- 中文名:戴連榮
- 民族:滿族
- 出生地:遼寧開原
- 出生日期:1968年
中高能核物理理論 、群論及其套用。
國家自然科學基金項目: 強子共振的理論研究(10975068) (起止日期:2010.01-2012.12 項目經費:36萬元),項目主持人
國家自然科學基金項目: 重子散射和多夸克態研究(10675058) (起止日期:2007.01-2008.12 項目經費:18萬元),項目主持人
省教育廳創新團隊項目: 強子物理及電漿物理若干前沿問題研究 (2009T055) (起止日期:2009.01-2011.12 項目經費:16萬元),項目主持人
遼寧省教育廳基金項目: 多夸克態研究 (20060490) (起止日期:2007.01-2009.12 項目經費: 6萬元),項目主持人 遼寧省教育廳基金項目: 手征SU(3)夸克模型下重子-重子相互作用和雙重子束縛態的研究 (起止日期:2003.01-2005.12 項目經費:4萬元), 項目主持人
國家自然科學基金項目: 雙重子及超核物理的研究(10047002)(理論物理專款) (起止日期:2001.01-2003.12 項目經費:30萬元),項目子課題負責人
遼寧省科技廳基金項目: 夸克模型下重子-重子相互作用研究 (起止日期:1997.01-1999.12 項目經費:2萬元),項目主持人
國家自然科學基金項目: 代數解方法及在核結構問題中的套用(10575047) (起止日期:2006.01-2008.12 項目經費:29萬元),項目第一參加者
國家自然科學基金項目: 求解量子多體問題的無窮維李代數方法(10175031) (起止日期:2001.01-2003.12 項目經費:14.5萬元) 項目第一參加者
遼寧省科技廳基金項目: 多粒子糾纏技術及在量子通訊和量子密碼技術中的套用 (起止日期:2001.01-2003.12 項目經費:6萬元), 項目第一參加者
遼寧省教育廳基金項目: 量子多體理論中的嚴格解方法 (起止日期:2000.01-2002.12 項目經費:1.5萬元),項目第一參加者
Ideal mixing of scalar mesons and hyperon-nucleon interaction, Chin.Phys.lett.27(2010)061301 (by L.R.Dai) Mixing of scalar meson and baryon-baryon interaction,Chin.Phys.C(2010) (by L.R.Dai) (to be published) Nucleon-nucleon interaction and the mixing of scalar meson, Chin.Phys.lett.27(2010)012102 (by L.R.Dai) Multiquark states and the mixing of scalar meson,Chin.Phys.C33(2009)1397 (by L.R.Dai,J.Liu,D.Zhang)
Study of S*-D Interactions, Nucl.Phys.Rev.26 Supp(2009)148 (by L.R.Dai,L.H.Bai,H.Zhang,J.Liu,Y.Fu,D.X.Tong) Study of the J/Y -> f(w) f2(1270),J/Y -> f(w)f2'(1525) and J/Y -> K*0(892)K2*0(1430) decays, Phys.Lett.B680(2009)310 (by A.M.Torres,L.S.Geng,L.R.Dai,B.X.Sun,E.Oset,B.S.Zou) New exact solutios of the standard pairing model for well-deformed nuclei, Phys.Rev.C80(2009)044306 (by F.Pan, M.X.Xie, X.Guan, L.R.Dai, J.P.Draayer)
Baryon-Baryon Interaction in the Extended Chiral SU(3) Quark Model, Mod.Phys.Lett.A23(2008)2413 (by L.R.Dai, H.Zhang, Y.Fu, Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu)
Radiative decay of the dynamically generated open and hidden charm scalar meson resonances D*s0(2317)and X(3700),Phys.Rev.C76(2007)055205 (by D.Gamermann, L.R.Dai and E.Oset)
Study of N Omega-bar systems in a chiral quark model, Phys.Rev.C75(2007)024001 (by D.Zhang,F.Huang,L.R.Dai,Y.W.Yu and Z.Y.Zhang)
Structures of NW and DW dibaryons, Chin.Phys.lett.24(2007)389 (by L.R.Dai,D.Zhang,C.R.Li,L.Tong)
Quasi-exact solvability of the one-dimensional Holstein model,J.Phys.A39(2006)L207 (by F.Pan,L.R.Dai,J.P.Draayer)
Structure of di-W dibaryon, Chin.Phys.lett.23(2006)3215 (by L.R.Dai,Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu)
Structure of X* W dibaryon, High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.30 Supp.II(2006)271 (by L.R.Dai,Y.Fu, Z.Z.Liu, Y.Wang, L.Tong and C.R.Li)
Exactlysolvable gl(m/n) Bose-Fermi systems, J.Phys.A39(2006)417 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai.J.P.Draayer)
The short range mechanism of N-N interaction in the extended chiral SU(3) Quark model, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A20(2005)1994 (by L.R.Dai,Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu)
DD dibaryons structure in the extended chiral SU(3) Quark model, Chin.Phys.lett.22(2005)2204 (by L.R.Dai)
Studies of NN scattering process and vector meson exchange potential,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.28(2004)1324 (by L.R.Dai, Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu,S.L.Yuan)
Induction and subduction coefficients of Hacke, Brauer and Birman-Wenzl algebras and coupling and re-coupling coefficients of quantum and classical Lie Algebra, Prog.in Phys.24(2004)216 (Review Article) Permutation group approach to the one-dimensional XXX Heisenberg open spin-1/2 chains, Inter.J.Mod.Phys.C15(2004)247 (by F.Pan,L.R.Dai,D.Zhang,J.P.Draayer) NN interactions in the extended chiral SU(3)quark model, Nucl.Phys.A727(2003)321 (by L.R.Dai, Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu and P.Wang) Analytical Expressions for Reduced Coefficients of Permutation Group, High Energy.Phys.Nucl.Phys.27(2003)238 (by L.R.Dai, F.Pan and J.P.Draayer) Structures of WW and XW in the extended chiral SU(3) Quark model, Commu.Theo.Phys.40(2003)332 (by Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu.L.R.Dai) An extended chiral SU(3) Quark model,Commu.Theor.Phys.39(2003)569 (by Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu,P.Wang,L.R.Dai) Unified solutions of the hard-core Fermi- and Bose-Hubbard models,Commu.Theor.Phys.39(2003)469 Reconsideration of enhancement of sd dominance interacting boson models, Phys.Rev.C68(2003)014308 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai, Y.A. Luo, J.P.Draayer) Regular fractal structure of the energy matrix in one-dimensional Heisenberg open spin-1/2 chains, IOP Conference Series 173(2003)409 Analytical expressions for some multiplicity-free isoscalar factors of Sf Sf-1, J.Math.Phys.43(2002)6296 (by L.R.Dai, F.Pan and J.P.Draayer) Quantum key-distribution protocol for N-bit secret message communication,Inter.J.Mod.Phys.C13(2002)517 (by F.Pan,L.R.Dai,J.P.Draayer) Subduction coefficients of Birman-Wenzl algebras and Racah coefficients of the quantum groups O-q(n) and Sp(q)(2m): I. Subduction coefficients, J.Phys.A34(2001)6585 (by L.R.Dai, F.Pan) Subduction coefficients of Birman-Wenzl algebras and Racah coefficients of the quantum groups O-q(n) and Sp(q)(2m): II. Racah coefficient, J.Phys.A34(2001)6595 (by L.R.Dai, F.Pan) Matrix elements of one and two-body operators in the unitary group approach (I)-Formalism, Comm.Theo.Phys.35(2001)129 (by L.R.Dai, F.Pan) Matrix elements of one and two-body operators in the unitary group approach (II)-Application,Comm.Theo.Phys.35(2001)257 (by L.R.Dai,F.Pan) Exact solutions of two coupled harmonic oscillators related to the Sp(4,R) lie algebra,Commu.Theor.Phys.35(2001)661 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai) Exact solutions of high dimensional hard-core Fermi-hubbard model,Science in China A44(2001)83 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai) A hard-core Bose-hubbard model for description of pairing interactions in well-deformed nuclei,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.25(2001)134 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai) Tensor products of Hecke algebras, Comm.Theo.Phys.31(1999)113 (by F.Pan and L.R.Dai) Braid group approach to the derivation of universal matrices,Yad.Fiz.61(1998)1930 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai and J.P.Draayer) Study of the N-Delta Channel coupling effect in quark model,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.22(1998)1 (by L.R.Dai,P.N.Shen,Z.Y.Zhang,Y.W.Yu) Unified description of nucleon- nucleon and Hyperon-nucleon interactions in a chiral SU(3) quark model,Comm.Theo.Phys.30(1998)213 (by Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu, P.N.Shen and L.R.Dai) Braid group approach to the derivation of universal matrices,Physics of Atomic Nuclei 61(1998)1825 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai and J.P.Draayer) General deformed ocsillator,Chin.Phys.Lett.14(1997)5 (by F.Pan and L.R.Dai) The influence of N-Delta coupled channels on N-N interaction in a chiral quark model, J.Phys.G23(1997)1663 (by L.R.Dai,Z.Y.Zhang) The Hyperon-nucleon interactions in a chiral SU(3) quark model, Nucl.Phys.A625(1997)60 (by Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu, P.N.Shen, L.R.Dai, U.Straub and A.Faesslar) Racah coefficients of O(n) and Sp(2n) of Brauer algebras,J.Phys.A29(1996) 5093 (by F.Pan and L.R.Dai) Braid group approach to the derivation of universal R matrices,J.Phys.A29(1996)6043 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai ) Subduction coefficients of O(n) and Sp(2n) of Brauer algebras, J.Phys.A29(1996)5079 (by F.Pan, L.R.Dai) Quark-Chiral Field Interaction in SU(3) Model,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.20(1996)368 (by Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu, L.R.Dai) The structure and property of light nuclei, High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.20(1996)185 (by C.H.Zhang,L.R.Dai,J.N.Gu) Effective quark-quark interaction and chiral symmetry,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.19(1995)431 (by Z.Y.Zhang, Y.W.Yu, P.N.Shen, L.R.Dai ) Quark-quark potential from chiral symmetry,Phys.Rev.C52(1995)3393 (by Y.W.Yu, Z.Y.Zhang, P.N.Shen, L.R.Dai) Megnetic moments of odd-A nuclei in q-deformed shell model,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.20(1996)547 (by F.Pan and L.R.Dai) The study of exotic properties of 6-11Li nuclei in the nuclear shell model,High Ener.Phys.Nucl.Phys.19(1996)646 (by L.R.Dai, J.N.Gu)
2003年獲大連市自然科學學術成果一等獎: 手征夸克模型中NΔ耦合道對N-N散射各分波相移的影響及數學物理問題的研究 2004年獲遼寧省自然科學學術成果二等獎: 在推廣的手征SU(3)夸克模型下研究NN相互作用 2008年獲大連市自然科學學術成果二等獎: 雙重子NW 和DW結構 2008年獲遼寧省自然科學學術成果三等獎: 雙重子WW結構 2009年獲遼寧省自然科學學術成果三等獎: 推廣手征SU(3)模型中重子-重子相互作用研究 。