


  • 書名:新世紀英文讀本(第三卷)
  • 出版社:中圖文庫
  • 頁數:173 頁
  • 定價:8 元 
  • ISBN:ERC0010078471




1 Little Tattercoats,Part I
2 Little Tattercoats,Part II
3 The First Steamboat
4 A Story Without an End, Part I
5 A Story Without an End, Part II
6 A Story Without an End, Part III
7 Hans, the Shepherd Boy
8 The Ant and the Cricket
9 The Frogs That Wanted a King
10 How Silk Is Made
11 The Camel and His Master
12 Form of a Letter
13 The Nest Builders
14 Real Fun
15 How Tom Won the Prize
16 Whet Makes the Sea Salt, Part I
17 Whet Makes the Sea Salt, Part II
18 The Monkey and the Looking-glass
19 The Contented Man
20 A Dialogue
21 Poor Brother Fox
22 The Envious Squirrel
23 The New Hatchet
24 Old Soup,the Elephant
25 The Frog and the Mouse
26 "Ama" the Sun Fairy
27 The Fox Without a Tail
28 (1) The Donkey in the Lion's Skin
28 (2) The Eagle and the Arrow
28 (3) The Goose with the Golden Eggs
29 (1) The Bundle of Sticks
29 (2) The Frog and the Ox
30 A Strange Visit, Part I
31 A Strange Visit, Part II
32 The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
33 Dick and His Cat, Part I
34 Dick and His Cat, Part II
35 Dick and His Cat, Part III
36 Dick and His Cat, Part IV
37 Dick and His Cat, PartV
38 Dick and His Cat, Part VI

