



  • 中文名:新英語系列叢書·極地閱讀:致水仙花
  • 外文名:To Daffodils
  • 作者:史紅海 袁浩
  • 語言:簡體中文, 英語
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 出版社:蘭州大學出版社
  • 頁數:188 頁
  • 開本:16 開




Unit 1 Keep Your Dreams執著於夢想
Passage 1 Let’s Do it讓我們放手去做
Passage 2 Follow Your Dreams執著於夢想
Passage 3 Catch the Star That will Take You to Your Dreams追隨你的夢想
Passage 4 If the Dream Is Big Enough為了心中的夢想
Passage 5 Perfect Life of Four Dreams完美人生的四大夢
Unit 2 The Road to Success成功之道
Passage 1 The Road to Success成功之道
Passage 2 The An of Success成功的藝術
Passage 3 If I Rest,I Rust如果我休息,我就會生鏽
Passage 4 Making the Tacks鞋釘
Passage 5 A Lesson from Flamingos火烈鳥的啟示
Unit 3 Never Stop to Smile永遠笑對人生
Passage 1 Never Stop to Smile永遠笑對人生
Passage 2 Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如給我三天光明(節選)
Passage 3 Life Isn’t a Competition but a Journey
Passage 4 Only One Life for Each Person人的生命僅此一次
Passage 5 Life Can Be Cruel生活會很殘酷
Unit 4 The Way to a Happy Life通向美好生活之路
Passage 1 Do Something to Improve Your Life行動起來改善生活
Passage 2 Love Should Be Your Rule愛應該成為你的生活準則
Passage 3 Put the Glass Down有一種姿態叫放下
Passage 4 God Will Save Me上帝會來救我的
Passage 5 Mirror,Mirror—What do I See鏡子,鏡子,告訴我
Unit 5 Hope Is the Thing With Feathers希望長著翅膀
Passage l Hope Is the Thing with Feathers希望長著翅膀
Passage 2 Be the Best of Whatever You Are做最好的自己
Passage 3 Follow Your Dreams追隨夢想
Passage 4 To Daffodils致水仙花
Unit 6 The Secret of Success成功的秘決
Passage l The Biggest Secret of Success成功的最大秘訣
Passage 2 Master of Your Emotions學會控制情緒
Passage 3 I Will hugh at the World我要笑遍世界
Passage 4 Keys to Success成功的關鍵
Unit 7 Smile in Life微笑著生活
Passage 1 Old Shoes,Happy Life舊鞋子也有溫暖
Passage 2 Stand Up Again重新站起來
Passage 3 Confident Smiles Win Friends自信的微笑贏得朋友
Passage 4 A Runner with a Sick Leg腿有殘疾的賽跑者
Unit 8 Footprints in Your Heart心靈的印記
Passage 1 Youth青春
Passage 2 Get a Thorough Understanding of Yourself悟透自己
Passage 3 Free to Soar自由飛翔
Passage 4 You Have a Choice你可以選擇
Unit 9 The Wisdom of Life智慧人生
Passage 1 Facing the Enemies within直面內在的敵人
Passage 2 Be Whole人生的完整
Passage 3 Born to Win生而為贏
Passage 4 The Goodness of Life生命的美好
Unit 10 The Ripples of Love愛的漣漪
Passage 1 A White Clay Bike一輛白色的膠泥腳踏車
Passage 2 Love Is a Two—way Street愛是一條雙行道
Passage 3 The Power of Love愛的力量
Passage 4 The Most Precious Possessions最寶貴的財富
Unit 11 Understanding of Life人生感悟
Passage 1 The Golden House金色的房子
Passage 2 Ambition抱負
Passage 3 What I have Lived for我為何而生
Passage 4 Be Strict to Yourself,Be Tolerant to Others嚴於律己,寬以待人
Unit 12 Dealing with Adversity如何應對逆境
Passage 1 From Adversity to Success從逆境走向成功
Passage 2 Dealing with Adversity如何應對逆境
Passage 3 How Napoleon Crossed the AIDs
Passage 4 A Two—legged Dog一隻兩條腿的狗
Unit 13 Natural Beauty自然之美
Passage 1 Natural Beauty自然之美
Passage 2 An October Sunrise十月的日出
Passage 3 An Afternoon Walk午後散步
Passage 4 Summer Afternoon浪漫夏日
Unit 14 Don’t Give Up Hope Forever永遠別放棄希望
Passage 1 Don’t Give Up Hope Forever永遠別放棄希望
Passage 2 We’re Just Beginning我們剛剛開始
Passage 3 The Cobbler and the Banker皮匠和銀行家
Passage 4 Do and Cherish且行且珍惜
Unit 15 You Are Special你是與眾不同的
Passage 1 You Are Special你是與眾不同的
Passage 2 The Highest Grace上帝的恩典
Passage 3 Weakness Is Also Strength缺點也是優點
Passage 4 Puppies for Sale男孩與小狗
Unit 16 The Taste of Life品味人生
Passage 1 What You See Is What You Get所見即所得
Passage 2 Bruce and the Spider布魯斯和蜘蛛
Passage 3 Courage Is a Girl勇氣是才能
Passage 4 The Man and the Opportunity人與機會
Unit 17 Life is Only Once生命僅有一次
Passage 1 You Have Only One Life生命只有一次
Passage 2 I Am Nature’S Greatest Miracle我是自然界最偉大的奇蹟
Passage 3 Difficulties Arise in the Lives of Us All每個人都會遇到困難
Passage 4 I Will Spare No Efforts in Doing Things我將全力以赴
Unit 18 Chicken Soup for the Soul心靈雞湯
Passage 1 One to Be Loved Should Also Have Courage要有勇氣接受愛
Passage 2 My Brother’s Wish兄弟的願望
Passage 3 Pleasure of Being helpful樂於助人
Passage 4 When the Grass is Green當我們還年輕
Unit 19 A Psalm of Life生命的禮讚
Passage 1 A Psalm of Life生命的禮讚
Passage 2 The Rainy Day雨天
Passage 3 Following a Dream追隨著夢想
Passage 4 The Furthest Distance in the World世界上最遙遠的距離
Unit 20 The Happy Door快樂之門
Passage 1 The Happy Door快樂之門
Passage 2 Seven Ways to Discover Joy發現快樂的七種方法
Passage 3 Keep Laughing保持微笑
Passage 4 Don’t Complain停止抱怨


