



  • 書名:新增英華尺牘
  • 作者:商務印書館編譯所編纂
  • 類別:書信
  • 頁數:125頁
  • 出版社:商務印書館發行者
  • 出版時間:民國61917
信面格式cover addressing
信內稱呼direction for honoured persons
信內格式position of the various parts
子奉父書四則from a little boy to his papa.4 letters.
子奉母書二則from a son too his mamma.2 letters.
弟寄姊信from a little boy to his sister
姊覆弟或妹覆兄answer to the foregoing
妹寄姊信from a little girl to her sister
妹寄兄姊信from a little girl to her brothers and sisters
弟與姊信from a little boy who had struck his sister
答answer to the forgoing
侄奉叔書from a little boy to his uncle
妹寄姊信from a little girl to her sister
侄女奉姑母信from a little girl to her aunt
孫奉祖母二則from a little boy to his grand-mamma,2 letters
孫寄祖書from a little boy to his grandpapa
承約不允from a gentleman declining a walk on account of ill-health
答answer to the above
慰孝子from a little son to another who has lost his mamma
文具及裝訂書籍商求友招攬生意啟from a book-binder and stationer to his friend
新開行店招人賣貨from a manufacturer having established himself in business
求舟師光顧from a ship-compradore to a captain soliciting patronage
謝來行情順附貨求代沽信receiving order to insure
覆前信the answer effecting insurance
請代辦貨信receiving orders to ship goods
承命辦貨信executing orders
求友支匯單信drawing bill
答允支匯單信the anewer,accepting bill
寄貨求友代售啟consigning goods abroad
報友貨失信advising of goods being lost
貨失函致某公司索償貨價啟goods being lost on board and claiming the cost
貨沽楚報友信rendering account current
報友匯單難收信on a bill being dishonoured
覆前函(再會匯單)remitting for dishonoured bill
責友不應匯單complaining of a returned bill of exchange
責友貨色不佳from a country shop-keeper to dealer,complaining of the badness of his goods
報友某行倒盤respecting bankruptcy
薦友交易信letter of recommendation
借貨(錢銀通用)soliciting the loan of money from a friend
覆函允借answer favourable
覆函不允借answer unfavourable
送貨並單求找現數goods being sent requesting payment in cash
取貨信order for goods
附貨樣信forwarding sample
買保險單from a merchant to an lnsurance company desirting to open a policy
函致保險公司為買保險〓 insurances
貨失求保險公司賠償〓against insurance company
詢問水腳froma merchant who is desirous of sending 〓goods by a steam navigation go.
詢問船期reqnesting information respecting shipinent of goods
託友照顧其友〓 a 〓 to a friend.〓 a friend to his care as stranger
託友買貨from a merchant to a friend,requesting him to purehase some goods
託友賣貨requesting a friend to sell some goods
託拍賣人拍賣requesting goods sent to an auctioneer for sale
託友買賣貨物requesting a friend to sell and purchase goods
答the answer
寄行友買貨from a merchant to a manufacturer with orders
答(辦齊貨物)the answer to the foregoing,executing the orders perfectly
答(止能辦一二)the answer intimating a partial execntion of the order
與行友請記帳交易from a shopkeeper desiring to open an account to a wholesale dealer
答the answer to the preceding
寄單取貨the reply,giving an order
底細不佳不肯賒貨refusal to execute an order owing to unsatisfactory reference
責友交貨延遲complaining of delay in the execution of an order
答the answer to the foregoing
退回劣貨returning bad goods
落貨shipping goods
責友帳目爽期complaining of want of puuetuality of payment.
提問帳項remimding the correspondent of the 〓 of account remaining unnotieed
求結帳項to a correspondent.requesting the paymend of a sum of money
討帳通用〓 payment of account
先期計帳from a wholesale 〓 trad〓 questing the early payment of an account
催帳requesting payment of a small balance
催帳requesting immediate settlement of an account
催帳早交否則經官追辦requesting immediale payment and threatening to take legal proeceding.
催收揭項asking payment for account
催收一伙食帳requesting payment of a bill on stores.
求緩取討from a 〓-man in distressed 〓 desiring a letter of licence
覆前書the answer to the preceding
求請寬限清帳from a 〓 to a wholesale dealer,requesting 〓 for payment
答the answer
又答another 〓
租船chartering vessel
承故人物業報告友人from the successor of a deceased tradesman to wholesalc dealer
答the answer to the foregoing
查訪行友帳目能否清結requesting information respecting the solveney of a tradosman
答其人可信reply to the foregoing,favourable
訪問人品inquiring into the character of a 〓
答reply to the foregoing
求緩交租form a tenant to a landlord excusing delay of payment.
答允緩the answer
請貨主起貨信requesting consignee to take delivery of goods
覆貨主起貨信the answer,returning the freight
函送流水清單enclosing an account current
函送清單enclosing statement to account
函送收單enclosing bill for aecptance
函送賣貨清單rendering an account of sale
承命付貨信a shipping letter
求付貨信order for goods
求代售貨信consigning goods
匯單信drawing and remitting bill,&c.,
收發匯單信acknowledging receipt or bills,&c.,
告假from an employs asking leave of absence
告病假asking leave on account of sickness
請假歸里asking leave of abesnce
告退並求賜薦書from an employe who desires to resign
因事告辭又求復用from a servant who has received notice of dismissal,but desires to retain his situation
又do do
求友推薦asking permission to refer to person
求舊東推薦from a servant to a former employer,whose name has been given as a reference
薦引僱工recommending a manservant
求職事啟applying for a situation as clerk and interpreter
稟求書辦職事applying for a sitnation as clerk in the registrar general's office
稟求衙門通事職applying for a sitnation as chinese interpreter in the 〓 court
稟求海關通事職applying for a sitnation as chinese clerk in the serviec of custom house
函求行商寫字職appiication for a situation as clerk in the hongkong and shanghai bank
求職自述in answer to an advertisement for a clerk
又do do
求預支薪水asking payment of salary in advance
求加薪水from an employe soliciting an increase of salary
又do do
謝加薪水from an employe,acknowledging an increase of salary
求人解紛solieiting a friend to get over a diffculty
花燭重逢日會marriage anniversaries
請餐信拜帖等notes of invitation
報出殯請友執紼信funeral notice
拜帖式visiting and addressing cards


