托姆斯突(Tomes processes)是成釉細胞離開牙本質表面,在靠近釉牙本質界的一端,形成短的圓錐狀突起。
- 中文名:托姆斯突
- 外文名:Tomes processes
托姆斯突(Tomes processes),醫學專業術語,又名成釉細胞突,牙釉質形成時,成釉細胞離開牙本質表面,在靠近釉質-牙本質界的一端,形成短的圓錐狀突起。
Tomes' Processes
This electron micrograph shows recently deposited, immature enamel (A) and that part of the ameloblast that secretes it - the Tomes' processes (B) projecting into it. Rough ER fills the lower ends of the ameloblasts above the level of the terminal bars. Rough ER produces the organic matrix of enamel. Secretory granules fill the Tomes' processes. Ameloblasts secrete in a merocrine fashion.