


  • 中文名:扭曲、平鋪與鑲嵌:幾何摺紙中的數學方法(英文)
  • 出版時間:2023年1月1日
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787576706260


  朗博士出生在俄亥俄州,在喬治亞州的亞特蘭大長大,目前為全職摺紙藝術家和顧問,他曾在擔任物理學家、工程師和研發經理期間,單獨撰寫或與人合著了80多種科技出版物,並獲得了50項關於半導體雷射器、光學和集成光電子的專利。2007-2010年,他被選為美國光學學會(Optical Society of America)的會員,並擔任《IEEE量子電子學》雜誌的主編,在將主要關注點轉向摺紙之後,他單獨撰寫或與人合著了許多關於摺疊數學和技術套用中摺疊設計技術的文章。2009年,由於他的摺紙作品,他獲得了加利福尼亞理工學院的傑出校友獎,2013年他被選為美國數學學會成員。


1 Genesis *
2 What to Expect and What You Need *
I Vertices
1.1 Modeling Origami *
1.1.1 Crease Patterns *
1.1.2 Creases and Folds *
1.2 Vertices *
1.2.1 Kawasaki-Justin Theorem *
1.2.2 Justin Ordering Conditions *
1.2.3 Three Facet Theorem *
1.2.4 Big-Little-Big Angle Theorem *
1.2.5 Maekawa-Justin Theorem *
1.2.6 Vertex Type *
1.2.7 Vertex Validity *
1.3 Degree-2 Vertices *
1.4 Degree-4 Vertices *
1.4.1 Unique Smallest Sector *
1.4.2 Two Consecutive Smallest Sectors *
1.4.3 Four Equal Sectors *
1.4.4 Constructing Degree-4 Vertices *
1.4.5 Half-Plane Properties *
1.5 Multivertex Flat-Foldability **
1.5.1 Isometry Conditions and Semifoldability * *
1.5.2 Injectivity Conditions and Non-Twist Relation **
1.5.3 Local Flat-Foldability Graph **
1.6 Vector Formulations of Vertices * * *
1.6.1 Vector Notation: Points * * *
1.6.2 Vector Notation: Lines ***
1.6.3 Translation ***
1.6.4 Rotation * * *
1.6.5 Reflection * **
1.6.6 Line Intersection ** *
1.6.7 2D Developability * * *
1.6.8 2D Flat-Foldability ***
1.6.9 Analytic versus Numerical * * *
1.7 Terms *
2 Periodicity
2.1 Repeating Vertices *
2.2 1D Periodicity *
2.2.1 Periodicity and Symmetry *
2.2.2 Tiles *
2.2.3 Linear Chains *
2.3 2D Periodicity *
2.3.1 Huffman Grid *
2.3.2 Yoshimura Pattern *
2.3.3 Miura-ori *
2.3.4 Miura-ori Variations *
2.3.5 Barreto's Mars *
2.3.6 Generalized Mars *
2.4 Partial Periodicity *, **, * * *
2.4.1 Yoshimura-Miura Hybrids *
2.4.2 Semigeneralized Miura-ori *
2.4.3 Predistortion **
2.4.4 Tachi-Miura Mechanisms *
2.4.5 Triangulated Cylinders *
2.4.6 Triangulated Cylinder Geometry * * *
2.4.7 Waterbomb Tessellation *
2.4.8 Troublewit and Pleats *
2.4.9 Corrugations and More *
2.5 Terms *
3 Simple Twists
3.1 Twist-Based Tessellations *
3.2 Folding a Twist *
3.2.1 Diagrams versus Crease Patterns *
3.2.2 A Square Twist Tessellation *


