- 軟體名稱:捍衛者和龍
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:69.47MB
這是一款史詩級的街機橫版闖關類的遊戲,玩家可以選擇三種職業:矮人戰士、精靈遊俠和人族騎士。傳說中的黑暗大軍捲土重來,你需要做的就是守護人族和反擊敵人。你的敵人不僅僅是怪物大軍,還有被魔化的龍族。拿起你手中的劍,消滅那些邪惡吧。 Lead your allies in the century old battle to defeat the evil Balewyrm’s dark army. Protect the realms across the land in this epic tug-of-war defense game! FUN & SIMPLE GAMEPLAY Summon mighty allies and set up defenses to protect the seals from merciless attacks! MANY WAYS TO PLAY Conquer single player missions, battle other players, and complete daily challenges to unlock tons of achievements! CHOOSE YOUR HERO Play as a Knight, Elven Ranger, Dwarf Warrior, Dragonmage, and more. Strengthen your troops by unlocking them all! MULTIPLAYER COLLECTION BATTLES Challenge players online to steal precious artifacts. Complete collections to earn big rewards! UPGRADE YOUR FORCES Acquire new weapons, upgrade defenses, equip magic charms, and unlock allies to grow your power! --------------------------------------------- Defenders & Dragons is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items, which will charge your iTunes account. You can disable in-app purchasing by adjusting your device settings.