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  • 中文名:文波
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:研究員


2004年獲復旦大學遺傳所博士學位。2005年起在約翰.霍普金斯大學醫學系及表觀遺傳學中心從事博士後研究,並於2009年晉升為講師(Instructor)。2010年被聘為復旦大學生物醫學研究院研究員。獲得全國百篇優秀博士論文(2006年)、雲南省自然科學一等獎(2005年)等獎項。在Nature、Nature Genetics、American Journal of Human Genetics、Genome Research 等國際學術期刊上發表論文20餘篇,被引2800多次。獲上海市曙光學者、上海市浦江人才計畫、上海市衛生系統優秀青年培養計畫等人才計畫資助。




1.Wen B, Wu H, Loh YH, Briem E, Daley GQ, Feinberg AP*. Euchromatin islands in large heterochromatin domains are enriched for CTCF binding and differentially DNA-methylated regions. BMC Genomics. 2012; 13:566.
2.Kim K, Doi A, Wen B, Ng K, Zhao R, Cahan P, Kim J, Aryee MJ, Ji H, Ehrlich LI, Yabuuchi A, Takeuchi A, Cunniff KC, Hongguang H, McKinney-Freeman S, Naveiras O, Yoon TJ, Irizarry RA, Jung N, Seita J, Hanna J, Murakami P, Jaenisch R, Weissleder R, Orkin SH, Weissman IL, Feinberg AP, Daley GQ*. Epigenetic memory in induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature 2010 ;16 (7313):285-90.
3.Wen B, Wu H, Shinkai Y, Irizarry R and Feinberg AP*. Large histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylated chromatin blocks distinguish differentiated from embryonic stem cells. Nature Genetics 2009;41: 246-50.
4.Doi A, Park IH, Wen B, Murakami P, Aryee M, Irizarry R, Herb B, Ladd-Acosta C, Rho J, Loewer S, Miller J, Schlaeger T, Daley GQ and Feinberg AP*. Differential methylation of tissue- and cancer specific CpG island shores distinguishes human induced pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells and fibroblasts. Nature Genetics 2009; 41(12):1350-3.
5.Irizarry RA, Ladd-Acosta C, Wen B, Wu Z, Montano C, Onyango P, Cui H, Gabo K, Rongione M, Webster M, Ji H, Potash JB, Sabunciyan S, Feinberg AP*. The human colon cancer methylome shows similar hypo- and hypermethylation at conserved tissue-specific CpG island shores. Nature Genetics 2009; 41:178-186.
6.Wen B, Wu H, Bjornsson H, Green RD, Irizarry R, Feinberg AP. Overlapping euchromatin/heterochromatin- associated marks are enriched in imprinted gene regions and predict allele-specific modification. Genome Research 2008; 18:1806-13.


