



  • 軟體名稱:從電影圖片
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:135.86KB
  • 支持版本:iOS6.1及以上
當您的孩子第一次騎三輪車你想要的照片或視頻?這是一個艱難的選擇!現在有了這個程式,你不需要選擇!你可以把現場錄製的視頻,您將拍攝的圖片。 你有沒有過一場音樂會,想要的音樂進行錄製,並有照片,重溫事件?這是一個艱難的選擇,可以選擇!如果你拍照,然後你沒有任何視頻或音樂,重溫事件,如果你有錄製的演唱會,你不能與他人分享的照片。 在這個應用程式,你可以拍照錄像。載入應用程式,然後按錄音鍵。然後按下的照片按鈕照片按鈕拍攝照片。When your child rides their tricycle for the fir st time do you want photos or a video It's a tough choice! Now with this application you don't need to choose! You can take pictures from the LIVE recording of the video that you will be filming. Have you ever been to a concert and wanted to record the music and have photos to relive the event It's such a tough choice to choose from! If you take pictures then you don't have any video or music to relive the event from, and if you have the recording of the concert you can't have photos to share with others. In this application you can take pictures from the video recording. You load the application, then press the record button. Then press the photo button photo button to take the picture.


