- 中文名:新變種楓香小鉤絲殼貴陽變種
- 定名人:吳明藻、吳明清
編號 | NFG-93-25 |
拉丁菌名 | Aureoboletus reticuloceps Zang, Yuan et Gong sp. nov. |
Nomencla | Zang Mu and Gong mingqin |
發表文章 | 小鉤絲殼屬的一個新變種 |
Article | Notes on and Additions to Chinese Members of the Boletales |
作者 | 吳明藻 吳明清 |
Author | Zang Mu / Yuan Mingshang / Gong Mingqin |
作者單位 | 貴州省農業科學院植保所, 貴陽 550006 |
摘要 | 本文巳道寄生於金縷梅科 (Hamamelidaceae) 山楓香 (Liquidambar formaosana Hance)上小鉤絲殼屬的一個新變種楓香小鉤絲殼貴陽變種 [Uncinuliella liquidambaris (Zheng & Chen) Zheng, Chen & Z.X.Chen var. guiyangensis Wu & Wu]. |
Abstract | Nine taxa of the Boletales collected from eastern Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and Hainan by the authors are reported,of which two are newto science. Boletus nigricans Hainan by the authors are reported, of which two are new to science, Boletus nigricans Zang, Yuan et Gong, sp. nov.is similar to Boleus nigerrimus Heim in many respects. But the color of basidiocarp, context and hymenium are alwasys blackish to black, and not purplish. Thestipe is finely reticulate. The spores inface view are elloptic, not subfusoid, and 9-13× 5-6.5μm. A new section, Boletus sect. Nigres Zang, sect. nov. is established for B.nigricans and B.nigerrimus, Aureoboletus reticuloceps Zang, Yuan et Gong,sp. nov.,somewhat resembles Aureoboletus thibetanus (Pat.) Hongo et Nagasawa, but the former has larger spores and its stipe is with distinctive reticulate veins. Boletus nigerrimus Heim. B.bormeemsis Corner.B.formosus Corner, B.portentosus B. et Br. B. rufo-aureus Mass. and Boletellus longicollis (Ces.) Pegler et Young are tropical species. The mycoflora of these regions is characterized by the occurrence oftropical Indo-Malayan fungi which are not present in other parts of China. Additional geographic distribution patterns of certain sibling species are mapped. The senior author would like to thank the Director.Dr. Donald H.Pfister, Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, Harvard University, U.S.A. for the loan of the type specimens of Boletus thibtanus. The types of new species described in thispaper are deposited in the Crytogamuic Herbarium, Kunming Institute of Botany,Academia Sinence Kunming (HKAS). This study was supporyed by the National Natural Science Foundation of China |
關鍵字 | 楓香小鉤絲殼貴陽變種, 小鉤絲殼屬, 白粉菌科, 山楓香, 金縷梅科 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 12(3):177-179, 1993 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese;English Abstract), 12(4):pp.275-282, 1993 |
分享省市 | 貴州省貴陽市 |
Place | Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province, China |
採集地 | 金縷梅科楓香屬植物 山楓香帶有白色霉斑的病葉 |
Environment | The mushroom collected from the soil to contain rich humus at Shuajing Temple (Shuajingsi) |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶闊葉喬木 |
寄主 | 金縷梅科楓香屬植物山楓香的葉片 |
Habitat | subtropical superland continental climate humic soil |
Host | the soil congtaining humus |
採集人 | 吳明藻 吳明清 |
Isolation Person | Yuan Mingsheng |
保存單位 | 貴州省農業科學院植保所, 貴陽 550006 |
Preservation Unit | Crytogamic Herbrium Kunming Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 65204, Yunnan Province, China |
Speciman No. | KHAS 23856 |
Note | The species is a taste edible mushroom |
備註 | 該菌是我國的重要經濟樹 木金縷梅科楓香屬植物山楓香的真菌性病害的病原菌. 木 材可以制茶葉箱, 葉可以餵養天蠶,樹幹內流出的樹脂可 以代替開竅, 豁痰碳的藥品蘇合香, 莖葉果實都是中草藥 . 用於活血生肌, 止疼, 解毒等症. |