



  • 書名:教師素質與教學技能論稿
  • 作者:何明珠
  • ISBN:9787313058843
  • 定價:48.00元
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年08月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Part Ⅰ .Teacher Quality
Now More than Ever, Show Kids Your Care!
Now More than Ever, Help Kids Build Character
"My Morale Has Fallen, and It Cant Get Up!"
Will New Teachers Be Prepared to Teach in a Digital Age?
What Teachers Think of Teacher Education
Teach with Gusto!
Why Teachers Leave
An Advisors Advice on Student Activities
SCAMPER for Student Creativity
A Lesson to Enhance Student Self-Esteem
Part Ⅱ:Teaching Skills
Teaching to All Learning Styles
De-densify Information Overload
Creativity Reigns (Not Reined) in the Regular Classroom
Lightening the Load for the Pressured Child
"Humor" Your Students !
Active Learning Promotes Reading Skills
Cooperative Learning: Abused and Overused7
Higher Quality Questioning
Seven Steps to Teach Critical Thinking
Three Basics for Better Student Output
Part Ⅲ: School Management
A Caring Alternative to Suspension
In Good Discipline, One Size Doesnt Fit All
Three Cheers for School Spirit
Public and Private School Differences Go Deeper than Dollars
School Rule-Making and Citizenship Education
Should "Good Work" Mean More Work?
School Size Counts ..
Working Magic on the School Image
Building a Better Physical-Education Program
Anti-Dropout Interventions
Part Ⅳ: School Extension
Battling Busywork Helps De-hassle Homework
Targeted Homework Motivates Kids
Making Homework Work
Doing Our Homework on Homework
Use Test Results as Tools to Improve Teaching
Design Your Tests to Teach, Not Just Test
Securing High-Stakes Tests from Cheating
Dos and Donts of Parent-Teacher Conferences
Involving Parents Lets Students and Teachers Win
Better Parent-Teacher Conferences


