



  • ISBN:7810386786
  • 頁數:190頁
  • 出版社:東華大學出版社
  • 開本:16


出版社: 東華大學出版社; 第1版 (2006年9月1日)
平裝: 190頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 7810386786
條形碼: 9787810386784
尺寸: 23.8 x 18.6 x 1 cm
重量: 322 g




Chapter 1 Br1ef 1ntroduct1on
Unit 1 The Or1g1n of Dress
Unit 2 Funct1ons of Dress
Chapter 2 Mater1al and Accessor1es
Unit 3 Natural F1ber
Unit 4 Man-Made F1bers
Unit 5 How to Choose Fabr1c
Unit 6 Propert1es that Determ1ne Fabr1c Textures
Unit 7 Sew1ng Threads
Unit 8 Support Mater1als (1)
Unit 9 Support Mater1als (2)
Unit 10 Support Mater1als (3)
Unit 11 Accessor1es-- The F1nal F1n1shes(1)
Unit 12 Accessor1es -- The F1nal F1n1shes(2)
Chapter 3 Fash1on Des1gn
Unit 13 What 1s Fash1on?
Unit 14 Fash1on Style
Unit 15 Fash1on Cycles and Trends
Unit 16 Understand1ng L1ne
Unit 17 Shape and Space
Unit 18 Color
Unit 19 Color and 1llus1on
Unit 20 Texture
Unit 21 The Pr1nc1ples of Des1gn(1)
Unit 22 The Pr1nc1ple of Des1gn(2)
Unit 23 The Pract1ce of Des1gn
Chapter 4 Pattern Des1gn
Unit 24 Block Construct1on
Unit 25 Term1nology and Pattern Landmarks
Unit 26 S1ze Chart
Unit 27 Trac1ng-off a Pattern
Unit 28 Check1ng the Pattern(1)
Unit 29 Check1ng the Pattern (2)
Unit 30 Seam Allowances
Unit 31 Bas1c Equ1pment for Pattern Cutt1ng (1)
Unit 32 Bas1c Equ1pment for Pattern Cutt1ng (2)
Unit 33 Bas1c Equ1pment for Pattern Cutt1ng (3)
Unit 34 Mach1nery Employed 1n a Sample Room (1)
Unit 35 Mach1nery Employed 1n a Sample Room (2)
Chapter 5 Mak1ng up
Unit 36 Mak1ng up Long Stra1ght Sect1ons
Unit 37 Jo1n1ng Techn1ques
Unit 38 Gather1ng
Unit 39 Bas1c Pr1nc1ples of Mak1ng up (1)
Unit 40 Bas1c Pr1nc1ples of Mak1ng up (2)
Unit 41 Bas1c Pr1nc1ples of Mak1ng up (3)
Unit 42 Pr1nc1ples of Jo1n1ng Garment Parts (1)
Unit 43 Pr1nc1ples of Jo1n1ng Garment Parts (2)
Unit 44 Pr1nc1ples of Jo1n1ng Garment Parts (3)
Unit 45 Pr1nc1ples of Jo1n1ng Garment Parts (4)
Unit 46 Conclus1ons for the Pr1nc1ples of Jo1n1ng Garment Parts
Unit 47 Seam Types and Common Sew1ng Problem
Unit 48 1nterl1n1ng (1)
Unit 49 1nterl1n1ng (2)
Unit 50 Press1ng
Unit 51 Self-Conta1ned Press1ng Unit
Unit 52 D1rect1on of Press1ng
Chapter 6 Product1on and Market1ng
Unit 53 Mass Custom1zat1on
Unit 54 Computer-A1ded Apparel Des1gn
Unit 55 Computer-A1ded Apparel Product1on
Unit 56 Text1les and Apparel 1n Econom1c Development
Unit 57 Lean Reta1l1ng the Reta1l Revolut1on
Unit 58 Marketing & Fashion Marketing
Unit 59 Apparel Manufacturer
Unit 60 Fashion Helps Apparel Manufacture
Unit 61 The Elements of Fashion Marketing
Unit 62 The Fashion Marketing Plan
Chapter 7 Something About Apparel
Unit 63 Apparel Performance
Unit 64 Nature of Apparel
Unit 65 The Functional Performance of Apparel
Unit 66 The Price Value of Apparel


