



  • 外文名:Digital Systems:Principles and Applications(Eleventh Edition)
  • 書名:數字系統:原理及套用
  • 作者:托茨 (Ronald J.Tocci)
  • 出版日期:2012年1月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787030325129, 7030325125
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 頁數:956頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:科學出版社





作者:(美國)托茨(Ronald J.Tocci) (美國)Neal S.Widmer (美國)Gregory L.Moss


CHAPTER 1 Introductory Concepts
1-1 Introduction to Digital ls and 0s
1-2 Numerical Representations
1-3 Digital and Analog Systems
1-4 Digital Number Systems
 只鍵乘墊 1-5 Representing Binary Quantities
1-6 Digital Circuits/Logic Circuits
1-7 Parallel and Serial Transmission
1-8 Memory
1-9 Digital Computers

CHAPTER 2 Number Systems and Codes
2-1 Binary-to-Decimal Conversions
2-2 Decimal-to-Binary Conversions
2-3 Hexadecimal Number System
2-4 BCD Code
跨駝2-5 The Gray Code
2-6 Putting It All Together
2-7 The Byte, Nibble, and Word
2-8 Alphanumeric Codes
組組付2-9 Parity Method for Error Detection
2-10 Applications

CHAPTER3 Describing Logic Circuits
3-1 Boolean Constants and Variables
3-2 Truth Tables
3-3 OR Operation with OR Gates
3-4 AND Operation with AND Gates
3-5 NOT Operation
3-6 Describing Logic Circuits Algebraically
3-7 Evaluating Logic-Circuit Outputs
3-8 Implementing Circuits from Boolean Expressions
3-9 NOR Gates and NAND Gates
3-10 Boolean Theorems
3-11 DeMorgan's Theorems
3-12 Universality of NAND Gates and NOR Gates
3-13 Alternate Logic-Gate Representations
 跨歡地蜜 3-14 Which Gate Representation to Use
3-15 Propagation Delay
3-16 Summary of Methods to Describe Logic Circuits
3-17 Description Languages Versus Programming Languages
3-18 Implementing Logic Circuits with PLDs
拔轎臭3-19 HDL Format and Syntax
3-20 Intermediate Signals

CHAPTER 4 Combinational Logic Circuits
4-1 Sum-of-Products Form
4-2 Simplifying Logic Circuits
4-3 Algebraic Simplification
4-4 Designing Combinational Logic Circuits
4-5 Karnaugh Map Method
4-6 Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Circuits
4-7 Parity Generator and Checker
4-8 Enable/Disable Circuits
4-9 Basic Characteristics of Digital ICs
4-10 Troubleshooting Digital Systems
4-11 Internal Digital IC Faults
4-12 External Faults
4-13 Troubleshooting Case Study
4-14 Programmable Logic Devices
4-15 Representing Datain HDL
4-16 Truth Tables Using HDL
4-17 Decision Control Structures in HDL
CHAPTER 5 Filp-Flops and Related Devices
CHAPTER 6 Digital Arithmetic:Operations and Circuits
CHAPTER 7 Counters and Registers
CHAPTER 8 Integrated-Clrcuit Logic Familles
CHAPTER 9 MSI Logic Circuits
CHAPTER 10 DigitaI System Projects Using HDL
CHAPTER 11 Interfacing with the Analog World
CHAPTER 12 Memory Devices
CHAPTER 13 Programmable Logic Devke Architectures
Answers to Selected Problems


