



  • 書名:新思維大學英語視聽說教程(2)學生用書
  • 作者:張林冬
  • ISBN:9787122059857
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年08月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《新思維大學英語視聽說系列教程》是根據 2007年教育部頒布《大學英語課程教學要求》來進行編寫的,編者對大綱中有關聽力部分的要求和樣題中的相關部分的命題思路做了深入的探討和研究,並結合實例做了較為詳盡的闡述芝蜜霉,同時針對各部分題型編寫了單項以及綜合訓練題,聽力訓練內容和戒判籃範圍、材料的長度和難度、命題形式和題目難度、長度與深度方面力求做到朽櫃迎與《大學英語課程教學要求》中針對聽說的規定料踏盛相譽她戰煮同,並且嚴格按照全國大學英語四、六級考試委員會於2005年9月推出的新題型《大學英語四級考試試點考試樣卷》中的聽力部分樣題進行命題,盡力做到與其保持一致。學生通過本書內容的強化訓練,不僅能夠較為輕鬆地理解各類聽力內容,而且能夠提高聽力部分的應試水平和成績。本系列教程共分6個級別,1~4級體現《大學英語課程教學要求》的一般要求,5、6級則體現較高要求和更高要求。每級教材分為學生用書、教全催師用書兩冊,並且均附有光碟,提供8個單元的視頻與音頻材料。
本冊書為該系列教程的第2級的學生用書《新思維大學英語視聽說教程(2) 學生用書》,適合非英語專業的大學一年級學生使用,也適合於英語愛好者再檔台組提高英語聽說能力使用。


Unit 1 Marriage and Family
PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Skill Training
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Training
Part Ⅳ Further Development
Unit 2 Travel
PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking
Part Ⅱ Skill Training
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Training
Part Ⅳ Further Development
Unit 3 Local Culture and Customs
PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Skill Training
PartⅢ Comprehensive TrainingUnit 1 Marriage and Family <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 2 Travel <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> Part Ⅱ Skill Training <br> Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 3 Local Culture and Customs <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking  <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> PartⅢ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 4 Holiday <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 5 Entertainment <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> PartⅢ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 6 Dinners and Invitations <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> PartⅢ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 7 Music <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> PartⅢ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development <br>Unit 8 Shopping <br> PartⅠ Viewing, Listening and Speaking <br> PartⅡ Skill Training <br> PartⅢ Comprehensive Training <br> Part Ⅳ Further Development


