- 中文名:徐寅峰
- 出生日期:1962年9月
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:東華大學旭日工商管理學院院長
1983.9-1986.9 機械部西安重型機械研究所 研究員;
1988.7-1989.11 西北紡織工學院教學研究所 教師
1993.11-1998.7 西安交通大學管理學院 副教授
1998.7-今 西安交通大學管理學院 教授/博導
2009.11-2010.7 西安交通大學管理學院 副院長
1. Zhang H, Xu Y, Qin L. The k-Canadian travelers problem with communication[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013, 26(2): 251-265. (SCI, WOS:000321062500003)
2.Zheng F, Cheng Y, Xu Y, et al. Competitive strategies for an online generalized assignment problem with a service consecution constraint[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 229(1): 59-66. (SSCI,SCI, WOS:000318462600007)
3.Yu H, Xu Y, Wu T. Online inventory replenishment scheduling of temporary orders[J]. Information Processing Letters, 2013, 113(5): 188-192. (SCI,WOS:000316037700008)
4.Zhang B, Dong Y, Xu Y. Maximum expert consensus models with linear cost function and aggregation operators[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2013, 66(1): 147-157. (SCI, WOS:00032408430001)
5.Ni G, Xu Y, Dong Y. Price and speed decisions in customer-intensive services with two classes of customers[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 228(2): 427-436. (SSCI,SCI, WOS:000317710700015)
6.Dong Y, Hong W C, Xu Y. Measuring consistency of linguistic preference relations: a 2-tuple linguistic approach[J]. Soft computing, 2013, 17(11): 2117-2130. (SCI, WOS:000325822900014)
7.Cheng Y, Du D Z, Xu Y. A zig-zag approach for competitive group testing[J]. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2014, 26(4): 677-689.(SCI,WOS: 000343127300003)
8.Cheng Y, Xu Y. An efficient FPRAS type group testing procedure to approximate the number of defectives[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014, 27(2): 302-314. (SCI, WOS:000330590400007)
9.Luo T, Xu Y. Semi-Online Scheduling on Two Machines with GoS Levels and Partial Information of Processing Time[J]. The Scientific World Journal, 2014. (SCI, WOS:000331893600001)
10.Zhang B, Dong Y, Xu Y. Multiple attribute consensus rules with minimum adjustments to support consensus reaching[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 67: 35-48. (SCI, WOS:000340221600004)
11.Zheng F, Xu Y, Ma W, et al. Online scheduling with immediate and reliable lead-time quotation[J]. Journal of Scheduling, 2014, 17(3): 225-236. (SCI, WOS:000335667800002)
12.Zheng F, Zhang E, Xu Y, et al. Competitive analysis for make-to-order scheduling with reliable lead time quotation[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014, 27(1): 182-198. (SCI, WOS:000330209400015)
13.Luo T, Xu Y, Luo L, et al. Semi-online scheduling with two GoS levels and unit processing time[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 2014, 521: 62-72. (SCI, WOS:000331433100006)
14.Ni G, Xu Y, Xu J, et al. Optimal decisions for fixed-price group-buying business originated in China: a game theoretic perspective[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 53: 2995-3005. (SCI,WOS:000350817500007)
15.Ni G, Luo L, Xu Y, et al. Optimal decisions on group buying option with a posted retail price and heterogeneous demand[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2014. (SCI, WOS:000349612100003)
16.Zhang H, Tong W, Xu Y, et al. The Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem with online edge blockages[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015,243(1):30-40. (SSCI,SCI, WOS:000349592500003)
17.Dong Y, Li C, Xu Y, Gu X. Consensus-based group decision making under multi-granular unbalanced 2-tuple linguistic preference relations[J]. Group Decision and Negotiation, In Press. (SCI,WOS:000349554800002)
18.Xu Y, Li H. Minimax regret 1-sink location problem in dynamic cycle networks[J]. Information Processing Letters, 2015, 115(2): 163-169. (SCI, WOS:000346225300019EI).
19.Xu Y, Zhang H. How much the grid network and rescuers’ communication can improve the rescue efficiency in worst-case analysis[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013: 1-15. (SCI待檢, EI:IP52871070)
20.Dong Y, Chen X, Li C, Hong W, Xu Y. Consistency issues of interval pairwise comparison matrices[J]. Soft Computing, 2014: 1-15. In Press. (SCI待檢,EI:IP53296966)
21.Feng X, Cheng Y, Zheng F, Xu Y. Online integrated production–distribution scheduling problems without preemption[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2015:1-10. In Press.(SCI待檢, EI:20150900575571 )
22.Li H, Xu Y, Ni G. Minimax regret vertex 2-sink location problem in dynamic path networks[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014: 1-16. In Press. (SCI待檢, EI:IP53018065)
23.Wen X, Xu Y, Zhang H. Online traveling salesman problem with deadlines and service flexibility[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013: 1-18. In Press.(SCI待檢, EI:IP52747301)
24.Su B, Jia N, Xu Y, et al. Study on Locating a Master Station of Gas Station[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 505: 894-897. (EI: 20140817358517)
25.Su B, Cheng C, Xu Y. Finding a Zoning Path Based on Anti-Block Ability in an Urban Traffic Network[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 505: 972-975. (EI: 20140817358533)
26.Su B, Xu Y, Zhu B. Baseline bounded half-plane Voronoi diagram[J]. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 2013, 5(3): 1350021-1-7.
27.Henan Liu, Xu Y. The Online Storage Strategy for Automated Storage and Retrieval System with Single Open in One Dimension[C]. Proceedings of FAW. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015: 190-198. (LNCS 9130)
28.Ni G, Xu Y, Dong Y. Minimax regret k-sink location problem in dynamic path networks[C]. Proceedings of FAW-AAIM. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014: 23-31. (EI:20142917940729)
29.Zhang H, Xu Y. The Optimal Rescue Path Set Problem in Undirected Graphs[C]. Proceedings of FAW-AAIM. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 118-129. (EI:20134116821831)
30.Xu Y, Qin L. Strategies of groups evacuation from a convex region in the plane[C]. Proceedings of FAW-AAIM. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 250-260. (EI:20134116821845)
31.Cheng S W, Higashikawa Y, Katoh N, Ni G, Su B and Xu Y. Minimax regret 1-sink location problems in dynamic path networks[C]. Proceedings of TAMC. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 121-132. (EI:20140617291442)
32.Luo T, Xu Y. Semi-online Hierarchical Load Balancing Problem with Bounded Processing Times. Proceedings of AAIM. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014: 231-240. (EI:20142917940720)
33.徐寅峰,余海燕,蘇兵,張惠麗. 基於時間和路徑偏好的交通流分配模型與誘導策略[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2012,10:2306-2314. (EI: 20125015787274)
34.溫新剛,徐寅峰,丁黎黎. 基於預知信息的占線Nomadic TSP問題[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐,2013,11:2845-2851. (EI: 20140217188032)
35.徐寅峰,張惠麗,余海燕,張文明. 基於方格路網的兩車應急救援路徑線上選擇[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐,2013,01:175-180. (EI: 20131016089846)
36.秦嵐,徐寅峰. 基於滿意度的預約門診排隊策略研究[J]. 運籌與管理,2013,02:135-142.
37.曹永峰,徐寅峰. 鋼鐵企業副產煤氣線上均衡分配及其競爭分析[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐,2013,06:1486-1491. (EI: 20133016534293)
38.馬軍平,徐寅峰,張惠麗. 緊急疏散中最優抗出錯路徑選擇模型與算法[J]. 運籌與管理, 2014, 23(6): 1-6.
39.倪冠群,徐寅峰,徐玖平. 航空收益管理價格和座位線上聯合控制策略[J]. 管理科學學報,2014,07:10-21.
40.吳騰宇,徐寅峰,溫新剛,預知信息和有限運載能力下應急車輛路徑選擇問題 [J].系統工程理論與實踐,2015,35(5):1224-1229.
41.姬浩,徐寅峰,馬軍平,蘇兵. 基於城市高架橋入口處搶道行為的交通流模型[J].系統工程學報.2015,30(1):115-126.
42.馬軍平,徐寅峰,溫新剛,張惠麗. 帶有預知信息的線上Homing ATSP問題[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐, 2015, 35(02): 381-387. (EI: 20151600746648)
43.馬軍平,徐寅峰,姬浩,蘇兵. 考慮黃燈駕駛行為的城市交叉口微觀仿真[J]. 系統工程學報, 2015, 30(3): 394-405.
44.馮鑫,鄭斐峰,徐寅峰. 批加工生產配送二級供應鏈協同調度探討[J]. 系統管理學報. 2015, 24(2): 275-279.
1. 2009.1-2012.12 大規模網路化系統的最佳化、安全與信息服務(61221063),創新研究群體科學基金 結題 主要成員;
2. 2013.01-2015.12 大規模網路化系統的最佳化、安全與信息服務(61221063),創新研究群體科學基金 進行中 主要參與人;
3. 2012.01-2014.12 物流運輸過程中的突發事件的演化機理與應對策略研究(IRT1173) 結題 長江學者和創新團隊發展計畫 負責人;
4. 2010.01-2012.12 大規模網路化系統的最佳化、安全與信息服務(60921003),國家自然科學基金項目(創新研究群體科學基金) 結題 主要參與人;
5. 2011.01-2013.12 應急管理中群體緊急疏散策略研究(71071123),國家自然科學基金 結題 負責人;
6. 2008.01-2011.12 網路化水資源與水火電系統的動態最佳化調度,國家自然科學基金重點項目(60736027) 結題 主要參加人