



  • 中文名:新編大學英語同步練習(1)
  • 作者:由鋒、陳寧、楊炎
  • 出版時間:2008年10月
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 頁數:188 頁
  • ISBN:978-7-122-03459-5
  • 類別: 公共課教材
  • 定價:20 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 叢書名:新編大學英語同步練習叢書


本叢書是一套與外研社《新編大學英語(第二版)》配套的,供大學本科非英語專業選 用的同步練習冊。叢書內容按照大學英語分級教學要求編排,覆蓋辭彙、語法、翻譯、寫作、閱讀等多個方面,書中絕大部分題型為主觀題,且每部分均單獨成篇,可以為學生提供較全面的技巧點撥和實踐訓練。通過本叢書的訓練,學生可以從多個角度理解課文知識點,並且以點帶面,從更深的層次掌握辭彙、語法、翻譯技巧、閱讀技巧等,從而為有效備考大學英語四、六級考試打下紮實的基礎。


Personal Relationships 1
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 1
Ⅱ. Grammar 3
Ⅲ. Translation 5
Ⅳ. Writing 6
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 8
Remembering and Forgetting 11
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 11
Ⅱ. Grammar 13
Ⅲ. Translation 15
Ⅳ. Writing 17
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 19
More than Words 23
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 23
Ⅱ. Grammar 25
Ⅲ. Translation 27
Ⅳ. Writing 28
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 30
Fresh Start 33
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 33
Ⅱ. Grammar 35
Ⅲ. Translation 37
Ⅳ. Writing 38
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 40
Animal World 44
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 44
Ⅱ. Grammar 46
Ⅲ. Translation 48
Ⅳ. Writing 49
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 51
A World of Mystery 54
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 54
Ⅱ. Grammar 56
Ⅲ. Translation 58
Ⅳ. Writing 59
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 62
Choices in Life 66
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 66
Ⅱ. Grammar 68
Ⅲ. Translation 70
Ⅳ. Writing 71
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 72
Romantic Stories 77
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 77
Ⅱ. Grammar 79
Ⅲ. Translation 81
Ⅳ. Writing 82
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 83
Holidays and Special Days 86
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 86
Ⅱ. Grammar 88
Ⅲ. Translation 90
Ⅳ. Writing 91
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 93
Agriculture 97
Ⅰ. Vocabulary 97
Ⅱ. Grammar 99
Ⅲ. Translation 101
Ⅳ. Writing 102
Ⅴ. Supplement Reading 104
Test One-Band One 106
Test Two-Band One 114
Test Three-Band One 123
Keys for Exercise and Test 132
Keys for Unit 1 132
Keys for Unit 2 135
Keys for Unit 3 140
Keys for Unit 4 144
Keys for Unit 5 148
Keys for Unit 6 152
Keys for Unit 7 157
Keys for Unit 8 161
Keys for Unit 9 165
Keys for Unit 10 169
Keys for Test One-Band One 174
Keys for Test Two-Band One 174
Keys for Test Three-Band One 175


