



  • 書名:新世紀經貿英語報刊選讀1
  • 頁數:274頁
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2009年8月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝


出版社: 天津大學出版社;
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787561831045, 7561831048
條形碼: 9787561831045
尺寸: 20.6 x 14.6 x 1.4 cm
重量: 322 g


Unit 1 資源型產品的價格上漲(有色金屬、糧價等)
Text A.Let Them Eat Bugs
Text B.Quanex:A Smart Play in Metals
Unit 2 石油價格上漲對世界經濟的影響
Text A.The Rise of Crude Oil Prices Is Reshaping In ternational Relations
Text B.Cars in Russia
Unit 3 替代能源和生物能源開發的展望
Text A.Wave Power
Text B.On the Green Road
Unit 4 銀行業的併購
Text A.International Banking——Paradise Lost
Text B.American Banks:From Whoo Hoo to Boo Hoo
Unit 5 金融風險
Text A.Leveraged Buy-outs:Private Investigations
Text B.Mutual Funds Roundup:That Bear’s Still There
Unit 6 不同國家的會計制度和貿易規則
Text A.Fewer Taxes,Better Growth
Text B Afta Doha
Unit 7 大企業的併購
Text A.Airline COns0IidatiOn?Hell No
Text B.Microsoft’s Urge to Merge
Unit 8 跨國企業應對通貨膨脹的策略
Text A.ECB Remains Focused on Inflation
Text B.Economies Slow as Inflation Catches Up with Europe
Unit 9 自然災害對世界經濟的影響
Text A.Massive China Quake Heavily Mauls Tourist Paradise
Text B.Burma’S Pain
Unit 10 人民幣匯率對我國經濟的影響
Text A.Why Hot Money Is Sizzling in China
Text B.Strong Case for Caution over RMB Appreciation
Unit 11 非關稅的貿易壁壘
Text A.A BilateraI Slam Dunk
Text B.It's the Stupid Politics
Unit 12 中國貿易政策
Text A.IPR,Trade Barriers and Open Document For-mats:China Learns Its Lessons Well
Text B.In Shift,U.S.Investors’view 0f China Trade Policies
Unit 13 服務貿易的發展
Text A.FinanciaI Reform Innovation Provided Tremendous Impetus for the Development of Binhai New Area
Text B.Chinese Economy May Buck the Trend of Post-Games Slowdown.
Unit 14 航運的發展(空運和海運)
Text A.Passenger Shipping Industry Drowns While Budget Airlines Fly High
Text B.Honeywell Selected to Supply Key Avionics and Mechanical Systems for New Gulfstream G650 Business Jet
Unit 15 美國次貸危機對全球經濟的影響
Text A.Subprime Crisis to Seriously Hit Economies
Text B.Impending Destruction of the US Economy


