

《新課程大學英語綜合教程(第2冊)》由八個單元組成,每一單元有三篇文章,圍繞一個主題,內容彼此聯繫。選文力求新穎、睿智、勵志、經典。體裁豐富多樣,既有經典的文學佳作,也有優美的時文。語言地道,內容新穎,貼近學生生活,反映時代潮流。 從教材特色上來看,《新課程大學英語綜合教程(第2冊)》每篇課文都設計了精練的導讀,使學生整體把握課文的提要,儘快進入該課文的主題。每一單元中的第二篇和第三篇文章前設定了閱讀速度自測,以幫助學生監控自己的閱讀速度,培養其閱讀策略,提高其閱讀技能和自主學習能力。


  • 中文名:新課程大學英語綜合教程
  • 作者:吳英麗
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 頁數:231 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787305125744
  • 外文名:The New Curriculum College English
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文




Unit 1 Discover Yourself
Text A Power of Personal Attitudes
Text B Alone Again,Naturally
Text C Learn to Understand Your Own Intelligence
Unit 2 Health
Text A The Frugal Way to a Healthier Diet
Text B Is Stress Catching?
Text C About Sub—health
Unit 3 Creativity
Text A The Secret to Creativity
Text B Creative Living
Text C The Sylvia Plath Pattern of Creative Flow
Unit 4 Love and Marriage
Text A Essay on Love
Text B First Love
Text C Detour to Romance
Unit 5 Human Ufe
Text A The Meaning of Life
Text B The Art of Living
Text C Every Men's Natural Desire to Be Somebody Else
Unit 6 Cyberspace
Text A Alienation and the Internet
Text B Pity the Historians of a Deleted Digital Age
Text C The Exciting PC Decade
Unit 7 Friendship
Text A The Nature of Friendship
Text B A Sand Hill Girl
Text C A Friend Born Laughing
Unit 8 Art
Text A Art as a Human Activity
Text B Art and Life
Text C My Favorite Painting




Unit 1 College Life
Text A A Satisfying College Experience
Text B Commencement Address of Harvard University
Text C Why MIT Matters
Unit 2 Interpersonal Communication
Text A Hollo,Everybody
Text B Go Ahead.Gallivant
Text C A Little Care Goes a Long Way
Unit 3 Family
Text A Home
Text B A House Filled with Clutter——and Love
Text C More Than Book' Em
Unit 4 Food
Text A Food and Culture
Text B Mystery of Tortellini
Text C Fun Facts about Kiwi Fruit
Unit 5 Success
Text A Plow to Define Success
Text B Transform Your Dreams into Success with Persistence
Text C The Secret Door to Success
Unit 6 Men and Women
Text A Men Are from Mars and Women are from Venus
Text B Men and Women
Text C Beauty and the Beast
Unit 7 Beauty
Text A What Is True Beauty?
Text B Beauty Trends in the 21st Century
Text C The Search for Beauty
Unit 8 Festival
Text A The Spring Festival
Text B Thanksgiving
Text C My Forever Valentine


