



  • 中文名:從耶穌到基督
  • 別名:From Jesus to Christ - The First Christians
  • 語言:英語
  • 出版時間:1998年
  • 地區:美國
適合一個基督徒在第一千年的初期是肯定火方式得到移植對社會外面邊緣和暴露自己於不寬容的一個史無前例的水平。時間是苛刻的並且這位起來的叛教者學派猶太教有然後障礙他們的份額克服。這些人和婦女被迫使與他們的猶太信念和傳統搏鬥和面對Romans 和他們的"忍無可忍" 政策在Pax Romana 期間, 當面對接近戰在各種各樣的基督徒派別之中關於怎樣解釋和了解耶穌, 耶穌基督的教學。前線的從耶穌對基督: 第一基督徒不是喜悅、和平, 和採納的傳說而是的早期基督徒的堅持不懈, 日常生活被遮蔽以衝突當他們奮鬥遵守和傳播他們新發現的信念。從耶穌對基督詳述耶穌基督, 發生的事件生活在他死了之後, 並且困難他的第一個追隨者面對當教他的訊息。故事講不是從一個宗教角度就其本身而言, 但有效地被提出以歷史, 社會學, 和人文方式由今天主導的新約院。畫在最新, 和經常有爭議, 歷史證據和採訪, documentary 生動地運輸觀察者回到信仰、信念, 和殉教會創造運動會轉動羅馬帝國上部在下三個世紀基督徒的時代。
Editorial Reviews
Becoming a Christian at the beginning of the first millennium was a sure-fire way to get transplanted to the outer fringe of society and expose oneself to an unprecedented level of intolerance. Times were harsh and this rising renegade sect of Judaism had more then their share of obstacles to overcome. These men and women were forced to wrestle with their Jewish faith and traditions and confront the Romans and their "zero tolerance" policy during the Pax Romana, while facing infighting among the various Christian sects about how to interpret and understand the teachings of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Frontline's From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians is not a tale of joy, peace, and acceptance but of the perseverance of the early Christians, whose daily lives were shaded with conflict as they struggled to practice and spread their newfound faith.
From Jesus to Christ recounts the life of Jesus Christ, the events that occurred after he died, and the hardships his first followers faced while teaching his message. The story is told not from a religious angle per se, but is effectively presented in a historical, sociological, and humanistic manner by today's leading New Testament academics. Drawing on the latest, and often controversial, historical evidence and interviews, the documentary vividly transports the viewer back to the times of the Christians whose belief, conviction, and martyrdom would create the movement that would turn the Roman Empire upside down in the next three centuries. --Rob Bracco
Product Description:
FROM JESUS TO CHRIST: THE FIRST CHRISTIANS, explore the life of Jesus and the movement he started – challenging familiar assumptions and conventional notions about the origins of Christianity. The film traces Jesus’ life and focuses on the events that occurred after his death and on the men and women who were his first followers and whose belief, conviction, and martyrdom created a major movement that transformed the Roman Empire.


