Chengdu DingXing cleaning service Co., LTDChengdu DingXing cleaning service Co., LTD, the company has the first-class clean equipment and advanced cleaning and maintenance idea; A perfect service system; Accumulated the rich work experience, the company's main decorate clean. Engineering cultivated after cleaning, marble renovation. Villa carpet cleaning, furniture cleaning and maintenance, sofa chair clean, wood floor cleaning wax, stone cleaning, polishing and waxing. Stone refurbished crystallization,
Outdoor billboard cleaning family cleaning, cleaning, cleaning cleaning unit community, etc. For office buildings, hotels, malls, entertainment, institutions, government office carpet cleaning sofa clean, clean the ground to prevent slippery, wallpaper, villas, community for residential cultivated cleaning, ceramic tile repair, household fill paint. Service way, to glass, ground, door to wait to premises, cement, lime point dirt tracks, etc.
My company has a number of senior management personnel, young, energetic, professional technical force is abundant, has accumulated rich experience, and create a good economic and social benefits. We carry out advanced management method, applying scientific management method, with excellent products, high quality service and excellent clean effect for "DingXing clean" create a good reputation.
Chengdu cleaning service in a chengdu seven regional service, twelve county
Chengdu DingXing cleaning service Co., LTD in chengdu city and the surrounding area (BeiDaJie, east road, double rainbow clear south road, high bamboo shoots pond, JiuYanQiao, huayang, WenJiang, new capital, Titan pu, flat in nanchong, chang, etc) have division (or JieDaiDian). Welcome to inquire.
Looking forward to shake hands with you, we would like to sincerely and strong handshake!!!!!
A 清洗服務部:清洗地毯清洗沙發清洗窗簾壁紙清洗床墊清洗空調清洗電腦清洗水晶燈清洗辦公桌椅清洗石材清洗養護玻璃窗玻璃幕牆清洗
B 家居養護部:實木家具養護真皮沙發養護石材地面牆面養護石材台面養護石材防滑處理石材修補水磨石翻新清洗養護拋光磚清洗養護
C 開荒保潔部:別墅開荒保潔精細保潔 新居開荒保潔舊居開荒保潔建築工程保潔,裝飾工程保潔,在建工程保潔,物業開荒保潔,物業日常保潔,廠房開荒保潔,廠房日常保潔,展廳開荒保潔,展廳日常保潔,展會保潔,會所開荒保潔,會所日常保潔,商場開荒保潔,商場日常保潔,倉庫開荒保潔,超市日常保潔,公司開荒保潔,公司日常保潔,醫院開荒保潔,醫院日常保潔,酒店賓館保潔,學校日常保潔;
D 家庭消毒部;廚房消毒服務,衛浴消毒服務空氣消毒服務,臥室消毒服務,,深度除蟎服務,家用電器消毒服務,殺蟲滅蟑服務,公共場所殺菌消毒;