



  • 中文名:探路與出路
  • 作者:張學兵//徐蕾
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508546612


“中國讀本”叢書包括11個分冊,逐一回答了“中國是怎樣一路走來的”“中國共產黨是怎樣的黨”“中國特色社會主義道路是怎樣的道路”“中國夢是怎樣的夢想”“中國的民主是怎樣的民主”“中國現在處在怎樣的時代”等一系列問題,幫助讀者了解當代中國基本制度和發展大勢,更加全面、客觀地認識當代中國。一百年來,中國共產黨帶領中國人民走出了一條特色鮮明、影響深刻的建設、改革、發展之路——中國特色社會主義道路。本書在歷史和現實兩個框架下,比較系統地講述了中國特色社會主義道路是怎么孕育怎么演化的,這條道路有哪些構成要素和哪些特色優勢,通過走這條道路辦成了哪些大事喜事難事,這條道路對國內國外產生了哪些深刻影響等內容。The “Reading China” series consists of six volumes, which answer questions including “How China has come all this way”, “What kind of party is the CPC”, “What is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “What is the Chinese Dream”, “What kind of democracy is China’s democracy” and “What era is China in”, respectively. It helps readers gain a comprehensive and objective understanding of the fundamental systems and general development trends of contemporary China.Under the two frameworks of history and reality, this book systematically tells how the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics was nurtured and evolved, what are the elements and advantages of this road, what great events have been achieved by taking this road, and what profound impact this road has had on the country and the world.


張學兵,中央黨史和文獻研究院副研究員,主要從事中共黨史和當代中國社會經濟史研究,在《中共黨史研究》、《黨史研究與教學》等期刊發表論文40餘篇,參與多部中共黨史和改革開放史著作編寫,出版《統購統銷與計畫經濟秩序》、《通向和諧之路》等。Zhang XuebingHe is an associate research fellow at Central Institute of Party’s History and Literature, mainly studying the history of the CPC and the socioeconomic history of modern China. He has published more than 40 articles in journals such as CPC History Studies and CPC History Research and Teaching, and co-authored many works on the history of the CPC and of reform and opening up, such as State Monopoly for Purchase and Marketing and the Order of the Planned Economy, and The Road to Harmony, etc.


