完美的愛國者的心 從我們的開國元勛每日行情 漂亮的背景圖片 獨立宣言,憲法和權利法案 通過連線功能共享任何你喜歡的報價與您的朋友 在國家危機的時候,美國人需要提醒的是已挾著這個偉大的共和國兩個多世紀的原則。從我們不時聽到從那些誰birthed這個國家的偉大的報價或聲明,我們認為, “是啊,我已經忘記了他/她說。它是如何真正是! “ 真相現在將每天向你走來!創始人的智慧是由非常人誰創造了我們偉大的共和國闡述的偉大原則每天提醒。他們留給我們的提醒和聽起來新鮮,因為我們今天的新聞警告。 我們邀請您來這些功能強大的報表中的每一天提醒。轉貼他們在您的社交媒體。就拿頁面與您合作,並釘起來給大家看。是人在你的圓圈,重新點燃自由之火給你住在一起的人,一起工作,一起玩,並與崇拜。使用這些引號來教你的孩子和孫子們有關的美國是世界的羨慕,一個“閃亮的城造在山上” ,並提醒自己,美國是不是一塊地,而是一個高尚的理念,一個想法,人可以自由和治理自己。 請欣賞這些報價和需要時間來思考我們如何祝福是作為一個民族!PERFECT FOR THE PATRIOT AT HE ART Daily Quotes from our Founding Fathers Beautiful background images Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights Share any quote you like with your friends via Connect feature In times of national crisis, Americans need to be reminded of the principles that have buttressed this great republic for over two centuries. From time to time we hear a great quote or statement from those who birthed this country and we think, “Yeah, I had forgotten that he/she said that. How true it is!” Truth will now be coming to you every day! Founders Wisdom is a daily reminder of the great principles articulated by the very people who crafted our great republic. They have left for us reminders and warnings that sound as fresh as the news of our day. We invite you to be reminded every day of these powerful statements. Repost them on your social media. Take the page to work with you and tack it up for all to see. Be the person in your circle that reignites the fire of liberty to the people you live with, work with, play with and worship with. Use these quotes to teach your children and grandchildren about an America that is the envy of the world, a “shining city on a hill” and be reminded yourself that America is not a piece of ground, but a noble idea; an idea that man can be free and govern himself. Please enjoy these quotes and take time to reflect on how blessed we are as a nation!