗大學英語閱讀教程1
  • 作者:鄒遠鵬、晏生宏、梅玉華、王繁宇、李小輝
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568916530




Unit 1
Part 1 Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea (1)
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 2
Part 1 Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea (2)
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 'Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 3
Part 1 Reading Skill: Scanning for Specific Information
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 4
Part 1 Reading Skill: Word Inference
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 5
Part 1 Reading Skill: Guessing Words by Word Formation
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 6
Part 1 Reading Skill: Making Inferences
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 7
Part 1 Reading Skill: Recognizing Primary Supporting Details
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Unit 8
Part 1 Reading Skill: Drawing Conclusions
Section A Exploratory Reading
Section B Trying Your Hand
Part 2 Reading Comprehension
Section A Reading in the Context
Section B Reading and Matching
Section C Reading in Depth
Part 3 Translation
Part 4 Guided Writing
Answers and Explanations


