《快捷英語國小英語閱讀周周練第2版六年級》是2018年中國電力出版社出版的圖書,作者是郭瑋,伊秀玲 。
- 中文名:快捷英語國小英語閱讀周周練第2版六年級
- 作者:郭瑋,伊秀玲
- 出版社:中國電力出版社
- 出版時間:2018年8月1日
- ISBN:9787519813413
《快捷英語:國小英語閱讀周周練(六年級 第2版)》分16個小學生常見話題,每周接觸一個話題,讓小學生的聽力訓練更有計畫性:所有話題均源於小學生日常生活,貼近現實,更能激發小學生“聽英語”的興趣。
Week 1 Animals動物
1.The Cock,the Mouse and the
Little Red Hen(1)
2.The Cock, the Mouse and the
Little Red Hen(2)
Week 2 Family家庭
4.A House in a Tree
5.Home, Sweet Home
6.PeppaPig's Family Computer
Week 3 School Life學校生活
7.It’s My Father
8.TheBus School
9.Batter Splatter
Week 4 Friends朋友
10.Guess, Guess
11.One Way to Make Friends
12.The Lost Penguin
Week 5 Daily Life日常生活
13.A Day of Laura in England
14.MrBlack and His Wife
15.At the Barber
Week 6 Sports運動
16.Sports in Our School
17.Football Games
18.The Flying Football
Week 7 Hobbies愛好
20.Pictures of Hugs
21.The Internet in Our Life
Week 8 Travel旅行
22.Mr Big Goes on Holiday
23.Don’t Throw Good Things Away
24.Trip to Australia
Week 9 Nature自然
25.Weather Forecast
27.The Big Storm
Week 10 Seeing Doctors看病
30.The Lost Voice(2)
Week 11 Holidayand Feslival節假日
31.Christmas Mice
32.The Night Before New Year
33.Happy Thanksgiving,Biscuit
Week 12 Bidhday生日
34.My Birthday Party
35.Thato’s Birthday Surprise
36.When Is Your Birthday
Week 13 Food and Drink飲食
37.Pete’s Big Lunch
38.Eat Well,Stay Healthy
39.Americans Like Coffee
Week 14 Shopping購物
40.Buyinga Dress
41.A Boy and a Waitress
Week 15 Transporlation交通
43.I Don’t See You
45.On a Sehool Bus
Week 16 Stories故事
46.The Dog Does the Same Workas Me
47.I've Got No Money
48.Wishes Come True