



  • 書名:新編國際結算與案例(英文版)
  • 作者:朱文忠
  • 類別:金融投資
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年9月
  • 頁數:145 頁
  • 定價:20 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787811348002




Part 1 Introduction to International Settlement
Chapter 1 Brief Introduction to Background Knowledge of International Settlement
Chapter 2 Basic Negotiable Instruments and Terms of International Settlement
Chapter 3 Remittance
Chapter 4 Documentary Collection
Chapter 5 Documentary Credit
Chapter 6 Financing Methods Related to International Settlement
Part 2 Case Studies of International Settlement
Chapter 1 Cases of L/C Based on UCP600
Case No. 1 The Case of the Unspecified Country of Origin..
Case No. 2 The Case of the Contingent Irrevocability of the Credit
Case No. 3 The Case of the Standby Credit and the Alleged Fraudulent Statement of Default
Case No. 4 The Case of the Automatic Extension of a Confirmation to a Credit
Case No. 5 The Case of the Error in the Transmission of Messages
Case No. 6 The Case of the Unauthorized Claiming Bank
Case No. 7 The Case of the Inconsistent Dating of Documents
Case No. 8 The Case of the Non-Documentary Condition
Case No. 9 The Case of Place of Presentation of Documen!and the Five-Day Time Limit
Case No. 10 The Case of Failure to Notify Discrepancies in the Documents
Case No. 11 The Case of the Rejected and Accepted Documents
Case No. 12 The Case of the Unreachable Negotiating Bank
Case No. 13 The Case of the Negotiation under Reserve
Chapter 2 Cases of Collection Based on URC522
Case No. 1 The Case of Releasing Documents not against Payment in D/P
Case No. 2 The Case of D/P Changed into D/A
Chapter 3 Cases of Remittance Brief
Case No. 1 The Case of T/T in International Trade
Part 3 Exercises on International
Settlement Exercise 1: A Small Test on URC ICC Publication
No.522 (1995 Version)
Exercise 2: Exercises on Application for the New Standard Documentary Credit form(ICC Publication No. 516)
Exercise 3: Exercises on Settlement
Exercise 4: Exercises on Types of Documentary Credits
Exercise 5: Exercises on Special Letters of Credit Based on the UCP600
Exercise 6: Exercises on Credit Issuance
Exercise 7: Exercises on Transport Documents
Exercise 8: Exercises on Some Miscellaneous Documents
Answers to the Exercises


