

徐芙清,女,博士,西安交通大學特聘研究員, 博士生導師。


  • 中文名:徐芙清
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:西安交通大學


2005.9-2009.6武漢大學 資源與環境科學學院,環境科學專業學士。


受邀演講,研究生課程Biomass to Bioenergy
組織人,Bioenergy and Bioproducts Research Lab論文研討會。
受邀演講,本科課程Introduction to Renewable Energy, The Ohio State University。
受邀演講,本科課程Feedstock Analysis, The Ohio State University。


近二十個SCI期刊審稿人:AppliedEnergy;EnvironmentalScienceTechnology;BioresourceTechnology;WasteManagement;ChemSusChem;Energy and Fuels;Applied MicrobiologyandBiotechnology;BiotechnologyforBiofuels;EnvironmentalModeling&Assessment;Wasteandbiomassvalorization; Resources, conservation & Recycling; International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation; Journal of Animal Science; Journal of energy institute; Journal of Environmental Science & Health; Energy Reports; Industrial Biotechnology; International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering; AIMS Bioengineering等。
共發表學術論文30篇 (*通訊作者,#共同第一作者),其中一區論文22篇,至今共被引用1678次,H-index 16(google scholar數據)。
  1. Keener,H.,Xu, F.*.Novel Mathematical Model for Predicting Performance of the Sequential Batch Anaerobic Digestion Process-Part I.Transactions of the ASABE, in press
  2. G Shang, C Zhang, F Wang, L Qiu, X Guo,F Xu* Liquid hot water pretreatment to enhance the anaerobic digestion of wheat straw—effects of temperature and retention time. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
  3. Wang, F.,Xu, F.*, Liu, Z.,Cui, Z.,Li, Y.Effects of outdoor dry bale storage conditions on corn stover and the subsequent biogas production from anaerobic digestion.Renewable Energy,
  4. Xu, F., Li, Y., Ge, X., Yang, L., Li, Y.* Anaerobic digestion of food waste–challenges and opportunities.Bioresource Technology,
  5. Xu, F., Wang F., Lin L., Li Y.* . Comparison of digestate from solid anaerobic digesters and dewatered effluent from liquid anaerobic digesters as inocula for solid state anaerobic digestion of yard trimmings.Bioresource Technology,
  6. Xu, F., Wang, Z.W., Li, Y. * Mathematical modeling of solid-state anaerobic digestion.Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,
  7. Xu, F., Wang, Z.W., Li, Y.* . Predicting the methane yield of lignocellulosic biomass in mesophilic solid-state anaerobic digestion based on feedstock characteristics and process parameters.Bioresource Technology,
  8. Shi,J.,Xu,F.,Wang,Z.,Stiverson,J.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.* .Effectofmicrobialandnon-microbialfeaturesofinoculumonbiogasproductionandmicrobialcommunitydynamicsduringsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.BioresourceTechnology,
  9. Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Tang,L.,Li,Y.* . A massdiffusion-based interpretation oftheeffect oftotalsolidscontentonsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcellulosicbiomass.BioresourceTechnology,
  10. Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.*.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.WasteManagement,
  11. Wang, Z.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.*.Effectsof totalammonianitrogenconcentration onsolidstateanaerobicdigestion ofcornstover.BioresourceTechnology,
  12. Xu,F.,Li,Y.* .Solid-stateco-digestion ofexpired dogfoodandcornstoverformethane production.BioresourceTechnology,
  13. Xu,F.,He,W.,Zheng,X.,Zhang,W.*,Cai,W.,Xiong,S.InhibitiononMicrocystisaeruginosabyArtemisialavandulaefoliaanditsthreeorganicsolventextracts.ActaEcologicaSinica,
  14. L Cao, J Wang, T Zhou, Z Li, S Xiang,F Xu, R Ruan, Y Liu, .Evaluation of ammonia recovery from swine wastewater via a innovative spraying technology.Bioresource technology
  15. Lin, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y., Anaerobic digestion and composting in the food-energy-water nexus: a comparative review of sustainable waste management practices. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
  16. Y Li, J Lu,F Xu, Y Li, D Li, G Wang, S Li, H Zhang, Y Wu, A Shah, G Li,. Reactor performance and economic evaluation of anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with corn stover and tomato residues under liquid, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions. Bioresource technology
  17. Y Li, Y Wang, Z Yu, J Lu, D Li, G Wang, Y Li, Y Wu, S Li,F Xu, G Li, X Gong, Effect of inoculum and substrate/inoculum ratio on the performance and methanogenic archaeal community structure in solid state anaerobic co-digestion of tomato residues with dairy manure and corn stover. Waste Management
  18. Li,Y.,Xu, F., Li., Y, Lu, J., Li, S., Shah, A., Zhang, X., Zhang, H., Gong X., Li, G.* .Reactor performance and energy analysis of solid state anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with corn stover and tomato residues.Waste Management,
  19. Wang, Z.W.,Xu, F., Manchala, K.R., Sun, Y., Li, Y.* . Fractal-like kinetics of the solid-state anaerobic digestion.Waste Management,
  20. Liu, S.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y.* Comparison between ensilage and fungal pretreatment for storage of giant reed and subsequent methane production.BioresourceTechnology,
  21. Liu, S.,Xu, F., Liew,L., Li, Y.*.Foodwasteaddition forenhancedgiantreedesilage andmethaneproduction.Transactions of the ASABE
  22. Liu, S., Ge, X.,Xu, F., Li, Y.* Effect of total solids content on giant reed ensilage and subsequent anaerobic digestion.Process Biochemistry
  23. Ge, X.,Xu, F., Li, Y.*. Solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass: Recent progress and perspectives.BioresourceTechnology,
  24. Ge, X.,Xu, F., Vasco-Correa, J., Li, Y.*. Giant reed: A competitive energy crop in comparison with miscanthus.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
  25. Yang, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X. Challenges and strategies for solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
  26. Hochman, G.*, Wang, S., Li, Q., Gottlieb, P.D.,Xu, F., Li, Y. . Cost of organic waste technologies: A case study for New Jersey.AIMS Energy,
  27. Lin,L.,Yang,L.,Xu,F.,Frederick,M.,Li,Y.*. Comparison ofsolid-stateanaerobic digestionandcompostingofyardtrimmingswitheffluentfromliquidanaerobicdigestion.BioresourceTechnology,
  28. Zhu,J.,Zheng,Y.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.* Solid-stateanaerobicco-digestionofhayandsoybean processingwastefor biogasproduction.BioresourceTechnology,
  29. Zheng,Y.,Zhao,J.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.*Pretreatmentoflignocellulosicbiomassforenhancedbiogasproduction.Progress inEnergyandCombustionScience,
  30. Zhang,W.*,Xu,F.,He,W.,Zheng,X.,Yang, C. Inhibitiveeffectsofthree compositaeplants onMicrocystis aeruginosa.Frontier ofEnvironmental Science &Engineeringin China,
  1. 李超,周瀛,劉剛金,徐芙清,寇巍,錢明宇(2016).基於滲濾液回流的乾式厭氧發酵研究進展。可再生能源
  1. Xu, F., Li, Y., Wicks, M., Li, Y., Keener, H. Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste for Biofuels Production. Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, Elsevier.
  2. Xu, F.,Khalaf, A., Sheets, J., Ge, X., Keener, H., Li, Y. Phosphorus removal and recovery from anaerobic digestion residues. Advances in Bioenergy,Elsevier.
  3. Xu, F., Li, Y. .Biomass digestion. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies,Elsevier.
  4. Lin, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y.Biological treatment of organic materials for energy and nutrients production—Anaerobic digestion and composting.Advances in Bioenergy,Elsevier.
  1. HM Keener, F Xu.A novel mathematical model for the start-up phase of sequential batch anaerobic digester.2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting.
  2. Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Tang,L.,Li,Y. A massdiffusion-based interpretation oftheeffect oftotalsolidscontentonsolid-stateanaerobicdigestion ofcellulosicbiomass. ASABE Annual International Meeting,
  1. Xu, F., Cao, L., Wicks, M Keener, H. . Effect of liquid livestock manure storage conditions on total and water-extractable phosphorus. The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) 62nd annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.
  2. Xu, F.,Khalaf, A., Li, Y. . Removal of phosphorus from anaerobic digestion effluent using flue gas desulfurization gypsum.BioCycle Conference, Portland, OR,
  3. Xu, F., Jiang, Y., Li, Y. Comparison of anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste paper in solid and liquid media. ASABE AnnualInternationalMeeting. Orlando, FL,
  4. Xu, F., Li, Y., Wang, Z. Use of respirometer in the evaluation of the fractal kinetics of the solid-state anaerobic digestion of corn stover. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
  5. Xu, F., Li. Y. Emergy analysis of solid-state anaerobic digestion and liquid anaerobic digestion systems for bioenergy production and waste management. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
  6. Jiang Y.,Xu, F., Liew, L. N., Li. Y. . Solid-state anaerobic co-digestion of kitchen food waste and food packages. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
  7. Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Li,Y. .Mathematicalmodelingofsolid-stateanaerobicdigestion formethaneproduction.Oralpresentationat:AmericanSocietyofAgriculturalandBiologicalEngineersAnnualInternationalMeeting.Montreal,QC, Canada,
  8. Xu,F.,Li,Y. .Solid-stateco-digestionofexpireddogfoodandcornstoverfor methaneproduction.Posterpresentationat:TheUniversityCleanEnergyAlliance ofOhio (UCEAO)6thAnnualConference.Columbus,OH,
  9. Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentsasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolidstateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.Oralpresentationat:AmericanSocietyofAgriculturaland BiologicalEngineersAnnualInternationalMeeting.Louisville,KY,
  10. Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentsasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolidstateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.Posterpresentationat:2011OARDCannualconference.Columbus,OH,Apr


1.Bioreource Technology雜誌最高引用獎。
2.海外華人農業,生物及食品工程師協會(AOCABFE)領導力與服務獎。AOC Graduate Leadership and Service Award。
3.美國農業和生物工程學會(ASABE) Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award,博士類第一名。
5.俄亥俄州立大學食品,農業與生物工程學院研究生成就獎。Taiganides“GraduateStudentoftheYear” Award。


