《Environmental Technology》SCI期刊編委
1. 2020/01-2023/12,基於頂空壓力調控下的兩相厭氧消化系統代謝機理和碳轉化研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目骨幹)
2. 2014/01- 2016/12,活性炭和低壓電場對脂肪酸厭氧氧化產甲烷的強化作用及其對種間電子傳遞的促進機制,國家自然科學基金青年項目(主持)
3. 2013/10-2016/09,脂肪酸氧化菌與產甲烷菌共生關係的電化學耦合激勵機制研究,上海自然科學基金青年基金(主持)
4. 2019/01-2019/12,畜禽糞污衍生生物炭吸附特性關鍵影響因子探究,農業農村部設施農業節能與廢棄物處理重點實驗室開放課題(主持)
5. 2019/01-2022/12,國家重點研發計畫“鄉村廁所關鍵技術研發與套用”子課題,,(項目骨幹)
6. 2014/09-2016/09,同濟大學污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室開放課題(主持)
7. 2019/11-2020/12,廚餘垃圾處理器研發,校企產學研合作項目(主持)
8. 2019/12-2020/12,秸稈收集信息化平台的開發及套用,浙江省院地合作項目(主持)
9. 2018/06-2019/12,農作物秸稈資源化利用研究與示範,浙江省院地合作項目(主持)
10. 2018/05-2020/12,污泥厭氧消化前處理技術研究,上海理工大學科技發展項目(主持)
11. 2018/04-2021/03,基於新型感測器技術的青草沙水域水質動態變化與快速評價研究,上海市科委政府間國際合作項目(項目骨幹)
[1] Xu S.Y, Lu J., Zou S., Shi S., He P.*, Zhang H., Kang S., Linoleic acid derived carbon microspheres with hierarchical porous structure and controllable surface groups towards application in supercapacitor, Energy & Fuels (封面論文), 2021, 35(6): 4617-5406.
[2] Lu J., Xu S.Y.(*), Post-treatment of food waste digestate towards land application: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 127033.
[3] Xu S.Y., Qiao Z., Luo L., Sun Y., Wong J.*, Geng X., Ni J., On-site CO2 bio-sequestration in anaerobic digestion: current status and prospects, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 125037.
[4] Xu S.Y., Wang C., Duan Y., Wong J.* Impact of pyrochar and hydrochar derived from digestate on the co-digestion of sewage sludge and swine manure, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 314, 123730.
[5] Xu S.Y., Zhang W. Zuo L., Qiao Z., He P.J.* Comparative facilitation of activated carbon and goethite on methanogenesis from volatile fatty acids, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 302, 122801.
[6] Xu S.Y.*, Wang C., Sun Y., Luo L., Wong J.* Assessing the stability of co-digesting sewage sludge with pig manure under different mixing ratios, Waste Management, 2020, 114, 299-306.
[7] Zuo L, Lin R, Shi Q, Xu S.Y.*, Evaluation of the bioavailability of heavy metals and phosphorus in biochar derived from manure and manure digestate, Water Air Soil Pollut, 2020, 231:553.
[8] Xu S.Y.*, Han R., Zhang Y., He C., Liu H.B., 2018. Differentiated stimulating effects of activated carbon on methanogenic degradation of acetate, propionate and butyrate, Waste Management, 76:394-403.
[9] Liu H. *, Chen Z., Guan Y., Xu S.Y.*. Role and application of iron in water treatment for nitrogen removal: A review. Chemosphere, 2018, 204: 51-62.
[10] Luo L., Xu S.Y.*, Selvam A., Wong J. 2016. Assistant role of bioelectrode on methanogenic reactor under ammonia stress. Bioresource Technology, 217: 72-81
[11] Xu S.Y., He C., Luo L., Lü F., He P., Cui L., Comparing activated carbon of different particle sizes on enhancing methane generation in upflow anaerobic digester. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 196:606-612.
[12] Xu S.Y., Selvam A., Karthikeyan O., Wong J.*, Responses of microbial community and acidogenic intermediates to different water regimes in a hybrid solid anaerobic digestion system treating food waste. Bioresource Technology, 168, 49-58, 2014.
[13] Xu S.Y., Karthikeyan O., Selvam A., Wong J.*, Microbial community distribution and extracellular enzyme activities in leach bed reactor treating food waste: Effect of different leachate recirculation practices. Bioresource Technology, 2014,168, 41-48.
[14] Xu S.Y., Selvam A., Wong J.*, Optimization of micro-aeration intensity in acidogenic reactor of a two-phase anaerobic digester treating food waste. Waste Management, 2014, 34(2), 363-369.
[15] Xu S.Y., Selvam A., Wong J.W.C.*, Effect of inoculums to substrate ratio on the hydrolysis and acidification of food waste in leach bed reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 126, 425-430.
[16] Xu S.Y., Lam H.P., Karthikeyan O.P., Wong J.W.C.*, Optimization of food waste hydrolysis in leach bed coupled with methanogenic reactor: Effect of pH and bulking agent. Bioresource Technology, 2011,102(4), 3702-3708.
[17] Xu S.Y., Zhang H., He P.J.*, Shao L.M., Leaching behaviour of bisphenol A from municipal solid waste under landfill environment, Environmental Technology, 2011, 32(11): 1269-1277.
[18] Xu S.Y., He P.J.*, Lü F., Li M., Shao L.M., Transformation of organic matters in fresh leachate during anaerobic degradation under long hydraulic retention time, Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2009, 21(9):1302-1308.
[19] He P.J.*, Li M., Xu S.Y., Shao L.M., Anaerobic treatment of fresh leachate from a municipal solid waste incinerator by upflow blanket filter reactor. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2009, 3(4): 404-411.
[20] 孫洋洋,張雨辰,徐蘇雲*.不同來源剩餘污泥有機質賦存特徵及其厭氧消化潛能[J]. 中國給水排水, 2021,33(11).
[21] 徐蘇雲*,張皖秋,孫洋洋,高鐵酸鉀破解剩餘污泥的水解效能分析,環境科學研究,2020,33(4): 1045-1051
[22] 徐蘇雲*,韓潤奇,張雨辰,顏寧,劉洪波,改性石墨氈陽極用於微生物電解產甲烷研究,中國給水排水,2018, 34(9): 56-61.
[23] 徐蘇雲, 何品晶, 唐瓊瑤,等. Fenton法處理類長填齡滲濾液的氧化和絮凝作用[J]. 環境科學研究, 2008, 21(4):20-24.
[24] 徐蘇雲,張雨辰,崔銘昊,顏寧,王重陽,張婉秋,發明專利“一種微生物耦合電解處理高含固率有機廢物的裝置和方法”,CN 108117149 B,2020.11.06
[25] 劉洪波、徐蘇雲、高賽賽、朱夢羚,發明專利”生態廁所”,授權號ZL 201410254154.3,2016.5.25