

《新模式英語基礎練習冊4》是2009年7月1日中國勞動社會保障出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美國)詹森(Staci Johnson) 、(美國)詹金斯(Rob Jenkins) 。本書主要包括了一些基礎的英語語法練習題。


  • 中文名:新模式英語基礎練習冊4
  • 作者:美詹森Johnson,S.,美詹姆斯J
  • 出版時間:2009年7月1日
  • 出版社:中國勞動社會保障出版社
  • 頁數:99 頁
  • ISBN:9787504576040
  • 開本:16 開


作者:(美國)詹森(Staci Johnson) (美國)詹金斯(Rob Jenkins) 註譯:唐義均


《新模式英語基礎練習冊(4中)》內容簡介:本練習冊與《新模式英語》(第4冊)配套使用。本練習冊依據教材單元順序編排,共有38個練習(CHALLENGE)和14個擴展練習(EXTENSION CHALLENGE),內容設計緊扣教材的語法教學內容,包括以下幾個方面:
語法表格 語法表格和表格中提供的例句可幫助學生歸納語法現象進一步理解、掌握語法知識,同時便於學生在進行練習時查詢相應的語法項目。
語法注釋 語法注釋通過對語法簡明扼要的講解,幫助學生正確地運用語法規則。
語法練習 結合教材內容而設計的語法練習題,有助於學生鞏固、運用語法知識,同時通過練習複習教材中所學的辭彙。


PRE-UNIT: Getting to KnowYou
CHALLENGE 1 Information Questions with Be
CHALLENGE 2 Information Questions with Do
UNIT 1: Balancing Your Life
CHALLENGE 1 Using Used to in Affirmative and Negative Statements
CHALLENGE 2 Used to in Yes/No with Wh- Questions
CHALLENGE 3 GivingAdvice: Could, Should, How about Why don't you . . . ?
CHALLENGE 4 Adjective Clauses
CHALLENGE 5 Modals and Related Expressions for Suggestions, Advice, and Necessity
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Used to vs. Be used to
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Omission of the Relative Pronoun in Adjective Clauses
UNIT 2: Personal Finance
CHALLENGE 2 Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals: Statements
CHALLENGE 3 Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals: Yes/No Questions
CHALLENGE 4 Passive Voice: Present
CHALLENGE 5 Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals: Wh- Questions
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Future Conditional
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Wishes for Desired Change
UNIT 3: Buying a Home
CHALLENGE 1 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
CHALLENGE 2 Comparative and Superlative Questions
CHALLENGE 3 Yes/No and Information Questions
CHALLENGE 4 Irregular Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
CHALLENGE 5 Should and Should have
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Compound Adjectives
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: As many.., as, As much.., as
UNIT 4: Community
CHALLENGE 1 Embedded Questions: Wh-Questions
CHALLENGE 2 Embedded Questions: Yes~No Questions
CHALLENGE 3 Making Suggestions
CHALLENGE 4 Indirect Questions
CHALLENGE 5 Can, Could, and Should
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Embedded Questions in Statements
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Embedded Questions with Infinitive Phrases
UNIT 5: Health
CHALLENGE 1 Present Perfect
CHALLENGE 2 Present Perfect Continuous Statements
CHALLENGE 3 Indirect Speech
CHALLENGE 4 Indirect Speech: Modals
CHALLENGE 5 Present Perfect Continuous Questions
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Indirect Speech: Sequence of Tenses
UNIT 6: Getting Hired
CHALLENGE 1 Restrictive Adjective Clauses
CHALLENGE 2 Generalizations
CHALLENGE 3 Past Perfect Tense: Forms
CHALLENGE 4 Past Perfect Tense: Uses
CHALLENGE 5 Past Perfect Tense with Simple Past
EXTENSION CHALLENGE !: Non-RestrictiveAdjective Clauses
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Restrictive vs. Non-Restrictive Adjective Clauses
UNIT 7: On the Job
CHALLENGE 1 Tag Questions
CHALLENGE 2 Passive Voice: Form
CHALLENGE 3 Passive Voice: Overview of Tenses
CHALLENGE 4 Active to Passive Voice
CHALLENGE 5 Verbs with Two Objects
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 1: Two-Word Phrasal Verbs
EXTENSION CHALLENGE 2: Tag Questions with Indefinite Compound Pronouns and Negative Words

