- 作者:程愛民
- ISBN:9787810800839
- 頁數:151
- 定價:9.60
- 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
- 出版時間:2001-2-1
- 裝幀:平裝(無盤)
1 Nice to see you.
2 Whats his name?
3 What colour is the box?
4 Whats the time?
5 Whats for breakfast?
6 What would you like?
7 Time to get up.
8 Go and wash your hands,please.
9 Recycle
10 A bear or an elepant?
11 Is the bear going to run
12 Can you make tunny faces?
13 I cant fly
14 Lets go there and eat.
15 The boys are jumping in and jumping out.
2 Whats his name?
3 What colour is the box?
4 Whats the time?
5 Whats for breakfast?
6 What would you like?
7 Time to get up.
8 Go and wash your hands,please.
9 Recycle
10 A bear or an elepant?
11 Is the bear going to run
12 Can you make tunny faces?
13 I cant fly
14 Lets go there and eat.
15 The boys are jumping in and jumping out.