


  • 外文名:New College English Integrated Course
  • 書名:新大學英語綜合教程
  • 作者:劉澤華 郭燕
  • 頁數:202頁
  • 開本:16
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 語種:英語
  • 定價:45.80
  • 出版日期:2012年8月1日


“新大學英語”系列教程由四個級別組成,每級設有“綜合教程”和“視聽說教程”兩部分(含學生用書和教師用書),兩部分內容相互補充。 “綜合教程”主要講授語言基本技能,包括聽、說、讀、寫、譯各個方面,每單元涵蓋辭彙、構詞法、句法、閱讀技巧、寫作技巧、翻譯技巧等內容; “視聽說教程”主要講授聽說技巧和語言交際技巧,著重培養學生的語用能力和跨文化交際能力。通過一個單元的兩部分的完整學習,學生能夠針對單元涉及的話題用英語進行恰當的互動和交流。


Unit 1 Fashion and Beauty
Part Ⅰ
Text A Fashion Magazine -- Friend or Foe?
Part Ⅱ
Text B Beauty is Defined, and Not by You
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 2 Trade and Economy
Part I
Text A A Brief History of Wall Street
Part Ⅱ
Text B Going, Going, Gone
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 3 Science and Technology
Part I
Text A Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty, with Real Dangers
Part Ⅱ
Text B Smartphoniacs: Addicts of the Information Age
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 4 Psychology
Part I
Text A How to Crowd Worry out of Your Mind
Part Ⅱ
Text B Why Setting Goals Can Backfire
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 5 Social Problems
Part Ⅰ
Text A Too Many People, Too Much Consumption
Part Ⅱ
Text B How the City Hurts Your Brains
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 6 International Affairs
Part I
Text A US President Obama" s Address to China" s Youth in Shanghai
Part Ⅱ
Text B Best Decade Ever
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 7 Culture and Civilization
Part I
Text A Why Civilizations Will Clash
Part Ⅱ
Text B Separated by Civilization: Trans-Atlantic Impasse
Part Ⅲ Language Skills
Unit 8 Myths and Religion
Part I
Text A The World as I See It
Part Ⅱ
Text B Monkey King and the Iron Fan Princess
Part Ⅲ Language Skills


