- 書名:抽象調和分析(第1卷·第2版)
- 作者:[美] 體伊特(Hewitt E.)
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:2014年03月01日
- ISBN: 9787510070334
It has not been possible to rewrite the entire book for this Second Edition. It would have been gratifying to resurvey the theory of topological groups in the light of progress made in the period 1962 -1978, to amplify some sections and curtail others, and in general to profit from our experience since the book was published. Market conditions and other commitments incurred by the authors have dictated otherwise. We have nonetheless taken advantage of the kindness of Springer-Verlag to make a number of improvements in the text and of course to correct misprints and mathematical blunders.
We are in debt to the readers who have written to us or spoken with us about the text, and we have tried to follow their suggestions. We are happy here to record our gratitude to ROBER-r B. BURCKEL, W. WISTAR COMFORT, ROBERT E. EDWARDS, ROBERT'E. JAMISON, JORGE M. L6PEZ, THEODORE W. PALMER, WILLARD A. PARKER, KARL R. STROMBERG, and FRED THOELE, as well as to a host of others who have kindly made suggestions to us.
Chapter One: Preliminaries
Section 1.Notation and terminology
Section 2.Group theory
Section 3.Topology
Chapter Two: Elements of the theory of topological groups
Section 4.Basic definitions and facts
Section 5.Subgroups and quotient groups
Section 6.Product groups and projectivelimits
Section 7.Properties of topological groups involving connectedness
Section 8.Invariant pseudo—metrics and separation axioms
Section 9.Structure theory for compact and locally compact Abelian groups
Section 10.Some speciallocally compact Abelian groups
Chapter Three: Integration on locally compact spaces
Section 11. Extension of a linear functional and construction of a Jncasure
Section 12.Thespaces