


  • 書名:復旦卓越保險系列叢書•保險英語
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 頁數:235頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:25.00
  • 作者:劉亞非
  • 出版日期:2005年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7309046951
  • 品牌:復旦大學出版社




Unit One Risk
Text A The Meaning of Risk
Text B The Classification of Risk
Text C The Management of Risk

Unit Two Risk and Insurance
Text A The Attitude to Risk
Text B The Nature of Insurable Risks
Text C The Classes of Life Insurance

Unit Three An Introduction to Insurance
Text A lnsurance
Text B The Development of Insurance
Text C Special Features of Life Insurance

Unit Four Insurance Practice
Text A The Task of the Underwriter
Text B Handling Claims
Text C Reinsurance

Unit Five Policies and Insurance
Text A Insurance Regulation
Text B Financial Policies and Insurance
Text C Balance of Payments and Insurance

Unit Six Contract and Law
Text A Offer and Acceptance
Text B Offer and Acceptance in Insurance
Text C The Nature of Law

Unit Seven Iusurable Interest and Utmost Good Faith
Text A Insurable Interest
Text B Applicatioh of Insurable Interest
Text C Utmost Good Faith

Unit Eight Proximate Cause
Text A Definition of Proximate Cause
Text B Train of Events
Text C Proof of loss

Unit Nine Indemnity and Its Corollaries
Text A Indemnity
Text B Subrogation
Text C Contribution

Unit Ten Insurance Market and claims settling
Text A Insurance Market
Text B General Procedures for Notification of Claims
Text C Property Insurance Clauses



Unit Two Risk and Insurance
Some people often take risk and other people avoid risk. What is your attitude to risk? Are you a risk seeking person or a risk averse person? The attitude to risk is one of elements affecting the demand for insurance.
Text A The Attitude to Risk
What affects the demand for insurance? After all, it is not necessary for survival, so why do people buy insurance at all? To answer this question, it is useful to look first at the kind of service provided by insurance companies.
Unlike many other industries, the insurance industry does not supply tangible goods, like food or clothing or motor cars. What insurance "supplies" is a variety of services, and the main service provided by insurance companies is that of a risk transfer mecha- nism. Almost everything is exposed to risks of one kind or another. A building may be de- stroyed by fire; personal possessions may be lost or stolen, goods may be damaged while being transported; an individual may be unable to work after an illness or accident, and so on. Insurance cannot, of course, remove these risks. If you take out fire insurance, that does not mean that your house will not burn down. What insurance can do, "however, is to transfer the financial burden resulting from that fire from the owner of the destroyed house to an insurance company.
The main factor affecting a person's demand for insurance is that person's attitude to risk. Without insurance, few people would have enough money to buy another house if fire destroyed their current one, and many small businesses would simply have to cease trading if a fire destroyed their premises. Therefore, many people want to transfer to an insurance company those risks which they cannot or do not want to handle themselves. There are, of course, individual differences. Some people want to take out insurance against every risk they may be exposed to. On the other hand, there are people who do not care about the future.




