



  • 中文名:應國兵
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士/博士研究生
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:材料科學與工程,工程力學
  • 職稱:教授




2016年3月—2017年3月,美國德雷塞爾大學(Drexel university),材料科學與工程系、化學與生物工程系訪問學者,合作者Dr&Prof. Michel W Barsoum、Dr&Prof. Aaron Fafarman;2017年2月—2017年9月,美國—muRata公司,電磁干擾禁止(EMI shielding)材料與技術項目負責研究員;2017年3月—2018年2月,美國德雷塞爾大學材料科學與工程系Faculty:Research Scientist。


2. 金屬及金屬基複合材料
3. 材料表面處理與防護技術;
4. 燃燒合成;
5. 力學:超常環境下材料和結構的力學行為與斷裂損傷。


8.美國陶瓷學會會員The American Ceramic Society, ACerS;
9.國家自然科學基金同行評議專家,中國複合材料學會會員,中國兵工學會會員,江蘇省力學學會會員,“材料快訊”電子文摘副主編,Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering A、International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology等二十多個期刊審稿人。


1. Xunjun He, Yuan Yao, Yiming Huang, Qinfei Zhang, Lei Zhu, Fengmin Wu,Guobing Ying, Jiuxing Jiang, Active manipulation of electromagnetically induced reflection in complementary terahertz graphene metamaterial, Optics Communications. 407, 386-391, 2018. (JCR三區,SCI IF=1.506)
2. Luo H., Su H., Li B., &Ying G.. Electrochemical and passive behaviour of tin alloyed ferritic stainless steel in concrete environment. Applied Surface Science. 439: 232-239, 2018. (JCR二區,SCI IF=3.387)
3. Ying, G., Dillon, A. D., Fafarman, A. T., & Barsoum, M. W.. Transparent, conductive solution processed spincast 2D Ti2CTx (MXene) films. Materials Research Letters. 9439: 1-8, 2017. (JCR一區,Top期刊,SCI IF=4.773)
4. Guobing Ying*, Fengchen Ma, Lin Su, Xiaodong He, Cheng Zhang, Zhonghua Dai, Hong Luo, Shanyi Du, Cheng Wang. An ab initio prediction study of the electronic structure and elastic properties of V3GeC2. Processing and Application of Ceramics. 11 [2]: 82–86, 2017(JCR三區,SCI IF=1.007)
5. 張晨, 應國兵*, 王乘 等. 高孔隙率多孔氮化矽構件較高馬赫數下流-熱-固耦合力學特性分析. 材料導報. 31(4): 131-136, 2017. (EI)
6. Dai Z., Liu L., Ying G., Yuan M., & Ren X.. Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Mn modified xBiFeO3-(1− x)BaTiO3 ceramics. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 434, 10-13, 2017. (JCR三區,SCI IF=2.319)
7. Luo H, Su H, Ying G, et al. Effect of cold deformation on the electrochemical behaviour of 304L stainless steel in contaminated sulfuric acid environment. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 425: 628-638. (JCR二區,SCI IF=3.083)
8. He X., Zhang Q., Lu G., Ying G., Wu F., & Jiang J.. Tunable ultrasensitive terahertz sensor based on complementary graphene metamaterials. RSC Advances, 6(57), 52212-52218, 2016.
9. Tian Bao-Na; Ying Guo-Bing; Wang Peng-Ju; Wang Cheng; Wu Yu-Ping. In-situ synthesis mechanism of nano-layered ternary Ta2AlC. Journal of Synthetic Crystals. 44(7):1773-1777, 2015
10. Ying Guobing, Tian Baona, He Xiaodong, Du Shanyi, Wang Pengju, Wang Cheng, Wu Yuping. Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of Ti2AlC by SHS/PHIP. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 44,1: 340-344, 2015
11. Pengju, W., Yuping, W., Guobing, Y., Baona, T., & Cheng, W.. Influence of Al2O3 Hollow Sphere on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Porous Si3N4 Ceramics.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 44, 615-618, 2015.
12. Guobing Ying*, Xiaodong He, Shanyi Du, Chuncheng Zhu, Yongting Zheng, Yuping Wu, Cheng Wang. Formation of Mn+1AXn phases in Ti–Cr–Al–C systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Rare metals. 33,4: 419-426, 2014
13. 王鵬舉,吳玉萍,應國兵,田寶娜,王乘,李嘉,趙海偉.凝膠注模製備多孔氮化矽陶瓷. 矽酸鹽學報. 42(12):1496-1500,2014
14. Liu L Z, Ying G B, Zhu J, et al. High-temperature compressive properties of TiC–TiB2/Cu composites prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Rare Metals, 33(1): 95-98, 2014
15. 王鵬舉, 吳玉萍, 應國兵* 等. 多孔氮化矽陶瓷製備方法的研究進展. 材料導報: 納米與新材料專輯. 28(2): 106-110, 2014.
16. Guo, W., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Hong, S., Li, G., Ying, G., ... & Qin, Y. Fabrication and Characterization of Thermal-Sprayed Fe-Based Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Composite Coatings: An Overview. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 23(7), 1157-1180, 2014
17. Hong, S., Wu, Y., Zheng, Y., Wang, B., Gao, W., Li, G.Ying G., & Lin, J. (2014). Effect of Spray Parameters on the Corrosion Behavior of HVOF Sprayed WC-Co-Cr Coatings.Journal of materials engineering and performance, 23(4), 1434-1439, 2014
18. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Shanyi Du, Yongting Zheng, Chuncheng Zhu, Yuping Wu, Cheng Wang. Kinetics and numerical simulation of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in Ti–Cr–Al–C systems. Rare metals. 33,5: 527-533, 2014
19. Ying Guobing, Wu Yuping, He Xiaodong, Zhu Chuncheng, Du Shanyi, Wang Cheng, Li Gaiye. Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of Ti3AlC2-Cr2AlC-TiC composite. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 42,1: 618-622, 2013
20. Sheng Hong, Yuping Wu, Gaiye Li, Bo Wang, Wenwen Gao, Guobing Ying.Microstructural characteristics of high-velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) sprayed nickel-based alloy coating. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 581:398–403, 2013
21. Sheng Hong, Yuping Wu, Qian Wang,Guobing Ying, Gaiye Li, Wenwen Gao, Bo Wang, Wenmin Guo. Microstructure and cavitation–silt erosion behavior of high-velocity oxygen–fuel (HVOF) sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coating. Surface and Coatings Technology. 225:85–91, 2013
22. Hong, S., Wu, Y. P., Wang, Q., Li, G. Y., Ying, G. B., Wang, B., & Gao, W. W. Cavitation silt erosion behaviour of HVOF sprayed nickel based alloy coatings.Surface Engineering, 29(8), 588-593, 2013
23. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Mingwei Li, Wenbo Han, Fei He, Shanyi Du. Synthesis and mechanical properties of high-purity bulk Cr2AlC ceramic. Materials Science and Engineering A. 528:2635-2640, 2011
24. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Mingwei Li, Shanyi Du, Wenbo Han, Fei He. Effect of Cr7C3 on the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of Cr2AlC. Journal of Alloys and Compounds; 509:8022-8027, 2011
25. H.L. Zhang, M.F. Zhang, J.C. Han,G.B. Ying, H.X. Guo, H.T. Shen, N.N. Song, C.H. Xu. Influence of the temperature and duration of the annealing on the lattice structure and growth of the Mg-Al spinel layer. Applied Surface Science.257: 5012-5016, 2011
26. M.F. Zhang, H.L. Zhang, J.C. Han, H.X. Guo, C.H. Xu, G.B. Ying, H.T. Shen, N.N. Song. Effect of neutron irradiation and subsequent annealing on the optical characteristics of sapphire. Physica B. 406: 494-497, 2011
27. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Mingwei Li, Yibin Li, Shanyi Du. Synthesis and mechanical properties of nano-layered composite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 56:734-738,2010
28. G.B. Ying, X. Wang.Numerical simulation of the SHS temperature fields of Al-Ti-C system based on plane propagating pattern. International Journal of Modern Physics C 20:1087, 2009
29. M. Li, G. Ying, X. He and S. Du. New Mn+1AXn compounds by thermal explosion in the Al-Cr-Si-C system. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis.18: 273-275 , 2009
30. Xiang Wang, Guobing Ying. Microstructure and Strengthening Mechanism of TiCp/ZA-12 Composites. Key Engineering Materials. 221:348-349, 2007
1. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Shanyi Du, Mingwei Li, Yongting Zheng, Chuncheng Zhu. In situ synthesis and mechanical properties of Ti2AlC-Ti3AlC2 composites by SHS/PHIP. XI International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 5-9 September, pp147,Attica, Greece, 2011
2. Xiaodong He, Guobing Ying, Shanyi Du, Yongting Zheng, Chuncheng Zhu. In situ synthesis and mechanical properties of Mn+1AXn ceramics by SHS/PHIP. XI International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 5-9 September, pp100, Attica, Greece, 2011
3. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Mingwei Li, Chuncheng Zhu, Shanyi Du. Synthesis and characterization of Cr2AlC compounds prepared by thermal explosion. X International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 6-11 July, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2009
4. Guobing Ying, Xiaodong He, Shanyi Du. Thermal activation in self-Propagating high-temperature synthesis. X International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 6-11 July, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2009
5. G.B. Ying, X. Wang . The 6th International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance (MP3). 2007.9, Beijing, China
6. Guobing Ying, et al. Synthesis of Mn+1AXn phases in Ti–Cr–Al–C systems. Open Sino-Russian Workshop on SHS, 24-26 October, Beijing, China, 2012
7. Fengchen Ma,Guobing Ying*, et al.Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the National High-tech Ceramics,Wuhan, China, October, 2016
8. Lin Su,Guobing Ying*, et al. Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the National High-tech Ceramics, Wuhan, China, October, 2016
9.Ying Guobing*; Dillon Andrew D.; Zhao Di; Mei Shan; Kota Sankalp, Michael Ghidiu; Li Christopher; Fafarman Aaron T.; Barsoum Michel. Transparent, conductive solution-processed 2D MXene films. Track A: Nano-laminated Ternary Carbides and Nitrides (MAX Phases) and 2D Phases (MXenes). 42nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites. Florida, USA, 2018


