作者: 劉學茹 陳永華
論文題名: 英文題名:Cultivation of college students'career quality based on employment situation
作者機構: 遼寧工程技術大學材料科學與工程學院,遼寧阜新123000
題名、責任者附註: LIU Xueru,CHEN Yonghua (College of Materials Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin 123000,China)
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:G40
期刊狼贈甩請收錄: 0
作者簡介: 劉學茹(1977-),女,內蒙古赤峰人,碩士研究生,放頌愉講師。主要從事思想政治教育研究。
期刊收錄: 遼寧工程臘試熱技危和兆奔術大學求甩想輔導員協會核心團隊項目基金資助(2010-9)
來源: 遼寧工程技術大學學報:社符達主會科學版, Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition),2011,001
標識號: ISSN:1008-391XCN:21-1412/C
中文關鍵字: 大學生 就業驗章 職業素質
英文關鍵字: college students; employment; career quality
英文摘要 [In view of the employment difficulty among college students,induction analysis was adopted to analyze the main reason for the lack of employment competitiveness among college students.It lies in professional quality of college students.Countermeasures are put forward for college students to set up correct career objects, to make suitable career plans and to strengthen their humanistic quality education.The research results are of guiding significance for enhancing college students' employment competitiveness.]