



  • 軟體名稱:慈善時鐘
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:68.41MB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.0及以上
慈善時鐘是一個應用程式支持的非政府組織提供的愛滋病孤兒,塑膠。 每14秒,一個孩子成為世界上愛滋病孤兒。 然而愛滋病孤兒的生活充滿了希望,即使他們面臨許多困難像頻繁和歧視偏見。 這個應用程式簡單地介紹了關於那些孩子受愛滋病毒/愛滋病。 請享受孩子的照片與珍貴的微笑以及非洲風景。 功能包括: 時鐘與非洲的照片,開關每14秒。 網際網路廣播烏干達 圖畫書對愛滋病孤兒 部落格新聞的塑膠(日本唯一的) 信用卡捐款 關於塑膠 成立於2005年12月,愛滋病孤兒支持非政府組織是一個致力於塑膠非政府組織在這個問題上工作的孩子受到愛滋病毒/愛滋病,尤其是愛滋病孤兒。 塑膠旨在改善愛滋病孤兒的當前狀態,並一起開展活動與當地組織在烏干達和肯亞。 支持學校的活動包括房屋大量的愛滋病孤兒通過建設、農業支持,愛滋病毒/愛滋病致敏和項目預防母嬰傳播愛滋病毒。 套用生產支持 武士國際有限責任公司 注意 這個應用程式不進入睡眠模式。 請注意,烏干達的網際網路廣播可以不是空氣根據當日的時間。 CHARITY CLOCK is an application presented by AIDS Orphan Support NGO, PLAS. Every 14 seconds, a child becomes an AIDS orphan in the world. Yet AIDS orphans live lives full of hope even though they face many difficulties like frequent stigmatization and discrimination. This application introduces briefly about those children affected by HIV/AIDS. Please enjoy the pictures of children with precious smiles along with African landscapes. Features include: Clock with African pictures that switches every 14 seconds. Internet radio of Uganda Picture book about AIDS orphan Blog news of PLAS (Japanese Only) Credit card donation About PLAS Founded in Dec 2005, AIDS Orphan Support NGO PLAS is a NGO dedicated to working on the issue of children who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, especially on AIDS orphans. PLAS aims to improve the current state of AIDS orphans, and carry out activities together with local organizations in Uganda and Kenya. The activities include supporting schools that houses a large number of AIDS orphans through construction, agricultural support, HIV/AIDS sensitization, and projects of preventing mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Application production support SAMURAI International LLC Notice This application does not go into sleep mode. Please be advised that Ugandan internet radio may not be on the air depending on the time of the day.


