Hongmei Zhang, Feifei Xu, Lin Lu & Yu Lei (2015): Cultural Capital and Destination Image of Metropolitans: A Comparative Study of New York and Tokyo Official Tourism Websites in Chinese, Journal of China Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2014.997414
雷宇、張宏梅、徐菲菲、梁浩翰,中國國家形象感知的跨文化比較—以中國、英國、美國大學生為例,《旅遊學刊》30(3):23-34 (CSSCI)
Xu, F.; Fox, D. 2014 Modeling Attitudes Towards Nature, Tourism, and Sustainable Development in Protected Area Tourism. Tourism Management. 45, December, 142-158(SSCI 刊物,影響因子2.571,ABS 4*)
Xu, F.; Fox, D.; Zhang, J.; Cheng, S. 2014 The Institutional Sustainability of Protected Area Tourism: Case studies of New Forest National Park, UK and Jiuzhiagou National Scenic Area, China. Journal of China Tourism Research. 10(2):121-141
Xu, F.; Morgan, M; Moital, M. 2011 Cross Cultural Segments in International Students Travel—An analysis of the British and Chinese Market, Tourism Analysis 16(6): 663-675 (ABS 2*)
Cheng, S. ; Zhang, J.; Lu, S.; Xu, F.; Zhang, H 2011 Influence of Tourists’ Environmental Tropisms on Their Attitudes to Tourism and Nature Conservation in Natural Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou National Park in China. Chinese Geographical Science 21(3): 377-384(SCI刊物,影響因子0.581)
Cheng, S; Xu, F.; Zhang, J. Zhang Y. 2010 Tourists' Attitudes Toward Tea Tourism: A Case Study in Xinyang, China. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(2):211 – 220 ( SSCI刊物,影響因子0.835 , ABS 1*)
Cheng, S., Zhang, J., Zhu, Z., Xu, F. 2010 On Internationally Marketing Jiuzhaigou National Park After Wenchuan Earthquake Journal of China Tourism Research 6 (3), pp. 310-324
Cheng, S., Zhang, J., Fox, D., Xu, F. 2010 Study on CTW's Distribution and Online Marketing Effects. Journal of China Tourism Research 6 (4), pp. 383-395
程紹文、張捷、徐菲菲、梁玥翎.2010 .自然旅遊地社區居民旅遊發展期望與旅遊影響感知對其旅遊態度的影響——對中國九寨溝和英國NF國家公園的比較研究. 地理研究. 29(12): 2-12 (CSCD)
程紹文、張捷、徐菲菲.2010.自然旅遊地居民自然保護態度的影響因素——中國九寨溝和英國新森林國家公園的比較. 生態學報30(24): 1-8 (CSCD)
Xu, F; Morgan, M. 2009 Student Travel Behavior—A Cross Cultural Comparison. International Journal of Tourism Research 11(3): 255-268 (SSCI刊物,影響因子0 .861, ABS 2*)
Morgan, M; Xu, F. 2009 Student Travel Experiences, Memories and Dreams. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 18(2-3): 216-236
程紹文、徐菲菲、張捷.2009.中英風景名勝區/國家公園自然旅遊規劃管治模式比較——以中國九寨溝國家級風景名勝區和英國New Forest(NF)國家公園為例. 中國園林. 25(7): 43-48 (CSSCI)
Xu, F; Wall, G 2007 Ecotourism in Yancheng Wetland, China. Tourism Recreation Research 32(1): 11-20 (ABS 1*)
徐菲菲、宋平.2007年第2期,鹽城國家級珍禽自然保護區濕地生態旅遊開發研究. 生態經濟
徐菲菲、萬緒才、楊達源,2007年26卷第五期,濕地生態旅遊開發模式. 生態學雜誌. 771-774
徐菲菲,2006,基於社區的生態旅遊可持續性評價——以江蘇鹽城丹頂鶴濕地自然保護區為例. 南京財經大學學報.62-64
Jiang H, Xu, F, Cai Y, Yang D, 2006 Weathering the Characteristics of Sloping Fields in the Three Georges Reservoir Area Pedosphere 16(1): 50-55 (SCI刊物,影響因子1.232)
徐菲菲、楊達源、黃震方、Geoffrey Wall, 2005,濱海生態旅遊地可持續發展模式研究——以江蘇連雲港為例. 經濟地理. 25(5): 707-719.
徐菲菲、Gu, K., 劉沛林,2005,南京城市旅遊形象研究. 地理與地理信息科學. 21(3): 93-96.
徐菲菲、劉沛林、白先春,2004,基於層次分析法和熵技術的旅遊規劃研究. 地理研究. 23(3): 395-402
宋平、徐菲菲,2004,南京六朝文化旅遊開發研究. 地域研究與開發. 23(2): 69-71.
徐菲菲、萬緒才、宋平,2004,全球化時代南京城市旅遊發展對策研究. 現代城市研. 19, 5: 59—62.
徐菲菲. 2003 江蘇濱海生態旅遊與可持續發展模式研究經濟地理23(4): 547-550.
徐菲菲、宋平. 2003 旅遊風景區技術創新研究—以南京玄武湖風景區為例. 桂林旅遊高等專科學校學報. 14(6): 10—13.
萬緒才、張安、李剛、徐菲菲,2003,基於旅遊者的城市旅遊環境質量綜合評價研究——南京與蘇州兩市實例分析. 經濟地理.
萬緒才、徐菲菲. 2002,山嶽型旅遊資源綜合評價研究, 南京財經大學學報. 13(2):17-20.
徐菲菲、何太蓉、劉慶友、楊達源,2002,黃金周旅遊廣告探究. 東南大學學報. 4(5):80—83.
徐菲菲、丁敏,2001 濱海生態旅遊可持續發展指標體系構建及評價, 產業經濟研究. (4):47—51.
張樹夫、徐菲菲,2000, CIS 與景區形象設計. 經濟地理. 20(3):105—108.
張樹夫、唐繼剛、徐菲菲. 2000 江蘇沿海生態旅遊開發研究.地理與地理信息科學. 16(3): 75—78.
徐菲菲、黃震方1999 南京西郊的旅遊開發方向與開發策略資源開發與市場3:185-186
英國Bournemouth大學Fusion項目、2012/06-2013/05、Tourism and Gamification via mobile phone、結題、主持
英國National Costal Academy與英國Bournemouth大學聯合資助項目,Augmented Reality Gaming: A New Paradigm for Tourist Experiences,2012/10-2015/09、在研、主持
英國蘇格蘭旅遊局項目、Ecotourism in Scotland、2009/05-2010/05、結題、參與
英國科學院(British Academy)立項項目、How Sustainable in Ecotourism in Protected Areas in China and the UK、2007/10-2008/10、結題、主持
加拿大對外發展屬立項項目、Ecoplan China、2002/01—2007/01、結題、參與
Xu, F.; Webber, J.; Buhalis, D.; 2014 Gamification in Tourism. ENTER Conference Proceeding. Dublin, Ireland,
Xu, F.; Tian, F.; Buhalis, D.; Webber, J. 2013 Marketing tourism via electronic games: understanding the motivation of tourist players. 5th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. Bournemouth, UK (EI收錄)
Feng, T.; Xu, F.; Fu, J. 2013 Augmented Reality Technology Overview for Tourism App Development. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Tianjing, China
Xu, F and Fox, D. 2012 Anthropocentric or Ecocentric: Attitudes Towards Nature and Their Influence on Attitudes To Sustainable Development in National Parks, A Cross Cultural Comparison of British and Chinese Visitors. 2Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference Corfu, Greece.
Xu, F, Morgan, M and Moitol, M. 2009 A Global-centric Approach to International Segmentation of Travel Markets. 3Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference. Bournemouth
Morgan, M and Xu, F. 2009 The Emerging Chinese Market: students’ travel experiences and aspirations. 3Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference. Bournemouth
Cheng, S., Xu, F., Zhang, Y and Zhang, J. 2009 Tourists’ Perceptions of Chinese Tea Tourism, Case Study from Xinyang, China. 3Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference. Bournemouth
Xu, F. and Fox, D. 2008 Perceptions of Ecotourism, views from Chinese visitors. International conference on Landscape ecology. Taipei, Taiwan
Xu, F. Zhang, J. and Cheng, S. 2008 The sustainable development of national parks, a comparative study of Jiuzhaigou national park, China and New Forest national park, England. 5China Tourism Forum. Conference proceeding: Huangshan, China (awarded the Best Research Paper Award)
Xu, F. 2007 Chinese student travel behavior, a pilot study. Published in P Lynch and D Sloan eds The proceedings of the 16CHME Research Conference Oxford no page
Morgan, M. and Xu, F. 2007 Student Travel Experiences, Memories and Dreams. Extraordinary Experiences Conference, Bournemouth University, September, Bournemouth
Xu, F. and Morgan, M. 2007 Students’ Travel Behavior: a cross-cultural comparison of UK and China. 4China Tourism Forum, Kunming, China. Conference Proceeding
Xu, F., Wall, G., & Yang, D. 2005 Evaluating Sustainability of Ecotourism Based on Community---A Case Study of Yancheng Red Crowned Crane Wetland Nature Reserve, Jiangsu in the proceeding of International Conference on Border Tourism and Community Tourism Development, Xishuanbanna, China
Xu, F., and Wall, G. 2004 Ecotourism in Yancheng Wetland, China in the Proceeding of Travel and Tourism Research 35th Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada
2012 Best Paper Award: 2Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference Corfu, Greece 31May—03June, 2012:
Xu, F and Fox, D. Anthropocentric or Ecocentric: Attitudes Towards Nature and Their Influence on Attitudes To Sustainable Development in National Parks, A Cross Cultural Comparison of British and Chinese Visitors.
2008 Best Research Paper Award: 5China Tourism Forum. Huangshan, China. 13 -14Dec, 2008: Xu, F. Zhang, J. and Cheng, S. 2008 The sustainable development of national parks, a comparative study of Jiuzhaigou national park, China and New Forest national park, England.
2005 南京市哲學社會科學三等獎: 宋平,徐菲菲南京六朝文化旅遊研究
南京市哲學社會科學三等獎: 黃震方,徐菲菲,侯國林南京西郊旅遊開發研究