


  • 中文名:文石軍
  • 外文名:Shijun Wen
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院上海有機化學研究所
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位:博士
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 職務:博士生導師


中山大學“百人計畫”入選者,研究員,博士生導師,藥物化學/分子醫學/腫瘤學方向,從事抗腫瘤代謝和表觀遺傳藥物合成及機制研究。本科畢業於吉林大學,從中國科學院上海有機化學研究所獲得博士學位,2005年至2010年曾在英國南安普頓大學和劍橋大學進行博士後研究。目前,主持多項國家級和省部級基金項目。在Leukemia, Mol Cancer, Cancer Lett, Future Med Chem, Eur J Med Chem, J Med Chem, Angew Chem Int Ed, Adv Synth Catal, Organic Letters, Chem Eur J等雜誌上發表SCI論文50多篇。


1. 合成EZH2/LSD1雙靶點抑制劑作為干預表觀遺傳的抗腫瘤新策略(國家自然科學基金面上項目,2019/01-2022/12)
2. 糖酵解新型抑制劑的合成最佳化及其對肺癌腫瘤幹細胞殺滅作用的研究(國家自然科學基金面上項目,2017/01–2020/12)
3. 基於NOX酶新型抑制劑DQ285作為抗癌候選藥物的研究(廣州市對外科技合作計畫項目,2018-2021)
4. IDH1突變體R132H特異性抑制劑及其對腦膠質瘤治療作用的研究(廣東省科技發展專項,2017/01-2019/12)
5. 糖酵解抑制劑3-溴丙酮酸的構效關係及其抗腫瘤活性研究 (廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,2015/01-2018/01)


1. Zhu D, Wu Z, Luo B, Du Y, Liu P, Chen Y, Hu Y, Huang P*,Wen S*, Heterocyclic Iodoniums for the Assembly of Oxygen-Bridged Polycyclic Heteroarenes with Water as the Oxygen Source.Organic Letters,2018Jul 27. 20: 4815-4818
2. Hou G-X, Liu P-P, Yang M, Liao J, Yang J, Hu Y, Jiang W-Q,Wen S*,Huang P* Elimination of stem-like cancer cell side-population by auranofin through modulation of ROS and glycolysis.Cell Death Disease,2018Jan 24;9(2):89.
3. Saha N, Wang H, Zhang S, Du Y, Zhu D, Hu Y, Huang P*,Wen S*, Domino Carbopalladation/ C-H Activation as A Quick Access to Polycyclic Frameworks.Organic Letters,2018Feb 2;20(3):712-715.
4. Wen S*,Wang J, Liu P, Li Y, Lu W, Hu Y, Liu J, He Z, Huang P*,Novel combination of histone methylation modulators with therapeutic synergy against acute myeloid leukemiainvitroandinvivo. Cancer Lett,2018Jan 28; 413: 35-45.
5. Wang J, Luo B, Li X, Yang J, Lu W, Hu Y, Huang P*,Wen S*, Inhibition of cancer growth in vitro and in vivo by a novel ROS-modulating agent with ability to eliminate stem-like cancer cells.Cell Death Disease,2017,8(6):e2887.
6. Peng X, Luo H, Wu F, Zhu D, Ganesan A, Huang P,Wen S*, Synthesis of Fluorenes with an All-Carbon Quaternary CenterviaPalladium- Catalyzed Dual Arylation using Cyclic Diaryliodonium Triflates.Adv Synth Catal,2017, 359, 1152-1156.
7. Luo B, Wang J, Li X, Yang J, Lu W, Hu Y, Huang P,Wen S*, New Mild and Simple Approach to Isothiocyanates: A Class of Potent Anticancer Agents.Molecules,2017, 22(6). pii: E773.
8. GX Hou, P Liu, J Yang,S Wen*, Mining expression and prognosis of topoisomerase isoforms in non-small-cell lung cancer by using Oncomine and Kaplan-Meier plotter.PLoS One,2017, 12(3): e0174515.
9. Cui Q,Wen S, Huang P*, Targeting cancer cell mitochondria as a therapeutic approach: recent updates.Future Med Chem,2017,9(9):929-949.
10. Luo B, Cui Q, Luo H, Hu Y, Huang P*,Wen S*,N-Benzyldithio- carbamate Salts as Sulfur Sources to Access Tricyclic Thioheterocycles Mediated by Copper Species.Adv Synth Catal,2016, 358, 2733-2738.
11. Tu Y-L, Chen Q-H, Wang S-N, Uri A, Yang X-H, Chu J-Q, Chen J-K, Luo B-L, Chen X-H,Wen S-J*, Pi R-B*, Discovery of lipoic acid-4-phenyl-1H-pyrazole hybrids as novel bifunctional ROCK inhibitors with antioxidant activity.RSC Adv,2016, 6, 58516–58520.
12. Liu Z, Luo B, Liu X, Hu Y, Wu B, Huang P*,Wen S*, Cu/PdCatalyzed Cascade Reactions of Cyclic Diaryliodiums and Alkynes: An Access to Fluorenes with Conjugate Enynes/Dienes.Eur J Org Chem,2016, 2016, 1110-1118.
13. Zhu D, Liu P, Lu W, Wang H, Luo B, Hu Y, Huang P*,Wen S*, Relayed Regioselective Alkynylation/Olefination of Unsymmetrical Cyclic Diaryliodoniums Catalyzed by Cu-Pd: Affording Fluorescent Cytotoxic Benzoxazoles.Chem Eur J2015, 21, 18915-18920.
14. Liu Q, Lu W, Ma M, Liao J, Ganesan A, Hu Y,Wen S*, Huang P, Synthesis and biological evaluation of santacruzamate A and analogs as potential anticancer agents.RSC Adv,2015, 5, 1109-1112.
15. Liu Z, Zhu D, Luo B, Zhang N, Liu Q, Hu Y, Pi R, Huang P*,Wen S*, Mild Cu(I)-catalyzed cascade reaction of cyclic diaryliodoniums, sodium azide and alkynes: efficient synthesis of triazolophenanthridines.Organic Letters,2014, 16, 5600-5603.
16. Zhu D, Wu Y, Wu B, Luo B, Ganesan A, Wu F-H, Pi R, Huang P*,Wen S*, Three-component Pd/Cu-catalyzed cascade reactions of cyclic iodoniums, alkynes, and boronic acids: an approach to methylidenefluorenes.Organic Letters,2014, 16, 2350-2353.
17. Li M, Luo B, Liu Q, Hu Y, Ganesan A, Huang P*,Wen S*, Synthesis ofN-acyl-N,O-acetals Mediated by Titanium Ethoxide.Organic Letters,2014, 16, 10-13.
18. Zhu D, Liu Q, Luo B, Chen M, Pi R, Huang P*,Wen S*, Synthesis of Carbazoles via One-Pot Copper-Catalyzed Amine Insertion into Cyclic Diphenyleneiodoniums as a Strategy to Generate a Drug-Like Chemical Library.Adv Synth Catal,2013, 355, 2172-2178.
19. Zhu D, Chen M, Li M, Luo B, Zhao Y, Huang P, Xue F, Rapposelli A, Pi R*,Wen S*, Discovery of novelN-substituted carbazoles as neuroprotective agents with potent anti-oxidative activity.Eur J Med Chem,2013, 68, 81-88.
20. Guan R, Xu X, Chen M, Hu H, Ge H,Wen S*, Zhou S*, Pi R*, Advances in the studies of roles of Rho/Rho-kinase in diseases and the development of its inhibitors.Eur J Med Chem,2013, 70, 613-622.


