Transportation Research Part A; Transportation Letters; International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics; Transportation Research Record; Ships and Offshore Structures; Maritime Policy & Management等國際期刊審稿人
班輪運輸管理與實務(Liner Shipping Management and Practice) 本科生課程
[2]2014-2015年,上海市自然科學基金課題“基於大數據融合的海運安全風險分析” ,項目主要參與人
[3]2014-2015年,上海交通大學文理交叉基金重點項目“北冰洋航線營運戰略研究-航線開發與規劃綜合分析” ,項目主要參與人
[5]2014-2015年,上海市綠化和市容管理局課題“上海郊野公園養護管理與運營模式研究” ,項目主要參與人
[6]2012-2013年,貴州省商務廳 “貴州省重點物流園區推進建設項目”,項目主要參與人
[1]Dai, L., Fu, X. W., Yip, T. L., Hu, H. and Wang, K*. Emission charge and liner shipping network configuration - An economic investigation of the Asia-Europe route [J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2018, 110: 291-305. (SCI/SSCI; IF: 3.026)
[2]Zhang, D., Hu, H*., Roberts, C. and Dai, L. Developing a life cycle cost model for real-time condition monitoring in railways under uncertainty [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 2017, 231(1): 111-121 (SCI; IF: 1.103)
[3]Dai, L., Hu, H*., Chen, F. E. and Zheng J. N. The dynamics between newbuilding ship price volatility and freight volatility in dry bulk shipping market [J]. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 2015, 7(4): 393-406. (SSCI; IF: 0.609)
[4]Dai, L., Hu, H*., Chen, F. E. and Zhang, D. An empirical analysis of freight rate and vessel price volatility transmission in global dry bulk shipping market [J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition). 2015, 2(5): 353-361. (ESCI)
[5]Dai, L., Hu, H*., Chen, F. E. and Zheng J. N. Volatility transmission in the dry bulk newbuilding and secondhand markets: an empirical research [J]. Transportation Letters. 2014, 6(2): 57-66. (SCI/SSCI; IF: 0.727)
[6]Dai, L., Hu, H*., Chen, F. E. and Zheng J. N. A GA-Based heuristic approach for offshore structure construction spatial scheduling under uncertainty [J]. Ships and Offshore Structures. 2014, 1-9. (SCI; IF: 1.685)
[7]Zhang, D., Hu, H*., Liu, Y. T. and Dai, L. A model and its application to railway train wheel maintenance [J]. Transportation Research Record. 2014, 28-36. (SCI; IF: 0.695)
[8]Zheng, J. N., Hu, H*. and Dai, L. How Would EEDI Influence Chinese Shipbuilding Industry [J]. Maritime Policy & Management. 2013, 40(5): 495-510. (SSCI; IF: 1.31)
[1]Dai, L., Hu, H., Chen, F. E. and Zheng J. N. The nonlinear dynamic process of newbuilding dry bulk market cycle development [C]. Hong Kong: 1st Annual Conference of Association of Transport, Trade and Service Studies (ATTSS). 2012.
[2]Dai, L., Hu, H. and Chen, F. E. Study on vessels economic viability under drastic fluctuation of oil price. Hong Kong: In Proceedings of 6th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports. 2013, 627-635.
[3]Chen, F. E. and Dai, L., et al. GARCH Models Application in Volatility of Dry Bulk Freight Index [C]. Hong Kong: In Proceedings of 7th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports. 2014, 154-161.