- 書名:新東方·最新英語口語學習詞典
- ISBN:9787560524641, 7560524648
- 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
- 開本:32
出版社:西安交通大學出版社; 第2版 (2009年12月1日)
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 32
ISBN:9787560524641, 7560524648
條形碼:9787560524641, 9787560524541
尺寸:20.8 x 14.4 x 2.6 cm
重量: 581 g
《新東方?最新英語口語學習詞典》內容簡介:It is so easy to forget, in learning a foreign language, that language chiefly in its spoken form. For many students, the convenience and availability of books, the relative permanence of writing, and the authority of great literature combine to give the written language a preeminence that it does not really possess. Speech is then seen as a pale reflection of writing, and its grammar and vocabulary is judged, misleadingly, by the standards of written expression.
The English language has often been taught in this way, and students who have followed a course in which the written language is the chief or only model of communication inevitably encounters great difficulties when they arrive in an English speaking country for the first time. In particular, the vocabulary of everyday speech, and the range of idioms used, is dramatically different from what is typical of writing. In informal speech as heard not only in the street but also in films and on television—there is a vast array of slang and taboo language which foreigners need every help with, if they are to interpret it correctly and use it appropriately.
Alan Duan has produced a most useful compilation of the way the language is actually used, having spent several years collecting idiomatic expressions, fixed phrases, and sayings from everyday English. He paid attention to conversational style, to different levels of informality, and to impolite as well as polite colloquial vocabulary—something which cannot always be said about books which claim to be introductions to ‘real’ English. I have no doubt, therefore, that this dictionary will be of great practical assistance to Chinese learners.
David Crystal
Preface IX
序 X
關於英語口語學習(代新版自序) XI
體例說明 XVI
詞典正文 1
文明用語(A~Z) 1
粗髒話 473
附錄一 新增英語口語詞條 490
附錄二 雅思口語考試參考詞條 4961