- 書名:文物建築(12輯)
- 作者:河南省文物建築保護研究院
- ISBN:9787030622778
- 頁數:198
- 定價:¥108.00
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:2019年
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16
《〈營造法式〉解讀》述評 趙獻超(1)
貴州銅仁地區穿斗架營造技藝 喬迅翔(16)
早期青銅器斗栱之文化含義探討 謝晶(景) 李夢筆(29)
基於線性文化遺產概念下的寧夏引黃灌溉古渠現狀研究 王薇(39)
現代工藝與傳統造型相結合的仿古建築群——世界紅卍字會母院舊址 呂承佳(49)
郟縣文廟魁星樓所見建築“雙尺制”探析 張玉石(57)
試論鞏縣石窟的建築裝飾樣式 楊振威(65)
陝西合陽縣文廟建築考略 王藝博 林源(76)
龍南地區圍屋空間建構淺析 劉婧(84)
芻論東南沿海港口城市伊斯蘭陵墓建築 李盛虎(99)
遼寧朝陽遼塔特徵及維修前後對比調研 馬文濤 王冬冬(106)
淺談獨樂寺觀音閣斗栱細部構造 趙智慧(120)
探究“齊魯第一坊”菏澤單縣百壽坊、百獅坊石刻藝術特徵和歷史文化內涵 賈柯 楊永偉 王麗亞(131)
再論河南安陽修定寺塔原貌 劉長江(138)
淺議文物建築保護存在的問題與對策 李光明 楊振威(153)
信陽市名人故居保存現狀調研與分析 袁林君 孫麗娟(158)
白馬寺齊雲塔現狀勘測暨修繕設計研究 呂軍輝 田冰峰(165)
汝州風穴寺上、下塔林現場勘察及修繕保護設計 張勇 李曜林(175)
A Book Review of Interpretation about Ying Zao Fa Shi Zhao Xianchao(1)
Column and Tie Construction Technique in Tongren, Guizhou Qiao Xunxiang(16)
Discussion on the Cultural Connotation of Bracket Set in Early Bronze Vessels Xie Jing, Li Mengbi(29)
The Study on the Present Situation of Irrigated Ancient Canals in Ningxia from the Perspective of Linear Cultural Heritage Wang Wei(39)
Archaize Building Complex Combined with Modern Technology and Traditional Style——the Former Site of General Abbey of the World Red Swastika Society Lv Chengjia(49)
Analysis on the“ Double-Size System” in Kuixinglou of Confucian temple, Jia County, Henan Province Zhang Yushi(57)
Discussion on the Architectural Decoration Style of Gongxian Grottoes Yang Zhenwei(65)
A Study of the Confucian Temple Architecture in Heyang County, Shaanxi Province Wang Yibo ,Lin Yuan(76)
Spatial Characters of Hakka Houses in Longnan Area, Jiangxi Province Liu Jing(84)
Study on Islamic Tomb Building in the Southeast Coastal Port Cities Li Shenghu(99)
Characteristics of Pagodas of the Liao Dynasty and Fore-and-aft Maintenance Survey in Liaoyang Area, Shenyang Province Ma Wentao, Wang Dongdong(106)
Analysis on the Detail of Bracket Units in Guanyin Pavilion of Dule Temple Zhao Zhihui(120)
Exploit the Art Characters and Historical and Cultural Connotations of“ No.1 Archway of Shandong”——Baishou Archway and Baishi Archway in Shan County, Shandong Province Jia Ke, Yang Yongwei, Wang Liya(131)
Rethinking of the Original Architectural Style of the Pagoda of Xiuding Temple in Anyang of Henan Province Liu Changjiang(138)
Discussion on Problems and Countermeasures of the Ancient Architecture Protection Li Guangming, Yang Zhenwei(153)
Survey and Analysis on the Preservation Situation of the Former Residence of Celebrities in Xinyang, Henan Province Yuan Linjun, Sun Lijuan(158)
Research on the Survey, Repair and Design of Qiyun Pagoda in Baima Temple Lv Junhui, Tian Bingfeng(165)
Site Survey and Repair Protection Design of the Upper and Lower Pagoda Complexes of Fengxue Temple, Ruzhou, Henan Province Zhang Yong, Li Yaolin(175)