

一個詳細的總結,闡述了看生活與作品中最具影響力的女性印象派畫家:Berthe Morisot。Berthe Morisot贏得印象派和她的才華和成為了第一個女人集團與莫奈、德加、雷諾瓦、Pissarro,Sisley。同樣地,她是那個時代最偉大的作家宣布的時間;在此向她,》引文用來保羅,史蒂芬。自我,瓊Cocteau提供了一個親密的肖像的藝術家,她的工作。Morisots畫作都表明多遠超過她的時候,她是她創造了他們,開拓一種新款式的繪畫。然而,她被低估了一個多centurymost可能是因為她是一個女人。本書展示了生活和工作的影響力的藝術家,聚焦於她的事業重要階段,包括她的第一次參加巴黎沙龍的23歲的1864年。此外,這本書對時間的意義創造了一定的繪畫,考慮究竟發生了什麼事情在藝術家的生活在那個時期。例如,在1874年Berthe已婚尤金,Manets兄弟,生了他們的女兒,朱莉莫奈,成為了主題Morisots後續的許多繪畫。Berthe Morisot包含個人之間的關係和其他重要人物Morisot印象派運動的,提供獨特的洞察力這種迷人的時期。這本書是一個重要的閱讀Berthe Morisots任何愛好者的工作,甚至有人欣賞印象派藝術家的工作。


  • 書名:摩里索特
  • 作者:Jean-Dominique Rey,Sylvie Patry
  • 原版名稱:Berthe Morisot
  • ISBN:9782080301680
  • 類別:藝術
  • 頁數:224
  • 定價:203.9
  • 出版社:Flammarion
  • 出版時間:2010-10-25
  • 開本:16開


裝 幀/Format:精裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Arts & Photography(藝術與攝影)
圖書 > 英文原版書 > Nonfiction(非虛構類)
定 價:¥203.90


A detailed, illustrated look at the life and works of the most influential female Impressionist painter: Berthe Morisot. Berthe Morisot won over the Impressionists with her talent and became the first woman of the group alongside Monet, Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, and Sisley. Likewise, she was heralded by the greatest writers of her time; in this tribute to her, an anthology of citations from Paul Valéry, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Jean Cocteau offers an intimate portrait of the artist and her work. Morisots paintings demonstrate how far ahead of her time she was when she created them, pioneering a new style of painting. However, she was underestimated for more than a centurymost probably because she was a woman. This book showcases the life and works of this influential artist, focusing on the important stages of her career, including her first participation in the Salon de Paris at the age of twenty-three in 1864. Moreover, the book assesses the significance of the time certain paintings were created, taking into consideration what was happening in the artists life during that period. For example, in 1874 Berthe married Eugène, Manets brother, and gave birth to their daughter, Julie Manet, who became the subject of many of Morisots subsequent paintings. Berthe Morisot includes personal correspondence between Morisot and other important figures of the Impressionist movement, providing unique insight into this fascinating period. This book is an essential read for any lover of Berthe Morisots work, and indeed for anyone who appreciates the work of the Impressionist artists.


