戴岳,博士,教授,博士生導師,1963年出生。現任中國藥科大學中藥學院副院長、中藥藥理教研室主任,江蘇省“333高層次人才培養工程”首批中青年科學技術帶頭人,江蘇省教育廳“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金評審專家,國家自然科學基金、“863”計畫項目同行評議專家,江蘇省中醫藥學會常務委員。Life Sciences、Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology、Acta Pharmacologica Sinca、中國天然藥物等雜誌通訊評議人。
①Treatment with total alkaloids from Radix Linderae reduces inflammation and joint destruction in type II collagen-induced arthritis model of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2007,4;111(2):322-8。
② Alleviation of Picryl Chloride-induced Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Reaction by Saponin Fraction of Gleditsia sinensis. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2006,29(5):1056-1059。
③ Amelioration of Collagen-induced Arthritis in Mice by Saponin Fraction from Gleditsia sinensis. Pharmaceutical Biology 2006,44(9): 651-656。
④ Hypouricemic Action of Scopoletin Arising from Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition and Uricosuric Activity. Planta Medica 2005, 71(2):183-185。
⑤ Inhibitory Effect of Selaginella tamariscina on Immediate Allergic Reactions. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2005,33(6) : 957-966。