心靈雞湯·更成熟更睿智CSS OLDER N WISER

心靈雞湯·更成熟更睿智CSS OLDER N WISER



  • 中文名:《心靈雞湯·更成熟更睿智CSSOLDERNWISER》
  • 作者:Canfield, Jack/ Hansen, Mark Victor/ Newmark, Amy
  • 出版時間:2008年9月
  • 出版社:Chicken Soup for the Soul
  • 頁數:413 頁
  • ISBN:9781935096177
  • 定價:115 元
  • 副標題:Older & Wiser


We know how it is to cross the magic 60-year mark and feel young at heart despite a few new wrinkles. We wouldn’t trade away a bit of our wisdom and experience to get rid of all those life markers. This is the first Chicken Soup book to focus on the wonders of getting older, with many stories focusing on dynamic older singles and couples finding new careers, new sports, new love, and new meaning to their lives. This inspiring, amusing, and heartwarming book includes the best 101 stories for today’s young seniors from Chicken Soup’s library. The book is set in larger print for easier reading.


A Special Foreword
by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
1 Celebrating Life-
1.The Odyssey, Leslie J.Clark
2.The Age of Mystique, Anita Cheek Milner
3.Forty Years in the Wilderness, Charlotte A.Lanhc
4.Making the Rest the Best, PaulJ.Meyer
5.Surf's Up, Grama, Parn Trask
6.A Perfect Moment, Phyllis L.Nutkis
7.The Postcard, Rocky Bleier with David Eberhart...
8.Realize Your Dreams, Margie Pasero
9.A Matter of Life and Death, Mickey Mann Johnsor
10.Boys, Again, Timothy Leland
11.My Mother's Eyebrows, Jennifer Oliver
2 Timeless Love,
12.A Fragment in Time, Victoria Robinson
13.Never Say Never, Sally Kelly-Engernan
14.Whoever You Are, I Love You, Jim O'Brien
15.Loving Muriel, Robertson McQuilkin
16.The Unlikely Best Man, Jenn Dlugos
17.Scenes from a Marriage, Sally Friedman
18.Real-Life Fairy Tale, Norrna Grove
19.A Change of Heart, DeniseJacoby
20.Love's Cross-Stitch, Evelyn Gibb
21.A Husband for June Cleaver, Carla Riehl
3 Making a Difference
22.Esmerelda's Song, Dan Millman
23.Matchless Moments, Tom Harken
24.The Red Mahogany Piano, Joe Edwards
25.Pay it Forward, Beadrin Youngdahl
26.Magnolias, Edna Ellison
27.To Return Tomorrow, Susan Burkholder
28.December Snow, Angle Rubel
29."Dog" and Mr.Evans, Andrea B.Redd, D.V.M
30. Never Too Late, Linda Apple
31. One More Task, Marian Lewis
4 Across the Generations
32.No Ordinary Auction, Bob Welch
33.The Dying Light, Bob Welch
34.Reconnecting, Virginia Fortner
35.Somewhere, Babe Ruth Is Smiling, Harriet May Savitz
36.Always a Mother, Elizabeth Vinson
37.A Gift Through the Generations, Harriet Cooper
38. He Was a Hero, Like All Grandfathers, Sue Vitou
39.The Healing, Dahlma Llanos Figueroa
40. Choosing Life, Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D
5 The Wisdom We've Earned-
41.Awakening, Blair P.Grubb, M.D
42. One Hour a Week, Gall Rosenblum
43. God Has a Plan, Jean Palmer Heck
44.First Love, Sophia Valles Nigh
6 Unexpected Friends
7 Laugh Wrinkles
8 Final Gifts
9 Gratitude
10 Yes I Can
11 Special Moments


