

《意外的旅客安妮泰勒》是1985年出版的圖書,作者是安妮泰勒 ANNE TYLER。


  • 中文名:意外的旅客安妮泰勒
  • 作者:安妮泰勒 ANNE TYLER
  • 出版時間:1985年8月12日
  • 出版社:Knopf
  • 頁數:355 頁
  • ISBN:039454689X
  • 類別愛情
  • 原作品:The Accidental Tourist


梅肯雇用了穆里爾普里切特,來培養他的不守規矩的狗。她是一個古怪的年輕女子並且還帶著一個體弱多病的兒子。梅肯很快就發現自己和穆里爾的關係並不普通。穆里爾與梅肯的妻子正好相反:性情急躁,愛說話,愛出風頭,少了優雅而且教育程度較低,酷愛穿著古怪的衣服。儘管他最初不接受這一段關係,但梅肯發現他不斷對穆里爾的洞察力,力量和樂觀,以及她的古怪習慣和傾聽的能力感到驚訝。梅肯對做出承諾的抗拒導致主動的穆里爾和被動的梅肯兩人之間相處十分糾結。但隨著時間的推移,梅肯與穆里爾和她的兒子亞歷山大之間關係十分密切,並且搬去了他們俗氣的小房子裡一起居住。梅肯慢慢發現,他愛“她的驚喜,同時也對自己感到很驚訝因為他在國外的Singleton Street是一個完全不同的人。 ”當他的妻子薩拉察覺了這一情況,她決定他們應該和好,迫使他對自己的未來做出一個艱難的決定
(The Accidental Tourist)是一部1985年的小說,這部作品使其作者安妮泰勒(Anne Tyler)進入了普利茲新聞獎的決賽並且獲得了1985年的小說類的美國國家書評獎(National Book Critics Circle Award)與1986年小說類的大使圖書獎。這本書在1988年被改編成了同名電影 意外的旅客 且收穫了當年的奧斯卡獎


InThe New York Times,Larry McMurtrysays, "Tyler shows, with a fine clarity, the mingling of misery and contentment in the daily lives of her families, reminds us how alike--and yet distinct--happy and unhappy families can be. Muriel Pritchett is as appealing a woman as Miss Tyler has created; and upon the quiet Macon she lavishes the kind of intelligent consideration that he only intermittently gets from his own womenfolk".
Michiko Kakutaniwrote, "It is from just such private lives that Miss Tyler herself has spun her own minutely detailed art, rendering them with such warmth and fidelity that her readers, too, are startled into a new appreciation of the ordinary and mundane. LikeJohn Updike, she has taken as her fictional territory that sprawling American landscape of the middle class, and in 10 novels now, she has claimed as her special province the family in all its contrary dimensions."
In contrast to most reviewers, John Blades, in aChicago Tribunereview, wrote a scathing review: "In an age of dissonant, aggressive fiction, Tyler has established herself as a voice of sweet reason, the heiress apparent toEudora Weltyas the earth mother of American writers. For all Tyler`s seductive qualities--the great charm and coziness of her fictional universe, her compassion for misfits, and, not least, her soothing, almost tranquilizing voice--there is something annoyingly synthetic about the work itself. However wise and wonderful, her fiction is seriously diluted by the promiscuous use of artificial sweeteners, a practice that has made Tyler our foremost NutraSweet novelist."
Edward Hoaglandwrote in theNew York Times,"Macon Leary, the magnificently decent yetordinaryman inThe Accidental Tourist,follows logic to its zany conclusions, and in doing this justifies...the catch-as-catch-can nature of much of life, making us realize that we are probably missing people of mild temperament in our own acquaintance who are heroes, too, if we had Ms. Tyler's eye for recognizing them....Muriel, the man-chaser and man-saver ofThe Accidental Tourist,ranks among the more endearing characters of postwar literature."


