


  • 中文名:恩德伯里島
  • 陸地面積:6.5平方公里
  • 位置:南緯3°08′、西經171°05′
  • 類型:島嶼
Enderbury Island (part of the Phoenix Group)
Enderbury Island lies 37 nautical miles E.S.E. of Canton and 186 miles south of the equator. In contrast to Canton Island,which is largely lagoon,Enderbury is nearly solid land,with the lagoon reduced to a small,shallow pond,a few hundred yards across,and dotted with sand islets,covered with a mat of Sesuvium,which also carpets the surrounding basin.
The island measures a little less than three miles north and south by about a mile wide. The elevation around much of the rim is between 15 and 22 feet,with a small mound of low-grade guano rising as high again on the northwest side. The central part is depressed toward the south,and to the north has been dug over for guano until it resembles a great mine dump.
Much of the surface is carpeted by herbs,bunchgrass,Sida,and morning-glory vines,and there are also several small clumps of trees. These include three groups of coconut palms,each surrounding a moist depression. Of these there were in 1924,from north to south,22,12,and 26 palms; in 1938 several of these were seen to have lost their crown of leaves,14,9,and 8 still growing.
Near the south end there are two large and six small clumps of kou trees; also one clump on each side of the mound,and a few scattered trees. A grove of green heliotropes covers a few acres near the centre of the west side,with a smaller thicket on the southeast rim,and a single tree which screens the camp from the sea.
Most of the beach is composed of sandstone slabs and coral rubble,alternating with short stretches of sand. The northern end is surfaced with jagged fragments of coral,which clink as one walks over them. No wonder natives at some period,guano diggers or before,built paths of smooth stones across this area. One can easily imagine that,at time of storms,waves may sweep across this low part of the island. The steep beach is fringed by reef 60 to 200 yards wide.
Birds are abundant


