- 書名:心電圖全書ECG Complete
- 作者:Bowbrick, Steven
- ISBN:9780443101830
- 頁數:160
- 定價:211.00元
- 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div出版社
- 出版時間:2006-7
- 裝幀:Pap
ECG Complete offers an uncomplicated but comprehensive account of all aspects of the ECG suitable for both the absolute beginner, as well as the more experienced reader requiring a definitive reference source. Using an informal style the book places the subject in context and includes a comprehensive guide to the practical aspects of ECG recording. ECG interpretation is dealt with in a straightforward way designed for easy reference, and covers all of the cardiac rhythms and abnormalities likely to be encountered in practice.
A comprehensive account of the ECG set in a broad context with emphasis on the scientific principles and practical aspects of the technology. Describes how to actually perform an ECG so that perfect results are achieved every time. Includes an alphabetical abnormalities listing guiding the reader to the correct diagnosis. Clinical scenarios place the ECG in a real-life context.
Section 1 : ECG basics and history
Section 2 : The ECG in practice
Section 3 : How to read an ECG
. Heart rate and rhythms
. Intervals and wave forms
. A-Z of abnormalities