徐芙清,女,博士,西安交通大學特聘研究員, 博士生導師。
- 中文名:徐芙清
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 任職院校:西安交通大學
2005.9-2009.6武漢大學 資源與環境科學學院,環境科學專業學士。
受邀演講,研究生課程Biomass to Bioenergy。
組織人,Bioenergy and Bioproducts Research Lab論文研討會。
受邀演講,本科課程Introduction to Renewable Energy, The Ohio State University。
受邀演講,本科課程Feedstock Analysis, The Ohio State University。
近二十個SCI期刊審稿人:AppliedEnergy;EnvironmentalScienceTechnology;BioresourceTechnology;WasteManagement;ChemSusChem;Energy and Fuels;Applied MicrobiologyandBiotechnology;BiotechnologyforBiofuels;EnvironmentalModeling&Assessment;Wasteandbiomassvalorization; Resources, conservation & Recycling; International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation; Journal of Animal Science; Journal of energy institute; Journal of Environmental Science & Health; Energy Reports; Industrial Biotechnology; International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering; AIMS Bioengineering等。
共發表學術論文30篇 (*通訊作者,#共同第一作者),其中一區論文22篇,至今共被引用1678次,H-index 16(google scholar數據)。
- Keener,H.,Xu, F.*.Novel Mathematical Model for Predicting Performance of the Sequential Batch Anaerobic Digestion Process-Part I.Transactions of the ASABE, in press
- G Shang, C Zhang, F Wang, L Qiu, X Guo,F Xu* Liquid hot water pretreatment to enhance the anaerobic digestion of wheat straw—effects of temperature and retention time. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
- Wang, F.,Xu, F.*, Liu, Z.,Cui, Z.,Li, Y.Effects of outdoor dry bale storage conditions on corn stover and the subsequent biogas production from anaerobic digestion.Renewable Energy,
- Xu, F., Li, Y., Ge, X., Yang, L., Li, Y.* Anaerobic digestion of food waste–challenges and opportunities.Bioresource Technology,
- Xu, F., Wang F., Lin L., Li Y.* . Comparison of digestate from solid anaerobic digesters and dewatered effluent from liquid anaerobic digesters as inocula for solid state anaerobic digestion of yard trimmings.Bioresource Technology,
- Xu, F., Wang, Z.W., Li, Y. * Mathematical modeling of solid-state anaerobic digestion.Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,
- Xu, F., Wang, Z.W., Li, Y.* . Predicting the methane yield of lignocellulosic biomass in mesophilic solid-state anaerobic digestion based on feedstock characteristics and process parameters.Bioresource Technology,
- Shi,J.,Xu,F.,Wang,Z.,Stiverson,J.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.* .Effectofmicrobialandnon-microbialfeaturesofinoculumonbiogasproductionandmicrobialcommunitydynamicsduringsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.BioresourceTechnology,
- Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Tang,L.,Li,Y.* . A massdiffusion-based interpretation oftheeffect oftotalsolidscontentonsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcellulosicbiomass.BioresourceTechnology,
- Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.*.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolid-stateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.WasteManagement,
- Wang, Z.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.*.Effectsof totalammonianitrogenconcentration onsolidstateanaerobicdigestion ofcornstover.BioresourceTechnology,
- Xu,F.,Li,Y.* .Solid-stateco-digestion ofexpired dogfoodandcornstoverformethane production.BioresourceTechnology,
- Xu,F.,He,W.,Zheng,X.,Zhang,W.*,Cai,W.,Xiong,S.InhibitiononMicrocystisaeruginosabyArtemisialavandulaefoliaanditsthreeorganicsolventextracts.ActaEcologicaSinica,
- L Cao, J Wang, T Zhou, Z Li, S Xiang,F Xu, R Ruan, Y Liu, .Evaluation of ammonia recovery from swine wastewater via a innovative spraying technology.Bioresource technology
- Lin, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y., Anaerobic digestion and composting in the food-energy-water nexus: a comparative review of sustainable waste management practices. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
- Y Li, J Lu,F Xu, Y Li, D Li, G Wang, S Li, H Zhang, Y Wu, A Shah, G Li,. Reactor performance and economic evaluation of anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with corn stover and tomato residues under liquid, hemi-solid, and solid state conditions. Bioresource technology
- Y Li, Y Wang, Z Yu, J Lu, D Li, G Wang, Y Li, Y Wu, S Li,F Xu, G Li, X Gong, Effect of inoculum and substrate/inoculum ratio on the performance and methanogenic archaeal community structure in solid state anaerobic co-digestion of tomato residues with dairy manure and corn stover. Waste Management
- Li,Y.,Xu, F., Li., Y, Lu, J., Li, S., Shah, A., Zhang, X., Zhang, H., Gong X., Li, G.* .Reactor performance and energy analysis of solid state anaerobic co-digestion of dairy manure with corn stover and tomato residues.Waste Management,
- Wang, Z.W.,Xu, F., Manchala, K.R., Sun, Y., Li, Y.* . Fractal-like kinetics of the solid-state anaerobic digestion.Waste Management,
- Liu, S.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y.* Comparison between ensilage and fungal pretreatment for storage of giant reed and subsequent methane production.BioresourceTechnology,
- Liu, S.,Xu, F., Liew,L., Li, Y.*.Foodwasteaddition forenhancedgiantreedesilage andmethaneproduction.Transactions of the ASABE
- Liu, S., Ge, X.,Xu, F., Li, Y.* Effect of total solids content on giant reed ensilage and subsequent anaerobic digestion.Process Biochemistry
- Ge, X.,Xu, F., Li, Y.*. Solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass: Recent progress and perspectives.BioresourceTechnology,
- Ge, X.,Xu, F., Vasco-Correa, J., Li, Y.*. Giant reed: A competitive energy crop in comparison with miscanthus.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
- Yang, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X. Challenges and strategies for solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic biomass.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
- Hochman, G.*, Wang, S., Li, Q., Gottlieb, P.D.,Xu, F., Li, Y. . Cost of organic waste technologies: A case study for New Jersey.AIMS Energy,
- Lin,L.,Yang,L.,Xu,F.,Frederick,M.,Li,Y.*. Comparison ofsolid-stateanaerobic digestionandcompostingofyardtrimmingswitheffluentfromliquidanaerobicdigestion.BioresourceTechnology,
- Zhu,J.,Zheng,Y.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.* Solid-stateanaerobicco-digestionofhayandsoybean processingwastefor biogasproduction.BioresourceTechnology,
- Zheng,Y.,Zhao,J.,Xu,F.,Li,Y.*Pretreatmentoflignocellulosicbiomassforenhancedbiogasproduction.Progress inEnergyandCombustionScience,
- Zhang,W.*,Xu,F.,He,W.,Zheng,X.,Yang, C. Inhibitiveeffectsofthree compositaeplants onMicrocystis aeruginosa.Frontier ofEnvironmental Science &Engineeringin China,
- 李超,周瀛,劉剛金,徐芙清,寇巍,錢明宇(2016).基於滲濾液回流的乾式厭氧發酵研究進展。可再生能源
- Xu, F., Li, Y., Wicks, M., Li, Y., Keener, H. Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste for Biofuels Production. Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability, Elsevier.
- Xu, F.,Khalaf, A., Sheets, J., Ge, X., Keener, H., Li, Y. Phosphorus removal and recovery from anaerobic digestion residues. Advances in Bioenergy,Elsevier.
- Xu, F., Li, Y. .Biomass digestion. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies,Elsevier.
- Lin, L.,Xu, F., Ge, X., Li, Y.Biological treatment of organic materials for energy and nutrients production—Anaerobic digestion and composting.Advances in Bioenergy,Elsevier.
- HM Keener, F Xu.A novel mathematical model for the start-up phase of sequential batch anaerobic digester.2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting.
- Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Tang,L.,Li,Y. A massdiffusion-based interpretation oftheeffect oftotalsolidscontentonsolid-stateanaerobicdigestion ofcellulosicbiomass. ASABE Annual International Meeting,
- Xu, F., Cao, L., Wicks, M Keener, H. . Effect of liquid livestock manure storage conditions on total and water-extractable phosphorus. The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) 62nd annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.
- Xu, F.,Khalaf, A., Li, Y. . Removal of phosphorus from anaerobic digestion effluent using flue gas desulfurization gypsum.BioCycle Conference, Portland, OR,
- Xu, F., Jiang, Y., Li, Y. Comparison of anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste paper in solid and liquid media. ASABE AnnualInternationalMeeting. Orlando, FL,
- Xu, F., Li, Y., Wang, Z. Use of respirometer in the evaluation of the fractal kinetics of the solid-state anaerobic digestion of corn stover. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
- Xu, F., Li. Y. Emergy analysis of solid-state anaerobic digestion and liquid anaerobic digestion systems for bioenergy production and waste management. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
- Jiang Y.,Xu, F., Liew, L. N., Li. Y. . Solid-state anaerobic co-digestion of kitchen food waste and food packages. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
- Xu,F.,Wang,Z.W.,Li,Y. .Mathematicalmodelingofsolid-stateanaerobicdigestion formethaneproduction.Oralpresentationat:AmericanSocietyofAgriculturalandBiologicalEngineersAnnualInternationalMeeting.Montreal,QC, Canada,
- Xu,F.,Li,Y. .Solid-stateco-digestionofexpireddogfoodandcornstoverfor methaneproduction.Posterpresentationat:TheUniversityCleanEnergyAlliance ofOhio (UCEAO)6thAnnualConference.Columbus,OH,
- Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentsasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolidstateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.Oralpresentationat:AmericanSocietyofAgriculturaland BiologicalEngineersAnnualInternationalMeeting.Louisville,KY,
- Xu,F.,Shi,J.,Lv,W.,Yu,Z.,Li,Y.Comparisonofdifferentanaerobicdigestioneffluentsasinoculaandnitrogensourcesforsolidstateanaerobicdigestionofcornstover.Posterpresentationat:2011OARDCannualconference.Columbus,OH,Apr