- 中文名:斯普納現象
- 外文名:Spoonerism
- 又稱:斯普納首音誤置現象
- 特點:輔音交錯互換而成
這種現象由威廉·阿奇博爾德·斯普納(William Archibald Spooner,1844-1930)創造。
斯普納曾任牛津新學院院長和學監,教授歷史、哲學和神學。他經常把若干單詞的輔音部分交錯發音,說出十分有趣的句子。直到現在,牛津新學院還有一個房間被命名為“斯普納房” (The Spooner Room)來紀念這位有趣的老人。不同的是,這個房間名也用首音誤置方法加以“改造”,稱為The Rooner Spoom,聽上去十分奇怪。
You have missed all my history lectures, and were caught lighting a fire in the quad. Having wasted two terms, you will leave by the next down train.(我的歷史課你總是缺席,你在院子裡放火被抓。你已經浪費了兩個學期,先生,你趕緊乘下一趟下行火車離開牛津吧。)
You have hissed all my mystery lectures, and were caught fighting a liar in the quad. Having tasted two worms, you will leave by the next town drain.(你在我每節的神話課上都發出噓噓聲,你在院子裡和說謊者打架被抓。先生,你已經吃了兩條蟲子,你趕緊從城市下水道里離開牛津吧。)
Is the bean dizzy?咋一聽,讓人丈二和尚摸不著頭腦。其實是,句中“b”和“d”的位置被對調了,原來句子的本意是:
Is the dean busy? 院長大人是否有空?
據說,有記載的源自斯普納的Spoonerism只有一句。《牛津引語辭典》(The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations,3rd edition, 1979)就只列了“The weight of rages will press hard upon the employer.”這一句。其他很多傳說中的Spoonerisms,是後人為了製造幽默效果而杜撰出來的。
1. Cattle ships and bruisers
2. A blusing crow
3. Nosey little cook
4. Know your blows
5. Go and shake a tower
6. You have very mad banners
7. Lack of pies
8. It’s roaring with pain
9. Pit nicking
10. I’m a damp stealer
11. Mad bunny
12. Lead of spite
13. This is the pun fart.
14. Eye ball
15. Fight in your race
16. No tails
17. Hiss and lear
18. Three cheers for our queer old dean
19. Son, it is now kisstomary to cuss the bride
20. Chipping the flannel on TV
1.Battle ships and cruisers 戰艦與巡洋艦
2.A crushing blow 沉重打擊
3.Cozy little nook舒適的小角落
4.Blow your nose擤鼻涕
5.Go and take a shower去沖個澡
6. You have very bad manners. 你沒禮貌(沒教養)
7.Pack of liars一幫騙子
8.It’s pouring with rain.大雨傾盆
9.Nit picking找岔兒
10.I’m a stamp dealer.我是郵商
11.Bad money假鈔票
12.Speed of light光速
13.This is the fun part.逗就逗在這裡
14.Bye all 各位拜拜
15.Right in your face.就在你眼前
16.Toe nails腳指甲
17.Listen here.聽聽這兒
18.Three cheers for our dear old Queen.為我們可親可敬的女王三呼
19.Son, it is now customary to kiss the bride.兒子,現在的規矩是要親一下新娘
20. flipping the channel on TV 無聊至極的電視頻道