



  • 中文名:快速學會地道美語
  • 出版社:華東理工大學出版社
  • 頁數:174 頁
  • 開本:32 開
  • 作者:蘇雅敏
  • 出版日期:2010年1月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787562826439, 7562826439


標準語速 專業英美人士朗讀,讓您學習最純正的英語發音
慢速重讀 語速舒緩,發音清晰,讓您到位跟讀,逼真模仿


1. salary/paycheck
2. part-time/full-time
3. work/job
4. office/work
5. work on/work for
6. colleague/co-worker
7. out of town on business
8. vacation/holiday
9. long weekend
10. take a sick leave/take a day off
11. sick/ill
12. feel well/in good health
13. catch a cold/had a cold
14. doctor's office/hospital
15. get a check-up/check into the hospital
16. college/university
17. grade/year
18. freshman
19. score/grade
20. score/point
21. place/prize
22. grade school/elementary school
23. secondary school/high school
24. multiple choice questions
25. pop quiz/test/exam
26. transcript/report card
27. major/take
28. co-ed/girls' school/boys' school
29. orientation/freshman party
30. diploma/certificate
31. commencement/graduation ceremony
32. alumnus/alumni association/alma mater
33. PTA/teacher conference
34. classmate/someone in my class
35. flunk/pass/fail
36. no school/have school
37. field day/sports day
38. golf course/tennis court
39. field trip/tour
40. finish/be done
41. be over/end
42. fun/funny
43. close call/emergency
44. keep/raise/grow
45. send/deliver
46. telephone/call
47. learn/study
48. bargain/good deal
49. sale/on sale/for sale
50. sold out/booked up
51. cheers/toast/bottoms up
52. treat/go Dutch
53. liquor/drink
54. dry town
55. formal/casual
56. formal/official
57. cleaners/Laundromat/laundry room
58. the point/What do you mean?
59. fix
60. wash the dishes
61. water the plants
62. in my day/in those days
63. album/CD/tape
64. album
65. tape
66. in the morning/in an hour
67. near-sighted/far-sighted/20/20 vision
68. power/prescription
69. glasses/contacts
70. answer the phone/answer the door
71. drive-in/drive-thru
72. lose weight/overweight
73. How much do you weigh?
74. gain weight/put on weight
75. How tall are you?
76. She is tall./She is short.
77. ride/drive
78. be held/be on
79. dance/ball
80. be impressed/impress someone
81. prep school/trade school
82. cram school/crash course
83. It's getting late./It's dark./It's still bright.


作者:蘇雅敏 (美國)杜梅帕(Ester B.Dumapi)


